Top Strong Cultivator as a Teacher Chapter 13: Strong as a mountain!

“My dear, you came to find someone!!”

   Renhuang saw Zhao Gangyu, and immediately rushed over.

   Zhao Gangyu smiled and dodged, and kicked the Emperor away by the way, then looked at the mountain and asked, “Why are you here?”

   “It’s good here.”

   Da Shan touched his head and smiled honestly.

   Is this good?

  Zhao Gangyu was taken aback, and then he understood what Dashan meant.

   “Since you can stay here safe and sound, the ghost knife should have been killed by you?” Zhao Gangyu asked.


   Xuanyuan picked up the close-fitting sword of the Ghost Sword and said, “A lot of effort is wasted!”

   “Haha, good.”

  Zhao Gangyu nodded, “Even the ghost knife can be killed. I think you should all make some progress more or less. What are your plans for the next? Do you continue to test here or go out?”

   “Dashan just said that it is not time.” Xuanyuan looked at Dashan.

   “Go out.”

   Dashanyan said concisely.

   “That line.”

  Zhao Gangyu said, “Since Dashan said you can go out, you don’t need to stay here anymore. Now it’s getting bright, you all go out with me.”


   “Yeah, I can finally leave this perverted place where birds do not shit!”

   The emperor threw himself excitedly at Zhao Gangjun again, and was kicked out by Zhao Gangjun again.

   A group of people walked out of the building and walked towards the exit of the trial place.

   just when Zhao Gangyu and others were heading to the exit.

  The people in the deepest part of the trial ground received another order from somewhere.

   Of course, if it’s an order, it doesn’t count, at most it’s a transaction.

   Someone asked them to take action together, leaving Zhao Gangrong in the trial place.

   Of course, some of them are not working in vain. As long as they can keep Zhao Gangyu in the trial place, they will get many benefits, and these benefits are quite amazing for these people.

   So, after a simple negotiation, the other three people in the four areas, except for the ghost knife, gathered quietly.

   “There is a tail.”

   Xuanyuan said to Zhao Gangjun as he walked.


  Zhao Gangjun nodded, and after he left the area where the ghost knife belongs, people followed them from far or near. The number of these people increased with time. When Zhao Gangjun was about to reach the exit, he followed The number of people, Zhao Gangrong, is estimated to be close to at least twenty.

   is about three hundred meters from the exit.

   There are several abandoned residential buildings here.

   can be seen, this should be regarded as a community decades ago.

   It’s just that people go to the building at this time, and there are weeds everywhere, which looks very gloomy.

   The belly turned white.

   It was already four o’clock in the morning, the sun was about to rise, and a new day was coming.

  Zhao Gangyu, Dashan and others, suddenly stopped.

  Because there is a group of people standing in front of them.

   This group of people is not big, only about ten people, but these ten people feel like ten big mountains.

   There are a few of them, they are the coaches that Zhao Gangyu has met before, and there are two others. Zhao Gangyu can be regarded as acquaintances, one is Mu Yangchun, one is Li Shenyang, and there is a lame and several other coaches with badges. , Zhao Gangjun has never seen it.

   Among these ten people, the weakest is actually SS-level combat power!

   such a strong lineup is almost as effective as the last time the hunter school hunter school off the coast of Japan was in the fight.

   Even the top combat power last time, compared to these few people this time, is still a bit worse.

   In addition to these ten people, around Zhao Gangrong, about twenty people slowly appeared.

   The aura of these people is weak and strong. Of course, the weakness here is aimed at the top ten of Zhao Gangrong. Even the weakest one in it is estimated to have a B-level combat effectiveness.

   Putting these people together, even Z-level masters would not dare to confront them head-on.

   At the moment, the hostility of these people is very obvious.

   “I didn’t expect to meet again soon after we met!”

   Li Shenyang smiled and said to Zhao Gangyu, “Since we finally meet again, Zhao Gangyu, I invite you to my place for a cup of tea, how about?”

   “You don’t have to drink tea.”

  Zhao Gangyu smiled and shook his head, and said, “Anyway, the exit of this trial place is coming, and it’s about to dawn. It’s better for me to be the host. Let’s go out and drink soy milk and eat fried dough sticks. You can start a day of life energetic!”

  ”Zhao Gangyu, you slaughtered my trial place for no reason…”

   Instructor A3 just wanted to speak, but Zhao Gangyu raised his finger and made a silent motion.

   “Don’t say it is all those words.”

  Zhao Gangjun said, “Since you are an instructor, you have to have your own style whether you speak or do things. You are like those police officers on TV. You can only raise your hands from start to finish. You have been surrounded. , How uncreative!”

   “The oil mouth is smooth.”

   The middle-aged man with a lame leg snorted coldly, and said, “Zhao Gangjun, today is your death date, you choose a way to die, because you are the head of the Zhao family, your last wish, we It can still be done.”

  ”How about it?” Zhao Gangyu asked.

   “No more nonsense.”

   Instructor No. A3 said, “Zhao Gangyu handed over to us a few instructors, and the rest to you! Be sure not to let any of them go!”

   After finishing, the A3 instructor rushed out first, and several other instructors also rushed out with the A3 instructor. They used the same formation they used to deal with Zhao Gangyu last time!


   Da Shan smiled honestly and took a step forward.

   “I look good, let’s see how Dashan fought.” Zhao Gangyu said.


   Xuanyuan and others quickly cheered up.

   There are five instructors rushing over. The A3 instructor rushes first. Because he has the strongest strength and already has SSS-level combat effectiveness, he is generally used in this formation. It is an arrow, so that you can entangle your opponent for the first time and let the remaining people play the power of the formation!

   The A3 instructor saw that Zhao Gangjun was not the first one to come out, and couldn’t help but sneer. In his opinion, among these people in front of him, Zhao Gangjun was a little threatening. The others, no matter how good they are, how good can they be?

  SSS level?

   joke, SSS-level masters are not   Chinese cabbage on the street, where are so many SSS-level masters?

   In the blink of an eye, the instructor A3 has already rushed to the front of the mountain, he yelled, and made a crash.

  This hand is as fast as lightning, and the momentum is like rushing thunder. With this punch, all the momentum of the whole person rushes to the mountain.

   If Da Shan is just an ordinary person, I am afraid that the momentum of this punch can directly scare Da Shan to pee.

   It’s a pity that Da Shan is not only an ordinary person, but also a pervert who is even more perverted than Zhao Gangrong.

   Under the sonic boom produced by the fist of the instructor A3.

  Da Shan shot.

  His movements are simple and clear.

   is the most basic Bajiquan.

   is not as fancy as Wing Chun and other boxing techniques.

  He is just an unpretentious punch.

   The speed of this punch seems to be very slow, but the punch is quite steady.

   Just as the two fists were about to collide, the fist of Dashan suddenly accelerated!

   The acceleration distance and time are very short!

   Before 0.01 seconds, if the speed of Dashan’s fist was 1, then after 0.01 seconds, the speed of the fist suddenly became 10, or even 100!

   The change of fist speed directly brings about a change in energy!

   Dashan’s fist collided with the fist of Instructor A3.


   Instructor A3 screamed and flew out, but at this time, the other instructors had already surrounded the mountain!

   Dashan has a silly expression on his face as always, as if he did not see that he has been surrounded by four SS-level masters!

   These four did not care about the life and death of instructor A3!

   In fact, as early as when instructor A3 flew out, they had already focused their attention on the mountain.

   They had a slight contempt for the mountain, but this contempt was only a momentary effort, and it was replaced by attention.

  The reason why masters are masters is that they can quickly adjust their state according to changes in the situation.

   The aura of four people suddenly broke out! Soaring!

   Their attacks appeared almost at the same time, and the target of their attacks was Da Shan alone!

   Even if Da Shan became two people at this time, he would have two hands and two feet at most!

   so many people attack at the same time, how can he avoid it?

  Everyone looked at the mountain.

   It seems that in the next second, the mountain will be destroyed by a martial arts attack!

   just then.

   Da Shan suddenly pressed his hands together!

   Just when everyone’s attack was about to reach Dashan’s body, Dashan’s hands were folded together!


  The sound like an between Dashan’s hands!

  ” Compress the inner qi to the palm of your hand to achieve the effect of sonic boom. Don’t learn this attack method. Without steel and iron bones and rich inner qi, this palm will directly give your palm Broken!” Zhao Gangyu said in a low voice.

   Xuanyuan and the others nodded solemnly. They had never heard of this attack method before!

  The sound waves produced by the explosions directly rolled up the dust on the ground, and a layer of wave-like objects can be clearly seen, centered on the mountain, spreading out to the side.

   The four instructors’ attack, because of the sudden sonic boom, paused!

   In fact, it is not that they want to pause, but the powerful sonic boom has entered their ears, almost piercing their eardrums!

   The four of them who are the closest to the mountain have felt the power of this sonic boom the most!

   The heads of four people are like being put on a big bell, and then struck the bell with a stick.

  The one with the weakest strength didn’t go down in one breath, and he spits out blood!

  The palms of the mountain are red!

   This is a very domineering and unreasonable tactic in Bajiquan. The highly compressed internal energy explodes in the hand, like a bomb.

   That’s why Zhao Gangyu said that to use this move, steel bars are needed!

   Dashan’s hand seems to be just red, he smirked, and when the four people were frightened by his own sonic boom, he suddenly shot and attacked the person who had vomited blood!

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