Thriller Paradise Chapter 1042: Extreme experiment (11)

Feng Bujue’s condition improved a lot after returning all four bags of blood. Although there is still slight dizziness and nausea, it basically does not affect the movement.

He took Igor and went on, and along the way… found many closed doors.

Like the previous four doors, the road is full of locked, airtight metal doors. You don’t know what’s in the house if you don’t open it.

This time, Feng Bujue tried to pick the lock.

But it turned out… When he slid the tool into the lock, he heard the system sound of [Cannot open].

Since it is [cannot be opened], not [key required] or [locked], Brother Jue also confirmed…All these doors cannot be opened, they are simply decorations on the script map.

But…this point made him a little bit confused.

“The script map is so big, but the space to explore is very limited…” He said in his heart as he walked, “After coming out of the gravity gate, there is only one room that can be entered, and the interrogation room is not There is nothing related to the main line, it is purely for the player to supplement equipment…” He looked up and looked ahead, “There is also this extremely similar map, and it hasn’t changed much until now, it looks monotonous and repetitive…”

“Look, mad brother! There is no way ahead.” At this moment, Igor’s eyes widened and pointed to the front.

“Oh…really…” Feng Bujue did not see the end, but he did not express any objection, because he knew that his vision was not as good as Igor’s, after all, people are transforming people.” I can’t see that far, let’s walk again.”

“Okay.” Igor nodded and followed Brother Jue on.

In a short while, the two came to the “end” of the corridor. There was nothing special here, and there was no room, except for a gray wall similar to other places.

In addition. This end is not a dead end, there are fork roads on both sides, that is to say, here is a T-shaped intersection…

Feng Bujue stood at the intersection and looked to the left and right, and found that the sceneries on both sides were basically the same, except for the “texture of the walls and the ground”, it was difficult for others to notice, or even if they could. In addition to the inevitable details, it is still ↙style_txt; the same corridor, the same chandelier, and the same metal door.

“Huh…what’s this?” At this moment, Brother Jiao finally realized what the faint sense of abnormality this script brought to him.

That’s a kind of—”the feeling of being shoddy”…

To be more specific: Except for the accessible rooms, the entire script map revealed a problem…lack of details.

First of all. I’ve already mentioned it in the previous article…It’s okay for such a large base to be made very similar everywhere, but under this premise, there is no signpost, which is illogical.

Secondly, there are not only road signs, but also many details that should exist. For example, wires and pipes…

The chandeliers on the top of the corridor are all designed to be hung by a wire, and the end of the wire is directly connected to the ceiling. And in the corridor… there is not a single light switch. This means two conclusions: First, as long as there is electricity in the base, these lights in the corridor are on and never turned off; second, the control switches for these lights are concentrated in a place similar to the control center.

The possibility of the latter hypothesis is almost zero. Not to mention whether the technology of the 1940s can do this, even if it can… In this base that is completely unmarked, without surveillance, and indistinguishable from the area, how does the remote control know which area he is controlling? Where’s the lamp?

It’s like I am giving you a remote control, telling you that you can use this to control all the lights in a certain building. But I don’t tell you which switch controls which floor, and you can’t see the building, what’s the point of that control?

Of course. The point that “the lights in the corridor never turn off” can still explain this point, so Feng Bujue didn’t get too entangled in this matter.

However… there is one last question, and I feel really intolerable.

There are no exposed lines and pipes, so it’s fine. I will assume that your entire base is lined up with hidden lines; however, there is not even a vent… what is this going to do?

This is an “underground” base. Even if it is not sealed, it must have vents, and there must be many more.

At first, Feng Bujue thought that by expanding the scope of exploration, he would be able to see a few, but he came along the way… he didn’t see any of them.

At this moment, when Brother Jue confirmed the feature of “lack of details”, he felt a little bit of recollection–it was the problem with the “script map” itself.

This base is not like a building generated by the system of a thriller paradise, on the contrary, it looks like something created in (ie, “Minecraft”); in fact, even if it is inside, it can be built. More complicated than this…

“So… the hidden worldview should be related to this script map?” Feng Bujue asked, “Could it be…this is a’sandbox’ space similar to that made by derivatives? And it hasn’t been done yet. ?”

Papa Papa——

Just as he was thinking about it, a rush of footsteps suddenly came from his side.

“Be careful! It’s him!” Igor’s eyesight and hearing are above Feng Bujue’s at this moment, so his reaction is faster than the latter.

“Oh…” However, Feng Bujue’s calmness cannot be matched by Igor.

After receiving the reminder, Brother Jue interrupted his thinking, staring at his eyes and saying listlessly: “The one with bare feet is right.”

Just listening to the footsteps knows that the other party is not wearing shoes, and Igor said “it is him”, which shows that the person who came is a character that the two have seen before.

Based on these two points… it’s self-evident who came.


Speaking of late, it was fast. While Barefoot made a weird smile, he had dashed from tens of meters away, and his speed was three points faster than the one who was wearing shoes before.

“Igor.” Feng Bujue called the Soviet captain beside him in a calm tone.

“Yes.” When he answered, Igor had put down the toolbox and clenched the meat cleaver in his hand.

“Old rules, you know.” Brother Jue continued.

“Okay!” With the previous experience, Igor is no longer afraid of these so-called “devils”. On the premise of abandoning fear, his combat effectiveness has become stronger, and his attacks have become faster and faster. Precise.


Two seconds later, the wind broke. The blade swiped towards the barefoot brother’s neck.

The same plot, the same result.

The world in the eyes of those monsters… is different from ordinary humans. It is like when Feng Bujue sees Thriller Paradise through the data perspective, it is completely different from the ordinary perspective.

In the corridor in the eyes of the barefoot brother, the whole is a dark space. All terrain and objects are all shadows with outlines, and all the light sources are a dim cold color.

The only bright color in his eyes is red…blood red. In his opinion, Feng Bujue was a humanoid silhouette with blood all over it. And Igor…including the clothes on Igor’s body, the knife in his hand, etc., all blend with the surrounding darkness.

Therefore, when Barefoot realized that the blade was coming, he was unable to retreat and couldn’t avoid this attack…

“Hee–uh…” The laughter stopped abruptly due to the fracture of the neck, and the head flew forward due to inertia.

Two seconds later, Feng Bujue caught the barefoot brother’s head and muttered: “Well… it’s a scene of deja vu.”

“How…maybe…” The barefoot brother can undoubtedly speak normally with only the head left.

“Okay, let’s make a long story short.” Feng Bujue looked at Brother Barefoot. Say, “If you don’t cooperate, I will put your head in a place where people will not be discovered for decades; if you cooperate, I will kill you in a while. Understand?”

Barefoot brother heard the words, froze for a few seconds, and then replied: “Uh… understand.”

“How did you find me?” Feng Bujue did not say “we”, but said “me” instead. Because he knew that the other party couldn’t see Igor, and didn’t want to expose it.

“I can perceive the blood flow in a living person…” Barefoot replied, “If the distance is far away… it will be blurry. But the closer it is, the clearer it will be.”

“Oh?” Feng Bujue raised his eyebrows, “Why didn’t you find me in the operating room?”

“What…operating room?” Brother Barefoot couldn’t see any details of the scene. He only had the light source and dark shadows in his eyes, so he didn’t know which room he had entered before was the operating room. In addition, because of this, he was not affected by -1011.

“I only know…In a certain area before, I felt that someone was nearby, but I searched for a while and couldn’t find…” After a few seconds, the barefoot brother answered, “Then …I guessed that the person might not be on’this level’, but on the upper or lower level, so I left.”

“Wait…” When Feng Bujue heard this, his expression changed slightly, “This base…is more than one layer?”

“Yes, there are four floors, one on the ground and three underground; we are currently on the second underground.” Barefoot replied.

“Have you been to the fourth floor?” Brother Jue asked, “Do you know how to get out?”

“No…I…” The barefoot brother showed a complex expression, “In my memory…this base has four floors, but now, I can’t find an exit.”

“Why do you have that kind of memory?” Feng Bujue asked again, “The five people who participated in the experiment were all war criminals. There is no reason to know the structure of this base.”

“War criminals?” Brother Barefoot was taken aback for a moment, “You mean… the ‘first experiment’?”

These five words are like the first torrent that broke through the dam, spreading Feng Bujue’s thoughts like a bank.

“I said…” After two seconds of silence, Feng Bujue asked in a deep voice, “How many sleep experiments have you done here?”

“Three times.” The barefoot brother replied.

“Can you show me the experiment log?” Feng Bujue said again.

This question made Brother Barefoot hesitate for a moment: “No, the world in my eyes is different from what you see. Although I remember the way, I don’t know where I am at the moment.”

“Then I will find you a fixed coordinate, can you find the way from memory?” Feng Bujue asked again.

“Fixed coordinates?” Brother Barefoot didn’t seem to understand what Jue meant.

“Very short answer.” Feng Bujue replied, “For example…” He turned his head and looked at the side of the T-shaped intersection, “I’ll take you to a certain corner of this floor, can you tell me , From that corner, how many intersections you pass, and the number of doors you stop at, you can find the experiment report.”

“This…” Brother Barefoot understood this time, but he replied, “It’s okay, but… why don’t you find it yourself? Isn’t there a sign in the corridor?”

“What…what did you say?” Feng Bujue’s expression changed abruptly.

Barefoot brother thought that the other party did not hear clearly, so he said again: “There is a sign on the road, can’t you understand it?”

The next second, Feng Bujue immediately turned his head and looked at Igor and said, “Is there?”

Igor froze for a moment, then shook his head.

Next, Feng Bujue looked at Brother Barefoot again: “In your memory…Is there a sign for this base?”

“Of course there is.” The barefoot brother replied with a natural tone, “This base is built like a chessboard, and the passages are all straight and vertically interlaced. If there is no sign, who can tell who is in? Where?”

“So…in your memory…” Feng Bujue continued to ask, “Is there a light switch on the wall in the corridor? And…is there a vent in the corridor?”

“What are you talking about?” This time, Barefoot asked the other way around, “What happened in this base?”

Judging from his tone, the obvious answer is—Yes.

However, the actual situation is that I don’t even see these things…

For a few seconds, Feng Bujue thought that his vision or spirit had been disturbed, causing him to “not see” those details; but… Igor also said that there was no problem, which showed that it was not a problem in this regard.

“It’s getting more and more weird…” Feng Bujue secretly asked, “Is I also imagined Igor?” He quickly rejected this hypothesis, “Impossible… He must be an entity, I I have had physical contact with him, he helped me carry the blood bag, carried a toolbox along the way, and cut two monsters by the way. If Igor is illusory… then everything in this script so far is nothing. Is it illusory?”

Thinking of this, Jue Ge’s inspiration flashed.

“Wait…Illusion?” He couldn’t help groaning out, whispering in his mouth.


“Lack of details.”

“There are details in memory…”

“It is not an interference of vision or mentality.”


“There is a problem with the script map seems like a sandbox that has not been done…”


“Not done?”


A series of fragments of information flashed through Feng Bujue’s mind, spreading like water in a sponge in a very short time, producing countless hypotheses and deductions…

Finally… At a remote tip on that reasoning map, there was an area that gradually became clear.

“Heh…” At this moment, Feng Bujue showed a long-lost, confident smile, “It’s not that I didn’t do a good job…but it can only be done to this degree…” He raised his eyes and looked into the distance. , The focus of his gaze seems to be at the back of the corridor wall, “What the derivative can do is also possible; since the sandbox can be developed, then the foundation…” (to be continued.)


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