Top Strong Cultivator as a Teacher Chapter 421: There is adultery

The waterfall is here.

   This Daixian Waterfall is not as what many people think of it. It is booming. It is like a ribbon, light and fluttering. It falls from a cliff several hundred meters above and then falls to the pool below. in.

   The pool is not big or small, and the water is very clear.

   The summer is scorching.

   Just looking at the clear water here makes people feel cool.


   Huang Lingling seems to have seen this kind of waterfall for the first time, she rushed to the edge of the pool in surprise, stepped on a stone, looked at the waterfall a few meters away, opened her mouth, and didn’t know what to say.

   Guo Furong smiled and walked to the side of a big rock and sat down, then took out some food from his bag and placed it on the rock.

   “It’s so beautiful!”

  Wu Yaoqin looked at the waterfall with emotion.

  ” I checked on the Internet. This Daixian Waterfall is still a bit well-known in FJ, but the popularity is very limited, so there are not many tourists here. You can see the original scenery, maybe again In a few years, this will not be what you see now!” Zhao Gangyu smiled and walked to Guo Furong’s side, picked up a bottle of water, took a sip, and handed it to Wu Yaoqin next to him.

   Wu Yaoqin smiled and took it, and even took a sip from the bottle.

   Guo Furong saw this scene, his eyes rolled a little, and he didn’t say anything.

   Huang Lingling is like a happy magpie, jumping around on the rocks on the edge of the pool, and then a little bit closer to the bottom of the waterfall.

At the bottom of    waterfall is a white mist of water. Under the sunlight, a rainbow can be seen faintly.

  ”Furong, Gangrong, Sister Wu, come here, it’s so cool here!”

   Huang Lingling happily waved to Zhao Gangyu and the others, but forgot that she was just standing on a rock by the pool.

   As a result, with this beckoning, Huang Lingling slipped on her feet when the stone moved, and fell into the pool with a thud.


   Huang Lingling screamed, fluttered a few times in the pool, and then stood up and stood up directly from the pool.

   The periphery of this pool is just over half a meter deep.

   It’s just such a tossing, and the clothes on Huang Lingling’s body are basically all wet.

   Guo Furong held an egg yolk pie in one hand, and a bottle of water in the other, walking to Huang Lingling’s side with a smile, and said, “Haha, let you toss it in. Did you go in the water? Didn’t you bring your clothes? Huh? Are you stupid?”


   Huang Lingling glared at Guo Furong, suddenly plunged her hands into the water, and then scooped hard.


  A piece of water was splashed on Guo Furong.

  Rao is Guo Furong with a strong skill, and she couldn’t dodge for a while and was splashed wet.


   Guo Furong yelled, “You dare to hurt me!”

   “Hahaha, who made you laugh at me?”

   Huang Lingling smiled triumphantly, “Laugh at me, I will let you be like me.”


   Guo Furong yelled, and suddenly he jumped up and plunged into the water, then grabbed Huang Lingling and pressed it into the water.

   Huang Lingling, of course, can’t be caught without a fight. She fell in the water with Guo Furong, and it was so fun.

   And the thin clothes on the two of them became very transparent because they were soaked.

   The crystal white flesh on the **** of the two of them, reflecting the brilliance of the sun, gleaming with moving light, making Zhao Gangyu on the side almost staring.

   “Look at the fart, go away, don’t take advantage of us with your eyes!”

   Guo Furong saw that Zhao Gangyu looked like a pig brother, scooped up water in one hand, and poured it on Zhao Gangyu while talking.

  Zhao Gangyu hid away and said, “Sister Furong, if I get wet, then I have to go down and get wet with you two.”

   “Steel, why are you talking more and more evil now!”

   Huang Lingling put her hands on her chest, and said, “Go to the side and wait until we have enough fun and the clothes are dry before coming over.”

  Zhao Gangyu smiled, and did not intend to continue to molest others with his eyes, but walked aside with a bag of snacks.

  Wu Yaoqin followed Zhao Gangrong.

   The two of them walked around the water hole deeper.

   “Sister Wu, what are your plans next?”

  Zhao Gangyu asked suddenly.


   Wu Yaoqin tilted his head, with a thoughtful look on his face.

  Although Wu Yaoqin is close to forty, this expression still makes people feel cute. All that Zhao Gangjun saw was a little lost in an instant.

  ”Make a lot of money with our company.”

  Wu Yaoqin thought about it for a while and said, “The company is getting better now, and I also think I can have the opportunity to live a rich life.”

  Zhao Gangyu smiled, just about to say something.

   At this time, there was a sudden sound of footsteps in the small wood not far away.

  Zhao Gangyu was a little surprised, someone came here to play at this time?

   Originally, Zhao Gangyu didn’t take this matter to his heart. This mountain is not Zhao Gangyu’s. If he can come, others can’t.

   However, when he heard the voice of a man and a woman coming from the footsteps, Zhao Gangyu decided to take this matter to his heart, and at the same time, he should also take it seriously!

  Zhao Gangjun signaled Wu Yaoqin to stand, then took Wu Yaoqin’s hand, lowered his footsteps, and went to the man and woman who were talking.

   The place where the two people are located is a jungle far denser than the surroundings.

   Zhao Gangjun came out of the jungle, and his voice became more obvious.

   “Xiangxiang, you don’t know how much I miss you!”

  A man don’t know how much I miss you. “

   said a woman.

   The woman’s voice is exactly the same as Xiangxiang’s voice that Zhao Gangyu heard before.

   “Give me a touch!”

   The man’s voice seemed very anxious.

   Then there were some rustling noises, followed by a woman’s faint wheezing, “Keep it down, don’t catch the prints. If you let the patriarch see it, it’s over. He sleeps at night. I have to catch the two of me who are sleeping.”

   “Damn, it’s cheaper that old man.”

   The man in the forest said this sentence and said nothing, and then there was a sound like a baby sucking something.

  ”Take it lightly, don’t worry, I can come out for an hour, he’ll have a nap and I’ll be next to him, take care of him, and he’ll play cards at home from 6:30 to 8:30. I can come out then, at half past six, I will wait for you in the same place.”

   “Well, well, let’s hurry up. Every time I see your body, I can’t control it.”

   The man seems to be more anxious.


   Hearing the voices of two people in the forest, Zhao Gangrong’s eyes lit up.



   Are the names of these two people so familiar? Isn’t Xiangxiang the little wife of the head of the Li family? And preservation, isn’t it the village chief? How did these two get together?

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