Thriller Paradise Chapter 1060: Future Foundation (End)

According to the “system”, Feng Bujue drank a bottle of survival value supplement during the process of running to the connecting channel, and returned the accumulated loss of survival value to full.

After that, he ran all the way back to the entrance of the passage under the prompt of the system voice.

Because of Jue’s previous performance, the Foundation did not send ordinary guards to intercept him… In their opinion, this behavior is no different from sending him to death in vain.

[The door of this corridor is very strong, it is recommended to summon Ma Sun to destroy it]

“Understood.” At this point, Feng Bujue had basically obeyed what the “system” said.

After he answered in his heart, he immediately summoned Ma Sun.

But seeing, the shadow of the golden shining general suddenly appeared, and he slashed with the sword.

When a set of “Chinese Dance Dance” came down, the metal gate in front of me became a pile of metal fragments.


Of course, in the next second, a dense laser net appeared in front of Brother Jue.

The layers of light nets are stacked, staggered and disorderly, and each beam of light is moving at a variable speed; this defensive measure extends all the way to the other end of the corridor, let alone a person, even a fly… It may not be able to fly over.

“What to do?”

[Destroy the top of the corridor, run from above, be sure to reach the opposite side within 30 seconds, and re-enter the building, and hold your breath in the process]

“Huh?” This prompt made Feng Bujue think of something, “What happened outside the building?”

[This earth’s atmospheric environment is no longer suitable for human survival, breathing outside air may cause damage to your body]

“Huh… so that’s it.” Feng Bujue muttered, while controlling Ma Sun Zhantie to open the way.

It’s not difficult to make a hole in the upper part of the corridor. After getting it done, Brother Jiao jumped out and rushed forward over the corridor. It was less than twenty seconds. He had already come to the opposite side, and then split the ceiling under his feet in the same way.

After jumping back into the corridor, he shredded the gate connecting to the other end of the corridor. That’s it… He successfully returned to the right half.

【The main control room is on the third floor, and the base commander has guessed your goal. All the troops in the right half of the base have been transferred to the third floor for defense]

“Then… approach the target room directly from the second floor, and then blast the ceiling…” Feng Bujue’s mind immediately reflected the most reasonable strategy, “…how?”

[This is the best solution at present, but the upper, lower and surrounding walls of the master control room are all reinforced super alloys, which is not considered as the defense layer between the second and third floors] The system returns, [ It is recommended to use the “Super Death Marsun Golden Double Fist Hammer” to hit the target area in a row to destroy the stability of the alloy structure, and then use your skills to drill through the elevator car to break through]

“The loyal dog cuts all black. Show the way.” Feng Bujue answered decisively without any objection.

Two minutes later, Jie Ge successfully arrived at a corridor below the main control room.

As the “system” said, all the troops in the right half have been transferred to the third layer of defense, so Feng Bujue has no obstacles in his way.

The default time of Ma Sun’s existence is five minutes. Brother Jue also has [Alchemy King’s Taunt], which can be extended by a few more minutes. Therefore, Ma Sun’s time limit is still left at this moment and can continue to fight. .

[After going up. Maximum damage to the equipment in the computer room, as long as the computer room is destroyed, the base and the outside “means of information transmission” will be cut off]

“That is to say… the contact information other than the’information transmission means’ still exists?” Feng Bujue asked this question. He was already controlling Ma Sun and began to “beat” the ceiling.

[Existence] The system replied, [Those items that “will trigger a nuclear bomb attack program once containment failure” all have independent messaging mechanisms]

“Huh…understood.” Feng Bujue sneered, and he understood the “system” plan as soon as he heard it.

As long as he rushes up to make a fuss and cuts off the Foundation’s channels for communicating information about -3232, the task will basically be completed.

Next…what he has to do is simple, just find an extremely dangerous project that will trigger a nuclear strike as soon as it is released, and destroy its containment measures.

Boom boom boom——

Just as Brother Jue was communicating with the system, Ma Sun’s attack had already beaten the ceiling above him into a bumpy, deformed, rumbling noise.

[It’s OK]

As the system gave a positive signal. Feng Bujue stepped on the ground and twisted his body, spinning up fiercely. An upward “Electric Light Poisonous Dragon” came along.

After a few seconds, he was like a personal drill. “Drilled” into the computer room on the third floor.

[They are preparing to send data to the outside world, please start the destruction as soon as possible] Then, the system urged again.

Feng Bujue didn’t use it to remind him. As soon as he reached the third floor, he supported the ground with both hands, pulled one word in a horse, and swept out a note [Lanjiao-Zhou Duan]; then, he changed to single Supporting the ground with his hands on the ground, pushing his legs sideways, turning and kicking in the direction of the four directions, making a frantic rainy undifferentiated continuous kicking technique.

“I named this trick [Lanjiao-Xuanlianhua], what do you think?” There was no one else at this moment anyway, and Feng Bujue simply spoke to the system directly.

[No comment] But the system does not seem to be interested in chatting with him.

In a short time, Feng Bujue had already destroyed all the equipment in this huge computer room…Even the automatic fire sprinklers on the roof were knocked out by him.

[The destruction was successful, the information was not sent, and it would take at least forty minutes to restore communication] The system immediately said, [Fifteen seconds ago, the base commander issued an order that two Level 4 personnel are planning to evacuate the place and Send messages outside]

“Should I stop?” Feng Bujue asked.

[No need, as long as you trigger a nuclear strike within ten minutes, they will not have time to escape the damage range] The system responded, [Now, return to the second floor from the gap just drilled]

Feng Bujue heard the words, a flashing body rushed out of the hole in the ground. As soon as he stood still, the next prompt came again.

[At seven o’clock, go straight for 50 meters, turn right, go straight for 10 meters, then turn right…]

A series of clearly organized instructions sounded one after another in my mind, and Jue Ge’s reception and execution were also extremely efficient.

To make a long story short… only three minutes later. Brother Jue came to the door of a containment room on the basement floor.

“Is this this?” he asked, standing at the door, “what’s inside?”

[-1440] (ie, “the old man who came from nowhere”, the project originated from the legend of “the old man and the three gods of death gambling.” Things that are in contact with human beings bring death and destruction)

“He was successfully contained?” Feng Bujue remembered the project information in an instant. And doubted.

[Yes, because the foundation of this era has already analyzed the composition of -409; they have applied this technology to the containment facilities of some special items. The inner wall of the room where 1440 is held is made of 409 variant materials. It is made to achieve a balance between proliferation and collapse effects when suppressing the project]

“Then…this room…” Feng Bujue immediately thought, “Anyone with at least level 4 or above has the authority to open it, right?”

The other meaning of what he asked was…”Should I find another high-level person now and come back with another hand?”

[No, the door of this room is sealed, and the Foundation has no plans to open it again after completing containment. However, the room is equipped with sensors, when the room is damaged to a certain extent…]


Feng Bujue kicked out before he finished talking about the system.

The power of his foot can’t be said to be great, but it doesn’t matter… As long as there is a visible crack on the wall of the room, the result is…

[Good job, crazy]

[The nuclear bomb has now been launched. After the nuclear strike, all observation records will be erased, and I can cut off contact with this world]

The phrase “system” just finished. Immediately after…

[The current task has been completed, the main task has been completed]

[You have completed the script, 180 seconds (after this version update. The sojourn time after the end of the single-player script has also been changed to 180 seconds) will be sent automatically]

Finally, two familiar system words sounded and told Feng Bujue that his “task” in this script had been completed.

“Huh…In a sense, the clearance this time is really easy…” At this time, Feng Bujue let out a long sigh.


At the same moment, in a real Foundation facility.

Dr. Cox sitting behind his desk… also heaved a sigh of relief.

She looked at Feng Bujue on the big screen in front of her, showing a smug smile.

“Doctor, I should give you the evaluation of’good job’.” Two seconds later. A colleague of the observation team praised the doctor in the communication channel.

When he spoke, he could obviously hear a few cheers and laughter coming from the side. It seems…The staff in the observation room are quite satisfied with the results of this experiment.

“Heh… okay. It’s not the first time I pretend to be a ‘system’.” Cox also pressed the button of the communicator and responded. “But… it’s the first time to communicate directly with the subject like this, and say so many things… It’s really the first time.” At this point, she couldn’t help but look at Brother Jue on the screen again, “However, this is called The’crazy’ player is really strong…Even if you put aside the data and the mind…he is the best one of all the projects I have seen so far.”

“Well, that’s right…” the voice in the communication channel said again, “After all, he is the first player to successfully break into the’Second Mirror World’. I don’t know if there will be other players in the future. Done.”

“I think…that’s unlikely.” Cox replied, “After all…the universe, or era, they live in, is far less civilized than ours; in their place By the way, even in East Asia and Europe, where the average IQ is the highest, the average IQ of adults does not exceed 110; and here… Since the popularization of genetic modification technology, 95% of people have performed in preschool IQ tests. More than 130, coupled with the gap between the level of technology and the education system, will lead them more in adulthood…”

Speaking of this, she paused for two seconds, and then said: “And the’unconsciousness’ in front of us is undoubtedly an extreme example. Those other than him… even the existence of the’reminder’ is not even aware of Arrived, but he… not only successfully deciphered the’hint given by the real system in the first world’, but also quickly grasped the’hint given by the system played by me in the second world’. It’s a pity… That’s nothing more.”

The doctor’s tone changed slightly, and he continued with a little melancholy: “After all, it is the dimensional gap. When he reaches the’second mirror world’. That is, in an environment where “all details are under our control”, He will never escape the fate of the marionette.”


Obviously, at the moment. Dr. Cox thought everything was going well.

But, just when she started chatting with her colleagues…

“He…hehe…” Feng Bujue in the screen. Inexplicably laughed.

When he laughed, the smiles on the faces of Dr. Cox and the observers…but they all dissipated in an instant.

Two seconds later, the doctor hurriedly moved back to the screen, staring at the various readings on the screen, and put her hand back on the keyboard, ready to “press the key to speak” at any time.

“Okay, okay, no more acting…” Feng Bujue continued after smiling for a few seconds. “It’s cleared anyway, let me talk to you a few more words.” He raised his head and said weakly, “I don’t know who you are, but I know you are not a’system’.” He paused for half a second. Then, “The real system… After I entered this’second sandbox’, I only gave two reminders, that is, the two sentences half a minute ago.”

Listening to his words, the observation room was still full of excitement… Suddenly there was no sound.

And Dr. Cox sitting at his desk in charge of impersonating the system. His eyes widened too, and he didn’t know how to respond.

“You are the one who lifted the restrictions for me, and you are the one who changed the task…” Feng Bujue continued. “I think… my performance is pretty good. After reading the -3232 information, I immediately understood your intention to’change the task’, and this… has also become the capital of your’impersonation system’.” He He smiled again, “Heh…Speaking of it, if I can’t see through the information hidden in the [Destroy all observation records of -3232 in the Foundation] mission, it would be difficult for you to do it? In that situation Next, you have to give an additional explanation to the matter of’the system directly orders the player’.”

Speaking of which, Dr. Cox knew there was no need to cover up. She immediately pressed the speech button on the keyboard and said: “How did you find out?”

When her words reached Brother Jue’s ears. It was transformed into the same voice as the “system voice”, but… at this time the doctor did not deliberately imitate the robotic intonation. Instead, he was speaking in his own tone.

“Oh? Is it Dr. Cox?” And Feng Bujue could tell who she was only by her tone of voice, “Or… in a higher world, do you have another name? “He didn’t give the other party time to respond, and immediately said again, “Oh…Forget it, you don’t need to tell me, anyway…The basis for seeing that you are a’fake system’ is very simple-I did a test.” /

“What test?” Dr. Cox asked eagerly.

“In the past ten minutes or so, while cooperating with your command, I have been conveying various messages to you in different ways and thinking speed.” Feng Bujue continued, “However, you only deal with those’ I responded to the message that I read out in my heart in the form of language, but I didn’t respond to graphics, logical assumptions, or faster ideas, etc., the powerful female master.”

“That’s all!” Cox exclaimed.

“Enough.” Feng Bujue replied, “Indeed, your IQ is very high, and you have the ability to look at ten lines; your reaction is also very fast, you can follow the feedback from the observation program, “My voice”, Communicate with me in real time, and have a fluent answer. But… after all, you did not establish a real consciousness connection with me; the optical brain processes all my neural signals, and what you process is only the’language signal’ and the’existence in The verbal signal in thinking’…Only by this, I can be sure that you are not a system.”

Up to this point, Brother Jue tapped his temple a few times with his index finger: “If it is a’real system’ to remind me, then…he…it doesn’t need to communicate with me through’voice’ at all. Because of that…too! Slow!”

“Huh…” Hearing this, the doctor also smiled, “Well… crazy, it seems that you are smarter than I thought. I underestimated you.”

“It doesn’t matter to underestimate me, but…” Feng Bujue replied, “You, and your colleagues, underestimated the system…or rather…underestimated -3232. This is a fatal mistake.”

“Oh?” Cox’s attitude was still very relaxed, she asked with interest, “How did you come to the conclusion that we underestimated the system?”

“Ha! Hahahaha…” At this moment, Feng Bujue laughed wildly. After laughing for a while, he suddenly showed a sullen look, “Doctor, to be honest…The question you asked, and The tone of the question, to me… it can only be described as “life and death”.”

After hearing this, Dr. Cox’s expression changed abruptly.

“What do you mean?” she immediately asked aloud.

Of course, as soon as her words came to her lips, Feng Bujue in the picture turned into white light and was transmitted.


One second later, the base siren suddenly sounded, and the doctor shivered in surprise.

“What’s the matter?” She immediately pressed the communication button on the table and shouted, “Report the situation!”

Ten seconds passed…No one responded to her, there were only continuous alarm buzzing in her ears.

“Anyone?” The doctor switched to the public frequency again, and moved closer to the communicator and said loudly, “What’s the matter?”

Another ten seconds, there is still no response.

“What a joke!” Dr. Cox stood up. “Did everyone in the entire base lose the ability to respond to communications in an instant?” She shook her head, “No…impossible… Maybe something is wrong with the communication system.”

She walked out while thinking about

In any case, since the alarm has sounded, she has to go through the evacuation process even if she can’t contact anyone.


Soon, the doctor opened the electronic door of the office through a fingerprint scan.

Yes… After the door opened, she didn’t step out.

Because, at this moment… a person is standing outside the door.

It was a man in a black suit. He was thin, pale, and handsome.

But for some reason, this handsome guy showed a wretched and damp temperament all over his body. Even if the lens of the pair of glasses on the bridge of his nose was glowing with white light, it could not hide his extremely unkind eyes.

“Hehehe…Hello, Doctor. Let me introduce myself, my name is…” (To be continued.)

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