Top Strong Cultivator as a Teacher Chapter 213: Keep some hands behind

“Lengbing, is this box yours?” Liang Zi put the box in front of Lengbing.

   “It’s mine.”

   asked coldly in surprise, “Where did you get it from.”

  ”It’s three kilometers away from here. Good luck. I saw this thing stuck on a mound and I brought it back.”

   “Three kilometers?!”

   looked coldly at the endless desert in front of me.

   20 minutes to run three kilometers away, come back again! This speed is not so fast!

   Since entering Fangs to the present, Leng Bing actually has no intuitive sense of how powerful Zhao Gangyu and the gang are. Anyway, they feel that they should be like the masters on TV.

   Now, Liangzi can travel six kilometers in the desert in 20 minutes, which really shocked the cold.

   opened the box, everything in the alley was safe and sound.

   “There are these things, enough to support us to go back.”

  Zhao Gangyu looked at the cold box. There were not only medicines in the alley, but also food and water.

  ”Good character!”

   Liangzi said with a smile, “I thought I had to go hungry again, haha.”


   gave Liangzi a cold look.

   “We were in school back then, but we didn’t suffer from starvation. If we didn’t eat for three to five days, it was a common meal.” Liangzi sat on the ground and said, “It was a bitter then.”

   “What school are you from?” asked coldly.

   “Hunter School.”

   Liangzi said without shy.

   “Hunter School!”

   frowned coldly, and then said, “I finally understand why you guys are so good.”

   The night is getting darker.

  Because there are mounds to block the wind and there is also a bonfire for heating, a few people are comfortable.

   just when everyone is drowsy.

   Several shadows suddenly appeared not far away.

  Zhao Gangju stood up, squinted and looked over there.

   is impressively Miya Rada and Maya!

   Each of them is holding a camel in their hands!

   Both of them are safe and sound!

  Zhao Gangjun glanced coldly, and then at Zhao Gangjun coldly.

   Soon, Gong Liangtian and Maya appeared in front of Zhao Gangrong and others.

   “Scared me to death, scared me to death!”

   Gong Liang Tian was covered with sand and dust, “How come such a big sandstorm suddenly appeared, if it weren’t for a mound next to us, I guess we would never see each other again in this life.”

   “We are also lucky.”

  Zhao Gangyu said, “I just woke up when the sandstorm came, otherwise…Hey! Mr. Gong, our camel was also blown away.”

   “This is a problem.”

   Gong Liang Tian frowned, and said, “If we go back to the Roland site for supplies tomorrow, we may be robbed by Li Fugui. By the way, how about your supplies?”

  ”Not optimistic, at most one and a half days.” Zhao Gangyu said.

  ”A day and a half? That’s enough. I have enough supplies here. The camel is responsible for transporting things. If anyone can’t do it, get on the camel and rest. Let’s take turns. Although we are walking, we will be able to arrive at the latest three days. Roland site!” Gong Liangtian said, looking at Zhao Gangjun, and said, “What do you think?”

  ”This is very dangerous.” Zhao Gangyu said hesitantly, “Because if the time is not there, we will have no supplies, only a dead end.”

   “I will give you double compensation.”

   Gong Ryoda said, “My people will set off to meet us at the ruins in two days. As long as we can last these two or three days, there will be no problem!”

   “Your people?”

  Zhao Gangyu asked, “Your people will also go to the Roland site?”

  ”This can be regarded as my back hand. If we get the dream crystal, it should not be easy to get out of the Roland site. We will naturally need help at that time. At that time, the things have been taken by us. I’m not afraid that others will know the Roland site! And now I don’t arrange too many people to follow, just because the news will leak.” Gong Liangtian said.

   “Three times.”

  Zhao Gangyu put up three fingers and said, “Give us three times the reward, and we will continue to move forward.”


   Gong Ryoda nodded and said, “After completing the task, I will definitely give you three times the reward!”

  ”Then we can only fight our lives.”

   Zhao Gangyu smiled and looked at Guo Furong and others.

  The people around all smiled in unison.

   There are things hidden in those smiles that Miya Rada can’t see.

   Gongliangtian has two spare tents, one is for his driver, and the other is for three girls.

   Zhao Gangyu and Liang Zi are responsible for the night watch.

   “Miyaryada definitely has a problem.” Liangzi glanced at Miyaryada’s tent and whispered, “And the problem is not small.”

   “But the Roland site is real.”

  Zhao Gangyu said with a smile, “Originally, if he was okay, then we had a big deal to get paid, and then see if we can get some gold and silver treasures, but now that he has problems, we can get more. A little bit. Or we can hold the dream crystal in our own hands, what do you think?”

   “I just listen to you.”

   Liangzi nodded and said, “Lengbing had to hide her supplies back later. You just told Gong Liangtian that the supplies we have are not included in the freezer.”

   “Of course.”

  Zhao Gangyu lay on the sand, looked at the sky, and said, “There are always more hands left. The desert is unpredictable, and the people around you are not very reassuring. We don’t keep a few hands, and it is easy to suffer.”

   No words for a night.

   Early the next morning, Zhao Gangyu and his party started out.

   Gong Liangtian is the owner, so he rides a camel while others walk.

   Leng Bing is the weakest among these So, when I walked into the afternoon, Leng Bing’s speed was a bit unable to keep up with everyone.

  ”You can ride a camel.”

  Zhao Gangyu said, “Otherwise, if you are like this, tomorrow at the latest, your feet will not be yours.”

   “I can do it.”

   his face was cold and expressionless, although his face was sweaty, but his face was firm.

  ”Walking and killing is very harmful to your feet.” Zhao Gangyu said, “If you don’t want your future man to be absent because of your scarred feet, you should go to a camel.”

   looked at Zhao Gangyu coldly and said, “Do you mind if there are scars on my feet?”

  Zhao Gangyu was taken aback, then lowered his head shyly and said, “I don’t mind.”

   “Then it seems that you don’t have the idea of ​​becoming my man.”

   finished speaking coldly and continued on.

   Zhao Gangyu touched his nose awkwardly. Is this a molestation?

   “This girl is amazing.”

   Liangzi approached Zhao Gangyu and whispered, “Brother Gangyu, you may not be able to eat her.”

  ”Joke, who am I!” Zhao Gangyu said proudly, “there is no woman I can’t live with!”

   “Steel, rub my shoulders!” Guo Furong’s figure came from the side.


   Zhao Gangrong ran to Guo Furong.


  Looking at Zhao Gangyu’s movements, Liang Zi nodded seriously.

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