Thriller Paradise Chapter 1090: About midnight

It took ten minutes for the organizer to complete several suggestions made by Feng Bujue.

He cancelled the challenge immunity of everyone and added the rule of “the referee toss a coin to determine the first strike”.

In this way, before the duel is established, no one knows whether he will act as the questioner or the guesser first, and the order of offense and defense determined by the coin has nothing to say on both sides.

In addition, in order to shorten the objective gap caused by the capital difference, the “secondary borrowing” has also begun; the upper limit of the borrowing is the difference between the player’s current holdings and the funds of the top ranking player, rounded up.

By the way, the current number one person is Feng Bujue.

The lead in “time” gave him more hunting opportunities…As of ten o’clock, his holdings had reached more than $300,000.

Therefore, the amount of the second borrowing is based on him.

For example, if someone loses with only 10,000 dollars left, he can borrow two hundred and ninety thousand; and if he has sixty thousand on hand, he can borrow two hundred and forty thousand…

Of course, they have to sign a new supplementary contract on top of the first contract they signed.

To make a long story short…

By 10:38, the second loan began.

Although the organizer has a group of top legal and financial personnel, it still took about 20 minutes to draw up and print the contract.

To be honest, on the basis of making no mistakes, these people’s work is already extremely efficient…but the organizer still seems not satisfied because he doesn’t like waiting.

“Hurry up! Scumbags, borrow some money and still linger, time doesn’t wait for anyone!”

When the players borrowed money, the organizer urged loudly on the second floor.

Indeed, the time between midnight is getting shorter and shorter. Even if Feng Bujue said that the time of each matchup was reduced to less than 20 minutes, they would not be able to play too many rounds.


At ten forty-five, all those in need have completed the second loan.

At this moment. Win or lose again.

This time, everyone already knows the importance of funds; no one flinches or hesitates. They all desperately raised the amount of funds to the upper limit of 300,000.

So, at this point in time. The financial gap of all players disappears, the right to challenge each other is released, and the order of offense and defense depends on God’s will.

In short…they are back to a relatively level playing field.

Of course, it’s not to say that the advantages of those “leaders” just now have disappeared, because…By midnight, the moment when the “guess the numbers showdown” is over, everyone must first pay back the “borrowing” clear. Then settle the “chips”.

Therefore, the disadvantages of the laggards still exist. The “secondary borrowing” only gives them the capital and opportunity to counterattack.

As for whether they can come back in the face of adversity, it depends on their performance in the next…


“Master, I don’t know something…” More than ten minutes after the duel reopened, the man in a suit found a moment and said to the organizer.

“What’s the matter?” The organizer was in a good mood right now, and he immediately responded in a brisk tone.

“The purpose of Jiang Daode’s suggestion to you, I can see… He was afraid that the set of rules you originally wanted to change would be too unfavorable for him, so he proposed a more compromised method.” The big man in a suit continued a. “But what I don’t understand is…Why is he still actively earning chips?”

“Yes…Master, I don’t understand…” The man in a suit also said at this time, “According to the current situation, he should delay as much as possible and adopt a conservative strategy.” He paused for half a second. , Again, “As a leader, there is absolutely no need to continue to’strive for profit’. As long as they’less lose’ a little bit, they can be firmly in the forefront of settlement.”

“Haha…” The organizer laughed upon hearing this. “It’s not your fault…” He shook his head, “The reason why you don’t understand his behavior is because your most basic ‘thinking mode’ is different from him.”

As soon as this statement came out, the two big men in suits looked at the organizer with doubts. Waiting for him to continue.

“You, and 99% of these hundreds of people, are thinking based on the concept of’living’.” The organizer paused for a moment, then continued, “To live in this game, Live in the gambling game tonight, return to the outside world… live…”

The big man in the suit swallowed: “Master…this idea…isn’t it?”

“There is no right or wrong in this…” the organizer replied, “I can only say, your thoughts. It represents the’will of the majority’, that is, the so-called’normal’… “As he said, his gaze has been cast towards Brother Jue in the venue, “But, that man… his thoughts are different from yours, or “abnormal”.”

“He…Is he thinking about dying?” B in the suit asked honestly.

“Haha…” The organizer was amused. “That’s not what I meant…” He turned his head, glanced at the two bodyguards next to him separately, and then said, “You have watched many scenes with me. This kind of “good show”, do you think… what is the essence of “gambling”?”

The two big guys looked at each other and did not answer, because they did not have a real answer in their hearts.

“Heh…” Upon seeing this, the organizer waited for a few seconds, and then took it on his own, “Gambling is just to die for nothing…”

Although he said an “answer”, the two still did not understand.

“The size of the card, the number of points in the sieve, the whereabouts of a certain marble, the winning or losing of a certain game, and even what kind of car will drive by in the next minute…” The organizer said again, “Gamble Having said that, these are the “boring” things… at least most of them are boring and meaningless. If there is no “stake” involved, then gambling will become boring like statistics. But… After having a’bet’, it is different. Winning may mean gaining everything, and losing may make you lose everything; betting’everything’ on a’result’ that hasn’t happened yet, enjoying the excitement in the process, and bearing the announcement of the result The bliss or pain of time…this is the real gambler, the real’rascal’.”

“Master, you mean…” The man in the suit turned his head to look at Brother Jue, “He is also a real…”

“No.” The organizer interrupted the other party, “You are wrong to use the word’also’.” He spread his hands and smiled, “Only he is the genuine product, I am not a’rascal’. …I’m just a coward.” He said in a daze, “A person like me who protects himself with money and stays in a safe position from start to finish…not a’gambling’. At most, it is a gambling. “Play”.”

The organizer paused, then continued: “Obviously, this’Mr. Crow’… is a total rascal; an inappropriate metaphor is… When everyone is thinking about how to survive During a round of the game, he was thinking about “how to kill everyone”. This essential difference, coupled with the difference in ability, made his execution power several levels higher than others…”


Late, 11:59.

There is still one last minute to midnight.

According to the rules, duels that have not been completed at midnight can be postponed until the end.

At this moment, almost all “guests”. Are still in a duel…

Some of them have calmness written on their faces, some smug, and some have expressions of “it’s over”; masks cover these expressions, sweat, tears… still uncontrollably smooth The cheeks and chins of some people are flowing downward; the trembling and posture of the body… also cannot be concealed.

It can be said that although the final matchup is not over yet, with the help of body language, it is basically possible to identify who will be eliminated.

On the other hand, I don’t know when, the men in suits and sunglasses in the venue once again increased their staff; moreover, dozens of women in suits and sunglasses also came.

As the staff, they all know…The next scene will become quite ugly. So you need enough manpower to suppress a large number of crazy people to control the scene.

And this noisy moment after midnight is also a scene that the organizers love to see.

People who fell into the quagmire of despair showed ugly and embarrassed gestures and faces one after another.

The men with straight backs and high toes are kneeling on their knees begging for mercy, crying bitterly; the women who are originally gorgeous and demeanor are screaming, crying, hysterical.

But the last struggle was undoubtedly in vain, they were dragged out after all…

Among them, those who did not sign a “protection contract” were forced to return to their individual cabins, and they would be driven ashore as soon as the ship drew ashore. And carry more serious debts.

Those who have signed a “protection contract” are grouped together according to gender; other guests don’t know where they are going, but…you can imagine their future as “property”.


In the early hours of the morning, it was twenty-five o’clock.

“Ladies. Gentlemen~” Tonight, the organizer came down from the second floor for the first time, “Let me first congratulate you.”

He came to the middle of the main hall with a dashing pace, and the two big men in suits followed closely behind him, on the left and right sides, respectively.

“Congratulations, everyone, stand out in the number guessing matchup.” The organizer said here. Clapped his hands lightly.

The next second, all the men and women in suits and sunglasses around also clapped. It’s just… from their faces, there is no sign of “congratulations”.

“Before announcing the rules of the next round of the game, let me… toast everyone a cup.”

Before the organizer’s voice was heard, sixty-four men in sunglasses had already carried their trays and came to the remaining sixty-four guests in the main hall.

A glass of champagne is placed on the tray in each of them.

“Please watch your face…” The organizer said as he took his own glass of champagne from the 65th staff member and raised the glass high.

Seeing this situation, the guests naturally raised their wine glasses one after another. Some of the masks were relatively tight, and they had slightly lifted the lower part of the mask with their other hand to start drinking.

As for Feng Bujue… He had to lift the wine glass to the height of his face to drink the contents, so the action of “putting the straw through the eyes of the mask” is still the same now.

“So…” The organizer raised his glass for a few seconds and said, “Um… let me think about the toast…”

“Hurry up, your hands are sore.” As soon as the other party finished speaking, Brother Jue was urging him.

The organizer curled his lips under the mask: “Okay… Then I wish the world and…”

Before he said the word “ping”, Feng Bujue snatched up: “Are you a lie? Heping, you think you are participating in a beauty pageant? Change someone else!”

As soon as I heard this, the organizer trembled and muttered in his heart: “Hey…you are the one who urges…you are the one who picks and chooses…you can find the difference…”

Thinking about it, he changed his mind: “Then…thank you all…”

“Are you hosting a full moon wine or a class reunion? Do you want to change your slogan to our guests? Thank you, Mao, as if we are here to show your face, change the individual!” Jue brother once again Interrupted the opponent, and once again activated its stubborn spit ability.

“I haven’t said anything to thank!” The organizer finally couldn’t help it, and snarled at Brother Jue, “You are endless! Just say it!”

“Ok, I wish you all good health.” Feng Bujue spoke at a very fast speed, and then sucked up half of the champagne with a sigh.

The organizer was shocked at the time, but after the shock was over, he and the other guests drank the champagne in their hands.

Because of his gaffe, the organizer cleared his throat awkwardly after drinking, waited a few seconds, and then said: “Hmm… Then… everyone, I’ll announce the second session. The content of the speaking, he raised his hand and snapped his fingers.

Two seconds later, a man in a suit and sunglasses came over, took the empty wine glass from the organizer, and handed him another item at random.

After the organizer took it, he lifted “that thing” and displayed it in front of everyone: “I named this game ‘Triple Nervous Breakdown’.”

While uttering those six words, he used a common shuffling technique in Hong Kong gambling movies in the 1990s to pass the neatly stacked, brand new cards from top to bottom. Again.

At this moment, none of the sixty-three guests present had seen anything from the organizer’s dazzling skills, only one person… already knew a lot of information.

“Well…not poker, but special cards. There are a total of 102 cards, divided into thirty-four patterns…It is a bit more difficult than ordinary “neurasthenia”, but…” After a glimpse, Feng Bujue was already chanting in his heart, “Heh… play cards in front of me, I’m afraid you are still tender…” (~^~)

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