Thriller Paradise Chapter 2:

The change in the few seconds just now can be regarded as a greeting to the player at the beginning of the beginner’s tutorial.

   Normal people will be shocked when the surrounding environment suddenly turns black without warning, and immediately after hearing the creepy voice, they must have been stunned. At this time, the elevator suddenly sank down again. Although there is only a momentary feeling of falling, it is enough to make people’s heart beat faster and startled.

   But Feng Bujue, calmly, without any response…

  After the elevator shook, it began to move downwards at a normal speed. At this moment, the game menu automatically appeared in front of Feng Bujue’s eyes.

  The game menu will only appear in the player’s vision and cannot illuminate the surrounding environment, and the behavior of reading the menu is private. When browsing the menu, even if there is another player standing next to it, the other party does not know whether you are I’m still in a daze to see the options.

   There was no system voice at this moment, but Feng Bujue saw a text prompt in the menu: [You can open this menu at any time, and your character attributes, status, equipment, items, etc. can be inquired here. 】

  Feng Bujue saw that most of the area in the menu was now covered by shadows, until that line of words disappeared, and an area in the upper left corner of the menu became brighter, where three rectangles resembling blood bars appeared. Graphics.

   An arrow emerged, pointing to the first one, which was a full green energy tank. Immediately there will be a new subtitle: [This is your survival value, displayed as a percentage, the specific value is not visible. When the survival value is 0%, your character is considered dead. Current survival value: 100%, abnormal status: none. 】

The    arrow moved to the second energy slot, which is also a green energy slot, but the above display is not a percentage, but a number: [This is your physical fitness level, and the specific value can be seen. Running, walking for a long time, carrying heavy objects, fighting, using skills and other behaviors will all reduce this value. It can be recovered by rest or items. Current stamina value: 100/100. 】

   The third energy slot is empty, and this is also the one that Feng Bujue needs to pay most attention to: [This is your shock value, displayed as a percentage, no specific value. If the shock value is higher than 100% for more than three seconds, your connection with the game will be forcibly disconnected, and your character is considered dead. Current shock value: 0%]

  Because I’ve read the basic settings on the Internet before, Feng Bujue only glanced at the content before reading it. I thought that other areas in the menu would also be unlocked, but the menu was automatically closed after about ten seconds. He took the initiative to call up the menu again, and the place where the shadow was just now remained unchanged.

   Obviously, this novice tutorial is definitely not just looking at the text and familiarizing the interface in the dark elevator, otherwise the system will not give the assumption that “the scare value is too high to interrupt the tutorial” before entering.

   As expected, the elevator stopped quickly, the darkness around him remained, and Feng Bujue could only hear his own breathing.

   Suddenly, the light was on for a second, only for a second, and then the darkness was restored immediately.

   In this second, Feng Bujue’s retina left a scene that was enough to make people jump and scream.

   You should remember that there was a mirror on one of the walls of this elevator, and at the second when the light was restored, Feng Bujue saw that two figures were reflected in the mirror.

   One is obviously himself, and the other…Although he just glanced at it, Feng Bujue was basically sure that it was an upright creature covered in blood.

   It’s just that it’s always dark, so it’s better not to look at it deliberately.

   changed to someone else. I yelled out a while ago, and now I’m either retreating to the corner of the elevator, or madly punching or kicking where the blood shadow in my memory stood.

  Feng Bujue stood there blankly, and said to himself: “Well…Since it’s a tutorial, it’s impossible to put the player in a mortal situation at the very beginning. At best, it’s a loss of survival. Value or scare me again, then there should be some changes to let the game go on.”

   Thinking of this, a ray of light shone into the elevator, and it quickly expanded. It turned out that the elevator door opened on its own, and what came out was a rotten and musty smell. Outside is a straight corridor, the ceiling is wooden, the walls on both sides are covered with wallpaper, the pattern on the wallpaper is quite strange, like human eyes; the floor is covered with green carpet, and there are windows on both sides of the corridor. There is neither, nor a door, but at intervals, there is a dimly lit wall lamp.

   The corridors seem to be very long, and those wall lamps look like rice grains of yellow light in the distance. The visible distance is less than 20 meters. It is convenient to be shrouded in the shadows at a distance, and can only be seen clearly when you move forward.

   Normal people probably rushed out sideways and ran away before the elevator door was fully opened. Feng Bujue was not in a hurry. For him, the secluded road in front of him might not be safer than this elevator. Since it was no longer pitch black, he wanted to turn his head to see exactly what the shadow around him was.

   As soon as Feng Bujue turned his head, he saw a **** claw with ten fingers coming toward his front door. He shrank his neck and could not afford it, squatting halfway, rushing out of the elevator, and looking back, he finally saw the full picture of the shadow.

   It was a skinless blood corpse, just like the human muscle model in the health room, but this one was alive, and it was still bleeding all over.

   The elevator door was slowly closing, and the blood corpse tilted his head and grinned, his eyes fixed on Feng Bujue. When the door was about to close, it put out a hand and squeezed out from it.

   “According to the general idea, I should run away here…” Feng Bujue thought: “But this guy doesn’t look like a super strong person. Would you like to try fighting…”

   At this time, the blood corpse just walked out of the elevator, and immediately roared imposingly, and waved his hand against a wall of the corridor. The thick wooden board behind the wallpaper was instantly crushed, and the inside “flowed out” like a sack of water. cockroach.

   “Count you ruthless.” Feng Bujue turned his head and ran away when he saw this scene.

   Since it is a novice tutorial, it is natural to guide the player to continue. Killing the player is not the primary goal. This action of the blood corpse is actually a waste of time, obviously to allow the escaping player to escape more distance. However, the system has also considered other possibilities, such as the player being scared to the ground and not leaving, or a player trying to fight it in a light place after seeing the blood corpse clearly. In that case, this action of the blood corpse can make the scared paralyzed person crawl up and run for their lives, and dispel the desire of those hardliners to fight.

   Of course, if the player is too frightened to stand up, or if they have to kill themselves, then I’m afraid they have to GAMEOVER to regenerate a random beginner tutorial script.

   “First of all, I can’t break the wall 80% of the time. Second, I won’t find a way out if I break it. Third, I’ll be dead if I fight this monster. Very good…” Feng Bujue silently sorted out the situation he had confirmed. , It seems that in this novice tutorial, he does not have too many choices.

   After a long distance, Feng Bujue saw the end of the corridor, where there was a door, which looked very thick!

   He turned the doorknob and opened it! He didn’t have time to consider whether there was danger on the other side of the door, so he could only go in and talk about it, because the blood corpse was chasing very close, and he could not be delayed. At this moment, Feng Bujue understood that he should run as soon as the elevator door was opened. That was the usual choice. Staying for a while made his current action time very urgent.

   stepped into the room and closed the door. He found that there was an iron bar on the back of the door that was used to latch the door. Feng Bujue bolted the door without hesitation, and almost at the same time, the thing outside began to hit the door.

  Feng Bujue left it alone, and turned around and began to look around. This is a square room of about 16 square meters. There is no furniture inside. There is only a wall lamp and two doors, one of which is being hit by a blood corpse, and the other is in the middle of the wall opposite the room.

   He came to the only escape door, pulled the handle, and found that it was locked. He tried to kick the door lock. It seemed to be useful, but his kick was obviously not strong enough. It is estimated that he will have to try a few more times before it will be effective.

   The next second, the game menu suddenly popped out in front of your eyes, and another shaded area in the menu was unlocked, displaying a number, but at the moment it is 0: [This is your skill value, and the specific value is visible. Skill points can be used as currency and accumulate according to the actions of characters. Any action that improves the efficiency of the game will reward skill points. Current skill value: 0]

   “Is the tips given at this time suggesting that there is some kind of optional shortcut…” Feng Bujue then took a look at his shock value in the menu. It was still 0%, and he didn’t move at all. Over.

   He sighed and looked back at the door that was being hit. The iron bar was slightly deformed, and it seemed that it could not last long. Under the pressure of this kind of monster rushing in to kill people at any time, it is impossible for bystanders to be as calm as him.

  Feng Bujue took a closer look at the room again. In this seemingly empty room, there is indeed a hint. On a high place on a wall, a piece of wallpaper has turned down a corner. It doesn’t look very obvious, but Observing carefully, you will not miss it. When Feng Bujue stood on tiptoe, he could reach that corner with his hand. He tore off the wallpaper, and as expected, painted a symbol with blood on the wooden board at the back. The symbol was like a circle connected with the shape of the word “Bu”, which should be a key pattern.

   At this time, a roar sounded from behind accompanied by the sound of the wood being crushed. Feng Bujue looked back and found that a paw of the blood corpse had penetrated the door, and it came in through a bowl-sized opening. Waving the ground, and I don’t know if its intelligence setting will lift it off after touching the latch.

  The occurrence of this kind of scene undoubtedly indicates that the blood corpse is about to rush in. Whether it is solving the mystery or kicking the door, there is not much time.

  Feng Bujue hurriedly slammed the board with the IF symbol painted with his elbow. It was almost a real pain, but the board was obviously relatively fragile and broke with one elbow. He thought there would be a lot of bugs coming out, but in the end there were none, just raising dust. Behind the board, there is a small space with a key lying in the middle.

When Feng Bujue picked up the key, the game menu reappeared, and another shadow was unlocked: [You have obtained an item. Since the luggage and equipment slot are not yet open, you can only hold it in your hand or discard it. 】

   Then he saw the item attributes in the new menu display area:

  [Name: Rusty Iron Key]

  [Type: Consumables]

  [Quality: Normal]

  [Function: Open the door lock]

  [Can the script be brought out: No]

   [Note: I think you know what to do. 】

  Feng Bujue felt that the item’s remarks column was full of maliciousness, but he didn’t have time to think about it. After scanning the item’s attributes, he closed the menu and ran towards the locked door. After the door was opened, the key disappeared, and at the same time, the long-lost system prompt sounded: [You get the skill value, 30 points, this reminder is only one You can check the change of skill value in the game menu in the future. 】

  Feng Bujue has no time to take care of things that are temporarily unavailable, and he continues on. Behind the door are stone steps that go up. There are stone walls on both sides and no ceiling. You can see the night sky, and the moonlight illuminates the steps in front of you. But he couldn’t escape from the top because the stone wall was extremely high, the surface was smooth, and the two walls were more than two meters apart, obviously to prevent him from climbing up.

   climbed up the level and ran a certain distance. Feng Bujue took a moment to take a look at his stamina and found that it had all dropped to 24/100. He calculated in his mind that after he left the elevator, he ran for hundreds of meters, then kicked the door, smashed the wall, and now climbing the slope, these behaviors have actually spent three-quarters of his physical fitness, which is faster than he expected. Is much faster. And the survival value has also become 98%. It seems that the system judged that the damage was caused by the elbow hitting the wall just now.

   The blood corpse behind    broke through the door about five seconds after Feng Bujue opened the lock, and chased after him. At this moment, it began to laugh, and the sound seemed to sound in the ears. People, Ke Feng Bujue didn’t feel this kind of interference at all.

   At the end of the steps, there is a hillside with a huge sword inserted in the slope. Under the moonlight, the edge of the sword reflects a cold glow. When Feng Bujue’s eyes touched the sword, the blood corpse seemed to have Perceived, its speed has increased crazily, and the distance that was originally tens of meters apart has been instantly shortened.

  Feng Bujue is really crawling this time, he doesn’t want to be killed at this juncture when he sees completion. Stumbled to the sword and raised the handle with both hands. Unexpectedly, he picked up the weapon easily. It was not as heavy as it looked.

   turned around, the blood corpse had been killed close, and a mournful wailing pierced the eardrum, a pair of blood claws rushed towards his face.


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