Thriller Paradise Chapter 309: Invasion of brain cells (16)

As early as more than 20 years ago, in the era of the second generation of optical brains, neural connection technology could already read users’ memories. Speaking of…In that era, all countries did rise in movements to safeguard the right to privacy and resist the technology of God’s Link.

But later…people still compromised with technology. Because technology can not only change the world, but also change the way of life and ideology of human beings.

This society’s suspicion and resistance to new things will always exist, but there will always be some things left, while others will be eliminated.

The popularity of home phones, the short-lived pagers, the rise and decline of mobile phones, the emergence of smart phones…

The entry of personal computers into millions of households, the rise of the Internet, the market for functional software segregation, the arrival of the e-commerce era…

There are countless examples…People are far more fickle and forgetful than they think, so the tide of the times will never stop.

In recent years, we have gradually become accustomed to advertising text messages and fraudulent calls, to pop-up page game advertisements and various vulgar marketing, and to filling in personal information in various forms, or Publish on the web…

Therefore, as a young man living in 2055, Feng Bujue believed that what was happening before him was completely understandable, and he naturally accepted this setting.

“Well…memory space.” Feng Bujue said: “What’s the problem? Will I still be trapped in my own home?”

He opened the cabinet, took out a large towel, and dried his clothes as much as possible. Although it doesn’t help the game, at least he feels a little more comfortable.

Suddenly, Feng Bujue thought of something, and he quickly put down the towel. Before coming to the washbasin, I took out a medicine chest from the small wooden cabinet above the washbasin.

“Oh… it’s exactly like my house.” He opened the box as he said. He checked the items inside one by one through the game menu, and wanted to find an item that could relieve the fractured state.


The medical kit at Brother Jue’s house is just regular supplies. What gauze, red potion, alcohol, tweezers, scissors, etc. To deal with fractures, plaster is needed, and two boards for fixation have to be found last time.

Feng Bujue rummaged through it, and said rather uncomfortably: “It turns out that my family’s first aid measures are so bad. If I slip in the bathtub and break my arm or leg, I can’t handle it myself. Up.”

He had no choice but to pick up the towel and wipe the water again. When his body was dry, he blew with a hair dryer for a while, then wrapped the knee and calf of his left leg with a ball of gauze.

“Okay…Let’s see what I have…” Feng Bujue said as he put the contents in his pocket one by one into the bag, and then took it out again. In doing so, those wet items will return to their original dry state.

“A match, a folding knife, a Nokia mobile phone…Well, it can be turned on as usual after soaking in water.” He couldn’t help but vomit when he saw that the phone screen was still on. A ballpoint pen, a lighter, a flashlight with a battery… and the original things in the bag.”

He put these on the ground, he sat on the edge of the bathtub, lowered his head slightly, and supported his right elbow with his left hand. The index finger and **** of the right hand were placed on his forehead, and then gently slid down the bridge of the nose.

Feng Bujue’s mind has already processed all the information he knows at this stage after doing this habitual movement of thinking. He snapped his fingers and said with a smile: “There is no place in the world. Comparable to his own home…” He repeated the first message found in the test building: “Does it mean the situation in front of you…”

“So that’s the case, the game has just begun.” Feng Bujue put away all the things that were spread on the ground, and drank a bottle of survival value supplement. Counting his automatic recovery during this period of time, his survival value can be back to 60%.

Then he stood up and tried to walk a few steps. At this time, the pain on his left leg has basically been eliminated. As long as you don’t do any particularly big movements, the remaining slight pain is almost negligible. He could still do it by limping around.

Feng Bujue is very sensitive to the door in the game, so he didn’t rush to explore the bathroom of his home, but first came to the bathroom door. Checked the situation of the door lock.

The bathroom door is naturally not equipped with a keyhole and key. From the outside, there is only one door handle. Inside the bathroom, there is a simple turn lock under the door handle and a bolt lock.

In other words, this door can only be locked from the inside. The person in the bathroom cannot open the door.

Feng Bujue stretched out his hand and tried to turn the doorknob. Unexpectedly, at this moment, a system prompt came from his ear: [A fierce resentment is entrenched outside the door, you are sure to open the door ? 】

“Huh?” Feng Bujue said to himself: “Rely…this game is not afraid of leaving a psychological shadow on the players. This is my own family.”

That said, he won’t have any psychological shadow anyway…

“From the moment I entered the script, there were no hints. Now I touched the doorknob, but this sentence came to me.” Feng Bujue let go of the doorknob, and he muttered, “That’s a 100% dead FLAG… You must die when you open the door.” He stepped back a few steps, thinking: “So…no doubt, there is some kind of mystery in the bathroom to solve…”

Thinking of He just stepped forward and tightened the turn lock of the door, and plugged in the latch. Turning around, he turned his attention to the bathroom.

Feng Bujue is not a sloppy person, of course, he has no habit of cleanliness. His home…Let’s put it this way, a place that looks very “men”, between the dirty, chaotic, and clean, can be described as chaotic and orderly. Anyway, every thing in each room, where they are placed, he can remember just a little bit of memory.

As a result, his search is extremely efficient.

In about five minutes, Feng Bujue finished his inspection of the bathroom constructed according to his memory. On the whole, there is almost no difference between his bathroom here and in reality. Everything is where it should be. Soap, shampoo, toilet cleaner, comb, aspirin, skin squeegee…all are shown as tools or consumables, and none of them are clues of the type of “story items.”

But…Feng Bujue still found an anomaly.

Just above the bathtub, the pattern of the plastic shower curtain seems to be somewhat different from what he remembered… (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point (m) to vote for recommendation and monthly pass. Your support is my biggest motivation. For mobile phone users, please go to m to read.)

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