Thriller Paradise Chapter 8:

“On January 10, if I hadn’t seen it with my own eyes, I would never believe what this kid did. The spoon just floated up like that and was twisted into another shape at will by him…

   On January 13, he said that he felt that someone was watching him, many, many people, and he said he was scared…

   On January 16, he didn’t seem to be afraid anymore, sometimes smiling, but becoming taciturn…

   On January 17, all test results were normal. None of the six of us could explain what happened to this child…

   On January 19th, he began to paint. Although his parents said that he had never shown any painting skills in the past, he was able to draw very realistic sketches…

   On January 22nd, he kept asking for paper and pencils, and worked endlessly to paint. He only painted human faces, and the human faces in the portrait became more and more weird and terrible from the usual appearance from the beginning… …

   On January 25, a blood-painted face appeared on the wall. We found the corpse of a sparrow on the floor of his ward. His hands were very clean, which made me uneasy. I remembered the spoon. …

   On January 26, all the windows in that corridor disappeared, leaving an airtight wall. The surveillance video from the previous night only captured a blurry image, and I don’t know who I should ask for. help? The police? They would think I was crazy and lock me up…

   On January 30th, Richard disappeared. The other five of us became very upset. More blood appeared on the wall. This time we didn’t even find…I don’t know…His body ?

   On January 31st, I have to leave here… I should request a vacation until the child dies due to illness… No… it’s better to resign!

   On February 1, I don’t think I can escape. There is no way to go out in this building… If anyone sees this notebook, please remember me, he is afraid [here is smear】! Kill him if you have the opportunity! Do not hesitate! Otherwise it will be you who die! “


   Feng Bujue and Wang Tanyi passed the corner together. The corridor in front of them was still very open and bright, but this time there were no doors. There were white walls on both sides. A few dozen meters further ahead, there was another T-shaped intersection.

   The two moved forward cautiously. Feng Bujue refined the contents of the notebook and retelled it a bit. He tried to make it less scary, but he still made Xiao Tan’s classmate pale with fright and got goose bumps.

  ”We are not dealing with ghosts, but super-powered children who have been mentally contaminated after being seriously ill.” Feng Bujue concluded: “At least this script is set in this way.”

   “How can it help if you know this…” Wang sighed that he was still under a lot of pressure.

  ”First of all, psychologically, if you know that the other person is a person, I think your level of fear will be slightly reduced.” Feng Bujue replied: “Secondly, the actual meaning is that we know that he is an entity. Yes, you can go directly to K him.”

  ”Hey…do you think the person who writes the notebook, and the other victims in this script…have you never tried it?” Wang Tan looked terrified: “There are more than two of them, right?”

   “Will they explode the magic fist?” Feng Bujue asked.

   “Brother Jue, I have a question… If we didn’t find this skill, or our fighting specialties weren’t activated, or we didn’t solve puzzles at all, what would happen?”

   “Then after we meet him, we will face a choice.” Feng Bujue said, “Whether to fight with him or to run away.” He thought for a few seconds: “If we haven’t solved the mystery, we have to base it. The decision is based on the specific circumstances after contact, such as the loss of survival after injury. In fear and death threats, the difficulty is higher.

   But after understanding the script, I can basically be sure without touching it at this moment… In terms of our fighting ability, we can only escape, and we must die. So I think… There should be one way to clear the script of this script is to escape the clearance. “

   “Then we are at the same level of danger as we haven’t solved the mystery!” Wang sighed.

   “No, there is a difference. At least in the second room, you have acquired a skill.” Feng Bujue said: “In the third room, we also learned of his weaknesses, so at this moment, whether you choose to kill He still escaped and cleared the customs, and his success rate has been considerably improved.”

  ”My 20% skills will not be discussed yet. Didn’t you say that the line about his weakness is covered by a piece of blood?”

  ”The system arranges a very simple reasoning here, combined with the context of the notes, and analyzes a series of behaviors of the child… Excluding those unimportant decorations or confusing parts, the content of this handwriting is basically It’s as clear as the monster file.” When Feng Bujue said this, they passed another corner, and a wide lobby appeared in front of them. The ceiling height was raised, the lighting was still good, but the surrounding walls were still full of walls.

  ” On January 10th, the mind shifts; January 16th, the personality changes; January 19th, the abnormal instinct begins to awaken; January 25th, the mind can be used to affect living things; January 30th, it can be dealt with Large living creatures, namely humans; on February 1, super god-like killings.” Feng Bujue calmly analyzed: “And the reminder about his weaknesses, in the period of January 26, and our current The situation I have seen so far.” He paused: “He is afraid of the sun.”

  ”But it’s very…” Before Wang Tanzhi said the word “liang”, Feng Bujue interrupted him.

  ”It’s the sun, not the light.” Feng Bujue explained: “When I entered the first room like a ward, I felt it was against the peace. Aside from the **** environment, the ward and its corresponding corridor were actually There are no windows, which is not in line with the most basic architectural common sense. At the time I suspected that the building was underground. Then I found that the second and third rooms also had no windows. Why?” Feng Bujue paused: “I can understand the weird scenes in these rooms. After all, this one in the script… is probably a hospital. Obviously, space distortion has occurred. We may see any scenes after opening the door. But after reading the notes, I understand, this is a hint.”

   He stretched out his finger to the light on his finger: “In fact, these lights are also reminders. He is afraid of the sun, but why does he need lights? There are two possibilities. The first is that he also needs light to move in the dark. In the middle, he can’t see things like us; in the second, he is afraid of the sun and the darkness, because in the darkness, there will be something staring at him…”

   Suddenly, the laughter that seemed to be a little girl’s laughter that the two heard at first sounded again, not far in front of them.

   At this moment, they already knew that the source of the laughter was actually a little boy, and it was not a ghost, just a kid who liked to paint with “blood”.

   But even if he changed his concept and established a psychological defense line, Wang Tanzhi’s heartbeat accelerated, his breathing became heavier, his hands were holding a fruit knife tightly, and his palms were already sweating.

  Feng Bujue said: “Put away the knife, you don’t need it at all.”

   “Brother Jue Jue Jue…you you…you have…”

   “Yes, I have an idea.” Feng Bujue pointed in a direction in the lobby: “Use skills to hit the middle section of that wall.”

   Before the words fell, the little boy who was the boss of this script appeared without warning, standing about three meters in front of them. He was wearing a hospital gown, even under the light, his body and face were covered. A layer of shadow. At the same time he appeared, the walls, the top, and the ground of the entire lobby were instantly covered with countless blood faces, and even the lights turned red.

   This scene is enough to make a man scream in fright, but Feng Bujue didn’t hesitate for even a second at all. He took three steps and made two steps before rushing to the boy who was just over 1.2 meters in front of him: “Hurry up and attack. The walls!”

   Wang Tanzhi jumped up and ran in the direction Feng Bujue pointed out just now. In fact, his first jump was frightened. After running a few steps, he felt that his legs were a little soft, and he glanced back halfway. Before Feng Bujue even touched the boy’s body, he was bounced off by an invisible force. It was almost as if he had hit a moving car when he swooped in, and a big mouthful of blood spurted out of his mouth.

   Although it looks exaggerated, this is a game after all. Players don’t need to suffer exactly the same pain as reality. In Thriller Paradise, no matter how hard the character is hit, even if it’s being crushed by the train. The upper limit of the player’s perception of pain is almost the same as the feeling of being hit by a nail hammer.

   Wang Tanzhi saw this scene, and ran to the wall with all his might. The little boy obviously noticed what he was going to do, but this time the little boy didn’t teleport, but quickly caught up with him, at that speed. It is definitely not something a child can reach, and the running posture is also very strange, like a marionette being pulled and moved.

   Suddenly, one hand grabbed the little boy’s ankle. Our boss looked down and found that Feng Bujue quickly got up from the ground and stubbornly caught up with him. After all, Feng Bujue had an advantage in body shape. For a target with a height of 1.2 meters, no matter how fast he ran, he could always catch up in short distances.

   At the same time, Wang Tanzhi activated his skills, his right fist was covered with orange light and hit the wall.

   Although the success rate of skill activation is only 20%, he hits a wall, which is difficult to miss, and his character is obviously good, so this attack is undoubtedly a success.

   An explosion-like effect really occurred on the wall, and a large hole with a diameter of more than one meter was blasted out, and extremely strong sunlight came in from the outside.

   At this moment, all the **** faces in the lobby disappeared, and the little boy also backed up in a panic, trying to stay away from the sun.

   but he can’t escape…because Feng Bujue is still holding his feet…

   “That’s where I actually knocked out 84% of my survival value…this time it’s my turn.” Feng Bujue stood up, pulled the boss, and put the boss on the ground. The boy completely lost the ability to resist.

  Feng Bujue wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth with his free hand, grabbed one of the legs of the little boy, and dragged him all the way to the light source: “This should be a very strong BOSS, even if you direct him With skills and hits, I’m afraid he might not die under that blow.”

   Wang sighed and breathed a sigh of relief: “If I fail to break the wall, or there is another corridor outside the wall, what should I do?”

   “There is dark night outside the wall, so you hide in the dark night, outside the wall is a corridor, you go in, and then run away. If you don’t break the wall…you just find another way to escape by yourself.” Feng As he walked, he said, “I’m still relatively sure, so I will let you use skills. This kind of hospital lobby, look at the overall layout, the original location of the gate can basically be inferred, you see, we have both The corridor, behind me, although it was also blocked by the wall, I can still see that it was a registered window before…” During the conversation, he raised the and exposed it to the hole in the wall. .

   “Um… Brother Jue… Isn’t it cruel for you to do this?” Wang Tanzhi watched as the little boy was covering his eyes in pain, his body curled up.

   “You’re right, I’m too much.” Feng Bujue replied, but he didn’t mean to stop at all.

   This is his consistent style from childhood to adulthood, accepting with an open mind and never changing after repeated teachings.

   “I can let him go now and let him hide in the hospital, and we both escaped from this hole, the script should be completed.” Feng Bujue said: “But I said, according to In my analysis, this is a very strong BOSS. Even if we have explored the script to a high degree of completion, it is still very difficult to directly fight and win when facing him. If you kill him to pass the level, the experience you will get should be higher than that of escape. A lot.”

   “Huh? When did you start to care about experience when playing games?” Wang Tanzhi wondered.

  Feng Bujue curled his lips, and sent the BOSS a little bit to the sun: “I have at least three reasons now, I want to play the thriller paradise game.

   First, as the so-called wool is on the sheep, I want to earn back the investment in the game cabin through the game itself; second, these random scripts are very good, according to the official description, the system is backed by a huge database. Combined with the memory fragments of countless players, there will be quite complicated stories and settings in the future team survival mode, so I can collect materials through the game; third, continue to try to find the fear…”

  Feng Bujue said that, he stretched out his hand, snapped his fingers, and then hooked his fingers.

   Wang Tanzhi naturally understood his heart, and handed it a fruit knife.

  ”Let’s take a look at… the experience of clearing the level after killing the boss.” Feng Bujue took the knife and stabbed it…


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