Thriller Paradise Chapter 660: Ancient Shoumo (22)

“This…” Feng Bujue said, looking at the equipment description, “But it’s a good thing…”

“Yes, it is bound after equipment, and there are almost no restrictions on use. Anyone can get a great improvement when holding it in their hands.” Xiaoling said, “Just add to the 7% extra survival value limit. It can be sold at an auction house for more than 300,000 yuan.”

“Something like this that anyone can take… Let’s guess the box and decide what it belongs to.” Ruoyu suggested.

“Okay, I have no opinion.” Xiao Ling continued.

Xiao Tan shrugged and said: “Yes, it doesn’t matter.”

Feng Bujue said: “I won’t participate anymore, I will win the game, you know.”

Seeing the attitudes of these four, Buu and Uub were shocked again.

They have also encountered the situation of arranging scripts with people from other organizations. Generally speaking… the party with more people will try their best to bring the benefits gained from the script to their own people. Let outsiders eat whatever you lose. Even for some top-notch societies with high reputation, at best they are relatively fair on the surface.

However, these people on the front line of **** are surprisingly calm on equipment and skills. They don’t care whether their teammates are outside the community, or how much effort the other party exerts during the item acquisition process… As long as they are teammates who are on the same team and play seriously, they will regard them as one of the demanders of items. And they don’t care about the quality of the item, only who is the most suitable for using the item… It can be said that this is truly “reasonable distribution based on the situation.”

“Uh…big sister, do you really want to guess the box with us to decide where to belong?” Buu asked in disbelief.

“Yes…” Uub also continued, “Such a perfect-level, almost unlimited-use equipment, usually belongs to whoever gets it first… Even if the person finishes taking it, he retreats. It’s normal.”

“Ah…I know, we have also met this kind of person.” Xiao Tan continued.

Xiao Ling also said: “Me and Xiao Tan have also been in a team with four teammates all belonging to another club. As a result…We took a lot of risks, but the benefits were all taken by others. “She paused, “It is precisely because we hate this kind of party behavior that we will not do it ourselves.”

“Yes, as community leaders. I also think our style should not be so vulgar and low-end.” Feng Bujue stood beside his chest, nodding arrogantly, “No matter what the quality of the item is, it is suitable If your own needs are unceremoniously put forward, don’t worry about what is not suitable for your own. As for the ambiguous situation…just try your luck. No one will complain.”

“Although there is some truth in the second half of the passage, but…” Ruo Yuxu said with a gaze, “Who admits that you are the leader of the team… You are just the name of the head of the club…”

“Yes~Yes~ The actual leader is you, okay…” Feng Bujue spread his hands and said with a smile, “Okay. You guys guess the punch.”

So…Everyone really fought a rock-paper-scissors duel, and in the end…Xiao Tan of outstanding character successfully won and won the [Pioneer Shield].

Next, Xiao Ling took out five sophisticated equipment one after another, namely: [Tie the dog rope] [Gold boxer briefs] [Pixel gloves] [Titanium alloy Jinhua ham] and [Laughing face].

After some discussions, [Golden Boxers] and [Pixel Gloves] were assigned to Buu, and [Tie the Dog Leash] to Xiao Ling. Xiao Tan got the [Titanium Alloy Jinhua Ham], and Jue got the [Laughing Face].

The description of these equipment will not be shown for the time being, let’s talk about the story in front of you…

After dividing the equipment and skills (Feng Bujue usually included the black beard skull in the bag of course, and no one else had any opinion), the four men obliged to move forward to carry the boxes.

The metal box is huge, and it’s as heavy as it looks…Fortunately, all four male players in the team are in the forties. It’s not difficult to work together to carry a box.

After removing the metal box, the entrance of a passage appeared in front of everyone. Two meters below the entrance, you can see a stone step extending downwards.

Feng Bujue took out a searchlight and took a photo, and found it on the wall next to the first stone steps. A line of text is also engraved.

【The body will eventually end in annoying. Apart from thought, nothing beautiful and interesting can survive, because thought is life. 】

“Ah… Bernard Shaw.” Feng Bujue jumped into the passage, read the passage once, and said. “One of my idols.”

“It can be seen…” Ruoyu followed, “This has been revealed in your works, words and deeds…”

“Is it so obvious?” Feng Bujue asked back.

“‘I was very smart when I was born-education ruined me’, “Second-rate Detectives and Cats” Chapter 5, Section 3.” Ruoyu started to give examples almost without thinking, “‘Fool There will always be more foolish people who admire him’, “Murder Internet” final chapter, first section; “Where knowledge does not exist, stupidity pretends to be science”, the same is “Murder Internet”, but I forgot the first few chapters She shook her head slightly, “In short…I have already noticed that you like to quote Bernard Shaw’s famous quote, and your narcissism of your own wisdom has obviously surpassed him…”

“Uh…well…” Feng Bujue tilted his head and admitted shamelessly.

While the two of them were chatting, Xiao Tan, Xiao Ling, Buu and Uub also came down one after another.

A few seconds later, everyone took out the lighting equipment one after another, and under the leadership of Feng Bujue… they walked down the passage.

The entrance of this passage is not large, but the interior is quite spacious. The **** above the passage is more than two meters high, and the stone steps can accommodate five people at the same time. Because King Dianyan has removed all potential dangers, players can safely move forward quickly.

Of course, Brother Jue would not completely trust King Dienyan, even though the other party had promised to help them clear the obstacles, Brother Jue still remained as vigilant as it should be. He knew very well… For King Dien Riao, finding an opportunity to kill all six of them in one fell swoop could achieve the same goal.


At the same moment, the reasoning club.

“Brother Zun, was there a visitor just now?” Bill returned to the area where Zhuan Jie Zun was, looked around, and said loudly. “I seem to see the shadow of the second brother.”

While speaking, he has come to Zhuan Jie Zun (a Coke bottle at this time).

“Brother Zun? Brother Zun?” Bill looked at the bottle and called twice, but Zhuanjiezun didn’t respond.

At this moment, Bill caught a glimpse of…there was a small piece of paper next to the bottle, and he scratched his head. With an expression like ( ̄3 ̄)a, he picked up the piece of paper and read: “The situation is urgent, I have to take a walk in my own mind. You are optimistic about the door, and before I come out, you must ensure my safety.”


Twenty minutes passed, after a monotonous but safe journey. The players came to an arched copper door.

“With the key in your pocket, you can open the door of this stone tomb.” At this moment, King Dianyao’s voice sounded in the ears of the players again.

“Huh? I thought you were disconnected.” Feng Bujue said as he put his hand in his jacket pocket and took out the [faded copper key].

As the key turned white in the keyhole and disappeared, the door to the dolmen…opened.

Who can think of it. This key hidden under the oil lamp in the initial room turned out to be the key to the last door of the script.

“I just went to work on some other things…” King Dianyan replied.

“It’s time to deal with Brother Zun.” Feng Bujue said in a casual tone when he pushed the door.

“How…how did you know…” King Dianping’s tone was calm and full of doubts.

“I’m just guessing casually. Judging from your reaction…it seems to be the right guess.” Feng Bujue replied.

Actually… those who are familiar with Brother Jue understand that he definitely didn’t guess it “randomly”.

As early as when Zhuanjiezun’s last speech was interrupted, Feng Bujue had already realized…something must have happened to Brother Zun. And that “condition” is in all likelihood-King Dianping used a certain technique to block the communication between Zhuanjiezun and the players.

It is not too difficult to reason about this. Because in the period after Zun brother “lost his voice”. King Dienyao’s voice never sounded, which shows that it was busy with other things at the time…

It wasn’t until the players entered the cave of the pirate treasure that King Dienyan began to speak again. And this time… its attitude has obviously changed. Brother Jue speculated… King Dianyan might not have taken any advantage in the confrontation with Brother Zun. Although it succeeded in preventing Brother Zun from speaking any more, it must have paid a considerable price.

And the silence of King Dien Piao just now was obviously for a reason. In addition to not wanting to let Brother Jue take advantage of him, I am afraid there is another reason, that is… it needs to divert attention to deal with a “battle that players can’t see.”

The above are all content that has been passed through in Feng Bujue’s mind many times. For these conclusions, he is about 60% certain…considering that there is no practical basis. So he didn’t tell these reasonings.

Now, since there is a chance to test King Dianyan through language, then Jue will naturally not let it go.

“You are really a disgusting person, crazy.” King Dienyao changed his tone slightly after hearing Brother Jue’s response. “Do you know why this is?”

“Can I answer for you?” Ruoyu turned her head and looked at Brother Jue and whispered.

“Don’t make trouble… that’s a question…” Jue Ge said in a low voice with a vacant look.

He was right. King Dienyao immediately answered: “Because you are too smart…” It paused for half a second, and said in a deep voice, “On the surface, you and most of you show off your knowledge and Little clever people are no different. But the reality is that you are already smart enough… able to disguise yourself as that kind of person; able to hide a great wisdom… under superficial cleverness…”

“You don’t need to flatter me, are we on the same front?” Feng Bujue replied with a smile, and raised his hand to signal his teammates to follow.

After a while, all six people entered the stone tomb where the bones of “I” were stored.

This tomb is cross-shaped. The walls, floor, and ceiling inside are all made of silver-gray, flat boulders, and the giant coffin placed in the center of the tomb is also carved from stone.

“The same line? Hehe…” King Dianyao smiled, “You can’t even deceive yourself or others? You and I know very well…As long as conditions permit and interests dictate, we will not hesitate The other party is put to Are you trying to say…we are the same kind of people?” Feng Bujue took the searchlight and led his teammates, step by step closer to the sarcophagus in front.

“No…you are human.” King Dianyan replied, “and I…”

At this point, there was a “hiss” sound on the sarcophagus.

As a layer of gray filled the sky, the coffin lid, which was thick as a wall, slowly moved horizontally, and finally fell to the ground with a “bang”.

“…No.” At this moment, the immature childish voice sounded directly from the coffin, followed by his last sentence.

In the next second, a little boy with snow-white skin (and red in the white) stood up from the coffin. “He” wears a simple set of children’s clothing (in the style of the nineteenth century), with curly chestnut hair. He looked unharmed, and even gave people a lovely and healthy feeling.

“I am a god.” King Dianping looked at Feng Bujue directly, and said solemnly, “From the ancient gods.” (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point () Recommended tickets, monthly tickets, your support is my biggest motivation. Mobile users please go to read.)

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