Top Strong Cultivator as a Teacher Chapter 247: Black pursuit!

(Long Ge mighty, Long Ge domineering, young and frivolous bunker~ Add more updates soon, one after another! Thirty-nine thousand votes, 13 more~! I open a new update, everyone is waiting.)

   “Actually I am not in the same group with those people.”

  Han Tiantian did not sit sideways like a normal girl in a battery car. She opened her legs long and stepped on the front pedal of the battery car, but her hands were caught on Zhao Gangyu’s clothes.

   “I can see it.”

   Zhao Gangyu smiled.

  ”On the SH side, I have occasional contact with those people, but there are some of those people that I am disgusting, such as Sun Meili!”

   Han Tiantian said, “That person just found a rich godfather, who specializes in being a junior. In fact, her godfather, just like that, has hundreds of millions of assets, but it will be given in a month. Sun Meili’s living expenses of tens of thousands of dollars, Sun Meili always likes to show up in front of us, what LV bags, what Prada bags, I don’t care about that person, but my dad told me that my friends want Make more friends, so she and I are not indifferent to being friends. This time they came to FJ to play, and I happened to be at FJ, so I made an appointment and went out to play together. The Butterfly Club is newly opened, so I thought about it. Let’s take a look, I didn’t expect you to be the big brother inside!”

   “I am not the big brother.”

  Zhao Gangyu said, “I’m only working part-time. Watching the scene and working as a security guard.”

   “Cut, a security guard manager will see you as if his grandson meets his grandfather?” Han Tiantian curled her lips and said, “I’m not stupid.”

   “That’s true. People say that you have a big chest and no brain. You have no chest, so your brain must be good.”

   “That’s…Oh, you scold me!” Han Tiantian originally heard Zhao Gangyu say that she had a good brain, and was very proud, but the words behind Zhao Gangyu made Han Tiantian’s face dark suddenly.

   “If you scold me again, I won’t be nice to you.”

   “We have never been better.”

   Zhao Gangyu continued to tease.

  ”You, you, you, I know you guys like big breasts, but, but small **** are good, I am a flat breasted and I am proud, I save fabrics for the country, I can’t see it without wearing underwear. Well, how much resources have to be saved, right? Besides, people just haven’t developed, and it’s not like this for a lifetime.” Han Tiantian defended.

   “You haven’t reached the A cup in the third year of high school, then your growth is slow enough.” Zhao Gangyu poked Han Tiantian’s heart again, and Han Tiantian decisively curled his mouth and stopped talking.

   just then.

   Behind Zhao Gangyu’s battery car, a speed of light struck up.

  Han Tiantian turned his head and looked at a black car not far behind him, frowning and said, “I’m the most annoyed of driving far away lights. Once the lights are turned on, I can’t see anything.” /

  Zhao Gangyu looked at the rearview mirror. The black car, as if accelerating, slowly followed Zhao Gangyu’s battery car.

   Zhao Gangyu’s brow furrowed slightly.

   An uneasy feeling came from my heart.

   just then.


   Suddenly the engine sounded violently from the car behind, and the speed of the car suddenly increased, and then it ran into Zhao Gangyu’s small battery car.

   Zhao Gangyu turned the handlebar, and the battery car rushed to the side. The black car smashed out of the battery car.

   Zhao Gangjun didn’t increase the throttle, but turned around and rode on the original road.

   The black car that rushed out made a 180-degree drift and turned, the front of the car turned to Zhao Gangrong’s side again, and the sound of the motor rang again.

   “What’s the matter!”

   Han Tiantian was shocked.

   “Hold me tight!”

   Zhao Gangyu yelled, twisted the handlebar, and rushed into a side alley.

   This alley was about the width of a car. Zhao Gangyu pushed the throttle to the end and rushed out towards another exit of the alley at a speed of 40 kilometers per hour.

   The black car turned its head and rushed into the alley.

   The two rear mirrors directly hit the wall and were knocked out. The body was tightly attached to the walls on both sides, rubbing the flames of the road.

   Although the friction on both sides caused the black car to slow down a lot, it was still faster than Zhao Gangrong’s battery car.

   was only a few seconds later, and Zhao Gangrong’s battery car was about to be overtaken.

   Zhao Gangjun gritted his teeth and saw an intersection appeared in front of him. Zhao Gangjun stomped his foot on the ground, and then twisted the handlebar with his foot as an axis.


   The rear wheel drew a black brake line on the ground, and the whole battery car drifted and turned 90 degrees. Then, Zhao Gangyu rushed into another trail,

   It was obvious that the car behind    was impossible to turn through the ninety-degree turn, but the driver actually smashed the corner into a big chunk, and then forcibly turned into the turn.

   One side of the whole car was completely deformed, and the tires were even flat.

   But the car is still chasing after it.


   Han Tiantian hugged Zhao Gangrong’s waist tightly, looked at the car that was fast approaching, and cried out loudly.

   At this moment, a wall appeared in front of Zhao Gangyu.

   A concrete wall, about three meters high, with a lot of moss growing on the concrete wall!

  ”My grass!”:

  Zhao Gangyu quickly released the accelerator and pressed the brake, his feet also stepped on the ground.

   The car stopped in an instant, and at this time, the black car was only about ten meters away from Zhao Gangrong. This ten-meter distance can be rushed through in one second.

  Zhao Gangyu did not speak, but instead clamped Han Tiantian’s body with both hands, and violently threw Han Tiantian against the wall.

  Han Tiantian felt that she was flying up, and then she saw that she had crossed the wall. With a snap, Han Tiantian landed on the wall.

   is just then.


   there was a muffled noise.

   The car ran into the concrete wall without any slowing The concrete wall shook violently, and even the body of Han Tiantian who was lying on it shook violently.


   Han Tiantian yelled and looked down quickly.

   I saw that the front of the black car had been recessed a lot, and the sunroof of the car had been opened, and a man with long hair was standing on top of the car.

  ”Steel 镚!!”

   Han Tiantian yelled, but her eyes were already full of tears. In her opinion, Zhao Gangyu threw herself up, and she had no chance to escape. She must have been hit by the car head-on. How could there be a reason for being alive when a car hit so fast head-on.

   “So not challenging!”

   The long-haired man sighed helplessly, and said, “I thought I could play for a while, but I didn’t expect it to be so simple, it would be killed.”

  ”Steel 镚!!”

  Han Tiantian couldn’t control the tears flowing down, she put her hands on the concrete wall, shaking her body and looking down.

   “There is one more.”

   The long-haired man raised his head, looked at Han Tiantian above, and said, “I can only blame you for your bad luck. I will send you down to accompany her immediately.”

  As soon as he finished speaking, the face of the long-haired man changed. Then, the long-haired man jumped back without hesitation.


   There was a loud noise.

   A figure knelt on the roof of the car on one knee, with a fist hit directly through the roof.

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