Thriller Paradise Chapter 30: The Fan City of Deception (End)

A few seconds later, in the middle of the shadow on the ground, a black human-shaped object slowly floated, about two meters high, its body was wrapped in the condensed darkness, like a three-dimensional “shadow”. But it is obviously not a regional optical phenomenon caused by an object blocking light, but a real entity in three-dimensional space.

   “The metaphor of puddles outside the river.” Feng Bujue ignored the less shining appearance of Summerdir. He casually continued the previous topic and said: “It is more appropriate to change to a whirlpool outside the river of time.

  Although Einstein said that time and space are both an illusion of people’s cognition, it is only a parameter to describe the movement of matter, but in this magical world, we can regard it as a more practical thing. Look. This is something that must be kept running at all times, just like the water in a river, which is always flowing. If the water is still, the river cannot be called a river.

  Based on this point of view, since Summerdir has taken out this space, he must also take out part of the’time’, otherwise everything in this space will be static, including he himself. But the water he could get from the “river” was limited, and it only took 30 minutes. These thirty minutes belong only to this city, and will loop indefinitely. Every time the loop stops, there will be a few seconds of nothingness as a buffer. That dark moment is where the time segments that make up the circle connect. After the buffer point, it is a new cycle. “

   The shadow circle under Samadil began to move, and his humanoid body was moving along with the black circle connected to his feet, approaching the five.

   “Brother Jue, do you have any suggestions?” Wang Tanzhi didn’t dare to act rashly, so he hurried to ask questions.

   Others are also waiting for Feng Bujue to say something.

   “You shouldn’t do anything special…” Feng Bujue said: “With the current plot, the difficulty will never be higher than the choice of going through the door.” He went on: “Don’t interrupt. I’m not finished yet. To sum up, the advent of darkness is only a phenomenon that occurs when the timeline connection point is reached, not some kind of action by Samadir.

   But why do the monsters become stronger every time the darkness falls? There is only one reason. It does not belong to a short period of dark buffer period in the time cycle. It is the moment when Summerdir can exert all his power. He can only do something in those few seconds, such as assigning power to the devil, or He swallowed the humans in the city in an instant, of course, before we arrived, the people in the city had been swallowed by him, and we were visitors from the so-called’other world’, and he couldn’t swallow it. “

   “Do you mean… the Summer Dir in front of us is actually not strong? At least weaker than the BOSS you might encounter after passing through the Devil’s Gate?” Long Aomin asked.

  ”If you want to give an example, it’s like a few of us are in a balloon, as weak as a group of ants, and Summerdir is outside the balloon, as strong as a human. The inside and outside of the balloon are two insurmountable Dimension, he can’t pierce the balloon, he can only grab blindly through the balloon with his hand. What we see now is only the outline of his fingers protruding from the outside of the balloon.” Feng Bujue touched his chin and said: “But I personally think …Even so, his strength at the moment will definitely not be as weak as you said, at least it is very easy to kill us.”

   “Hey! Then you still talk so much with ease! Run!” The lonely brother pulled up the lonely girl and turned around to try to escape.

   has not taken a few steps, but I heard the system prompt: [The world view has been cracked, the player: crazy, received 240 skill points, the team can already read the world of the script in the expansion option of the task menu Rules]

   “If you don’t seize the time to’speak’ the words, how can I get this skill value?” Feng Bujue said: “As for the world view, you must use words before the system can determine it.”

   The black shadow that Sammodil transformed into has reached a distance of about ten meters in front of Feng Bujue. Feng Bujue still has no plans to escape: “Besides, didn’t I say that, there’s no need to do anything special, since The gate of the devil is closed…”

  The black shadow suddenly accelerated, and the volume of the humanoid object in the black strange circle suddenly increased several times, turning into a huge black hand, quickly pressing down towards Feng Bujue.

   But at the last moment, the big hand was frozen in the air, motionless.

  ”From the name…” Feng Bujue lowered his head slightly, and walked out easily from under the black hand: “[The Lord of Time] should be a guy who will never be late.”

   Soon, the dark shadow of Summerdir began to shrink sharply, as if a huge force was pulling it in in the time and space opposite the shadow.

  [One day…you…will…pay…the price…will not…for too long…]

   “Heh… it’s not good. Generally speaking such lines means that the villain will appear again sooner or later.” Feng Bujue laughed.

   The black shadow protruding from the ground struggled frantically like a beast falling into the mud, and then was completely pulled back. Then, the black circular shadow on the ground began to diminish gradually, ten It disappeared completely after more than a second.

  【Travelers from another world, thank you for what you have done. After purifying this place, I can return the water to its source and make it flow again in the river of time]

   A voice different from that of Summer Dier appeared in everyone’s mind. This dubbing sounded very typical. Generally, most of the older wise men in the game have this voice.

   [You have received a reward from the Lord of Time, please check it in the settlement screen] The system voice immediately sounded.

  [The current task has been completed, the main task has been completed]

  [You have completed the script, it will be sent automatically after 180 seconds]

   The time limit for automatic teleportation in the team mode is relatively long. It seems that the players may need to communicate with each other.

   Wang Tanzhi immediately sat down on the ground, his tight nerves relaxed, and the shock value finally returned to the bottom.

  The loneliness and loneliness are also a sigh of relief. It feels really good to live through the customs for the first time.

  Long Aomin appeared calmly. He put away his weapons and shields, and while there was a minute left, he said to Feng Bujue: “Brother Crazy.” The name changed back to Brother Crazy now, “I still There is a question I didn’t understand.”

  Feng Bujue said: “What?”

  ”It’s a question of time.” Long Aomin said: “As you said, since we entered the script, we haven’t seen any clocks or timing devices. Then how did you figure out the time between two darkness How long did it take? I remember you said’about thirty minutes’ when you arrived at the Devil’s Gate.”

   “Because I have been timing.” Feng Bujue replied, “I noticed an anomaly as soon as I entered the script. How come there is no electronic clock in the subway station? Later, I didn’t see it on the ground. Things. After the first darkness fell, I started to count the time. When I went to the police station, the second darkness fell, I calculated it was about 30 minutes.”

  ” Yes, I just want to ask, there is no clock? How do you keep time?” Long Aomin said.

  ”Count.” Feng Bujue replied: “Counting silently in my heart, it counts three hundred to one, which is five minutes. In the non-exercise state, you can count the pulse instead. You haven’t seen me idle most of the time. Do you use your right hand and your left hand when you are in the world? It’s the human body’s own timer, I’m in that state, 77 beats per minute.” He will know the frequency of his pulse because he has been in the hospital for a long time. I have undergone countless kinds of examinations, so I know all the indicators of my body well. “The time counted by pulse counting is actually more accurate than counting silently by myself, and I don’t need to use my brain to control the frequency of counting, which is a lazy practice. Use it alternately with silent counting when concentration drops. The calculated time will not differ too much. If you don’t believe it, you can try it at home for half an hour or an hour. You can also do other distractions during this period. In fact, it’s just an assignment that requires patience.”

   “No need…I understand, thanks for your advice.” Not only Long Aomin, but loneliness and loneliness were listening to this, and Feng Bujue’s eyes looked like a monster.

  Wang Tanzhi is used to it anyway. After knowing Feng Bujue for so many years, he has never seen any scene. If someone came to tell him that aliens had invaded the earth, he would probably be skeptical; but if someone told him that Feng Bujue was actually an alien, maybe he would believe it.

   “No more, guys, it’s about to be sent, don’t pass it now.” Feng Bujue said.

   Lonely and Lonely said a few words of thanks, and then said goodbye to the other three. They quickly turned into white light and left the script.

  Long Aomin did not immediately transmit ~ After the two disappeared, he spoke; “Brother Crazy, Brother Wicked, how about we add friends to each other?”

   He made this suggestion, not expecting to hold the thigh, it is too early to talk about holding the thigh. Today is only the first day of the closed beta. Whether professional players, ordinary players or casual players, at least the difference in level will not be very large. Although Feng Bujue seems to have high play potential, it is difficult to say whether he will be online steadily in the future.

   Long Aomin wanted to add this friend, mainly because Feng Bujue had handed over a piece of sophisticated equipment to him without hesitation before. Although the equipment itself cannot be said to have much value, these years, it is difficult to trust a stranger unconditionally. Based on this alone, this friend is worth adding.

   As for Wang Tanzhi, they obviously lined up with Feng Bujue. Of course, it is impossible for Long Aomin to add Feng Bujue alone, and judging from the performance of the Battle of the Blood Corpses, although this guy is timid, he is still capable. Yes, even if it’s not high play, it won’t slow down.

   “It’s okay, let’s talk back to the login space, let’s see the settlement situation first.” Feng Bujue replied.

   The three greeted each other, and then left the script.

   Just after the players all left, the devil’s door suddenly shook, as if on the opposite side of the door, some unknown creature hit the door made of magic…

   A white light appeared in front of him, and Feng Bujue returned to the landing space. The system prompt sounds continuously:

  [You have reached level 11, the upper limit of physical fitness has been increased, the current is 1100/1100]

  [The title system has been unlocked, you have the title-Cold-blooded Headshot]

   Then, he moved his gaze to the screen on the wall, and the screen already showed the settlement situation after the script was cleared.


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