Thriller Paradise Chapter 1034: Extreme experiment (3)

The voice didn’t come from the direction Feng Bujue passed by, but from the side he hadn’t explored. ? Just after the low moan, followed by the sound of footsteps.

Slap, slap, slap…

This is not the ordinary footsteps, but the sound of barefoot on the ground.

“Well~ This is the barefoot guy who made me wear shoes…” Feng Bujue knew something was going to happen when he heard this.

In a script of Nightmare difficulty, especially under such a setting that limits the player’s abilities, being attacked by a monster… is very likely to be second.

This point, even players with no nightmare experience know it, let alone Feng Bujue’s old rivers and lakes who come to the nightmare difficulty in three days.

So, even though I feel that Brother has weapons at hand now, his first choice is to hide.

“Um…get a handy one first.” At that moment, Feng Bujue glanced at the trolley and copied a weapon.

[Name: Scalpel]

[Type: Weapon]

[Quality: Normal]

[Attack Power: Medium]

[Attribute: None]

[Special Effects: None]

[Equipment conditions: general specialization e, or medical specialization f]

[Can the script be brought out: Yes]

【Remarks: Long No. 3 handle, No. 22 blade. 】

As long as there is no equipment and no physical skill bonus, this kind of ordinary quality, light and bladed weapon is still very good.

Of course, according to Feng Bujue’s “ordinary hand-to-hand weapon echelon”, the scalpel can only be counted as a t2 low-level… Baseball bats, golf clubs, Folding stools, watermelon knives, etc.; t3 means kitchen knives, slabs, finger tigers, hammers, etc.; again t4 means frozen meat, scissors, wine bottles, shoe soles, walking sticks, and pans. As for the artifact that can enter t1, we all know very well… the chainsaw, do not explain.

Slap, slap, slap…

The sound of footsteps is getting faster and closer.

Feng Bujue glanced around, and there really is nowhere to hide in this room…The cabinets in the room are all too small for elementary school students to hide in; the machinery is not big enough to make anything. Looking at a blind spot, you can’t squat down if you want to find a corner.

It seems that I can go behind the curtain…

So Feng Bujue opened the curtain decisively. One? Read the book w?ww see · 1?k?a?n?s?h?u? Then, he saw a hospital bed; a hospital bed. Put one head and one foot.

Let’s talk about the foot first… the foot has stopped moving, because the fluorescent fluid in the foot has almost run out, “it” is just placed on the bed, like an ordinary, excised organ.

But. That head… is still “alive”.

“It” was fixed to the bedside bracket by a few straps, and a few tubes of different thickness and material were connected under the neck, and those tubes were connected to several devices beside the bed. One of them has a transparent shell and a rubber pump inside it is undulating regularly, which seems to be an “artificial lung”; the other has a similar principle, but it is not filled with air. It’s fluorescent liquid…

When Feng Bujue opened the curtain, the eyes of the man’s head were already fixed in this direction. It can be seen that…this head had already noticed that someone was outside the curtain.

“Have sight and hearing still disappeared…” Feng Bujue glanced at the other side and said in his heart, “I don’t know if he can think or whether he is hostile to me… But, already The guy who has lost the vocal cords, even if you want to reveal my position, it’s difficult.”

He was thinking about it, and suddenly there was a “bang” from behind. There is no doubt that this is the “barefoot” who opened the door and came in…

Next. It was a silence of ten seconds.

Feng Bujue, who got into the bottom of the bed as soon as he slid, knew even if he didn’t look…the one who came in was scanning the room at this time.

Pap, pap… Ten seconds later, the sound of footsteps sounded again, coming straight to the bed.


The curtain was violently pulled open, and a pair of thin feet appeared in Brother Jue’s line of sight.

It was a pair of deformed feet, not only skin and bones, but also as if they were bitten by some animal. There are several skins on the feet that are no longer visible, and the toes of the two feet are also exposed. They are all in a staggered and twisted state, but they maintain the balance of the entire sole in a peculiar way…

If possible, Brother Jue really wants to look at each other’s whole body. Unfortunately, from the angle of his position, he can only see these feet. If you want to look up, you have to stick your head forward… It’s too risky and not worth it.

“Uh–” The barefoot brother stood by the bed. There was another low groan, and then… he sniffed twice, as if a hunting dog was sniffing its prey.

Fortunately, the smell of disinfectant in this room is very strong, unless it is something with a strong smell like shit, the smell of other things can easily be masked.

“He…hehe…” I don’t know why. After smelling it for a while, Barefoot suddenly laughed twice. His laugh sounded like an old cannon who smokes industrial waste gas every day and has been smoking for decades. That hoarse voice of tobacco and alcohol… Make everyone who listens want to spit out immediately.

After the laughter, Brother Barefoot turned around and walked away. When he walked a little farther, Feng Bujue nodded slightly, making sure that he did not leave the shadow range. One reading ww?w?·1?k?a look n?s?h?u look·c?c?

At this moment, Brother Jue can see clearly the body below the ribs of the monster…In general, the brothers are just corpses; not only are the clavicles standing and the skin is shriveled, but there are also many parts of the body that are exposed and exposed. .

Perhaps considering the harmony factor, this shirtless monster without shoes still wears a pair of cropped trousers underneath (I use the degree of broken trouser legs to distinguish the length of humanoid monsters in horror games. The bottom of the thigh is a pair of pants, only the bottom of the trousers is a pair of pants, and so on)……


With the sound of pushing the door, the monster went out…

This barefoot brother can be said to come and go in a hurry. From entering the room to pushing the door and leaving, it takes less than a minute in total.

However, this minute is undoubtedly a terrifying experience for the person hiding under the bed…

The kind of tension that may be spotted at any time…

The kind of fear that makes the blood cold…

The kind of depressive heart that almost jumps out of my throat, but I don’t even dare to breathe…

“Well… I went to the room at the end of the corridor…”

Feng Bujue didn’t have any of the above reactions…

“It seems…just a mutated human being, or that kind of incomplete garbage mutation…”

After experiencing this “horrible” hiding bridge, ordinary people usually breathe a sigh of relief and hide under the bed until they can’t hear the sound of the monster before coming out.

But Feng Bujue immediately thought of counterattack…

“Quietly follow it now. Come and be caught off guard… The success rate is definitely over 70%.”

Thinking of this, Jue took advantage of the situation and slipped out of the bed with a smooth rolling motion, and got up with a carp…Then quickly picked up a bone saw from the cart.

But I saw him with a bone saw in one hand and a scalpel in the other. Run at the door and go.

Looking at this scene, even the head brother who was fixed on the bed frame showed a shocked expression…

“It’s pretty fast…” Three seconds later, without making a sound, Brother Guo opened the movable door with his shoulder and returned to the corridor. at this time. The barefoot brother had passed the corner in front, listening to the footsteps, he went to the room where the door was still locked.

“At this degree, you can catch up in about 30 seconds…” Feng Bujue continued to remain silent, walking in large strides, shortening the distance with the opponent.

Of course, just when he approached the corner and was about to flash out…


There was a loud noise.

The sound is like a rear-end collision of a car, and it is the kind of rear-end collision that is seventy yards past.

“Huh?” At that moment, Feng Bujue almost instinctively realized something. He stopped quickly, not taking that crucial step.


Following, there were four more loud bangs in succession, and then, there was a bang—a heavy movement of a metal plate hitting the concrete floor.

“The trough is lying down!” Half a second after hearing the sound, Feng Bujue cursed a very fresh **** in his heart.

He heard it, the series of noises just now…It was the sound of Brother Barefoot hitting the door.

If the other party just “smashed the door lock”, it’s fine, but judging from the sound… this guy should have knocked down the entire door.

Think about the thickness of the metal door, then look down at his body…Feng Bujue licked his lips and decided to…withdraw.

After a moment. With a shocked expression on his face, I watched the head brother Jue leaving, and with a puzzled expression, he watched Jue go back to the room and get back under the bed…

To make a long story short…

After five minutes of lying under the bed with the dual-handed surgical equipment, Brother Barefoot’s footsteps once again passed by the corridor outside the door, presumably he had already searched the room at the end of the corridor. So the same way back again.

This time, Feng Bujue waited until the other party’s footsteps completely disappeared, and it took another three full minutes before he rolled out of the bed.

“Oh…It’s really not a person to look like, and the sea is not to be able to measure~” He stood up behind him and muttered to himself softly. “This is Mr. Aha’s body, Kane Bloodhoof…”

After vomiting, Brother Jue turned his head and looked at Brother Rentou, then leaned close to him and said: “Blinking once means ‘yes’, blinking twice means ‘no’, do you understand?”

His first sentence was very purposeful. Two seconds later, Brother Rentou also blinked vigorously and deeply, indicating that he could understand.

“Oh…reason is still there.” After Feng Bujue said such a sentence, he… left.

Now, Brother Rentou is dumbfounded again… He originally thought that the other party would use the blink of an eye to communicate with himself, but he didn’t expect that Brother Jue only confirmed one problem and turned around and left.

“Don’t worry, I’ll be looking for you in a while, you first… uh… you seem to have to wait.” Feng Bujue seemed to be able to see through the other’s thoughts, before going out, he turned his head back to the person. Brother said such a sentence. After that, he returned to the corridor and rushed all the way to the previously locked room.

According to Jue Ge’s analysis, the plot just now has three meanings in total: First, let the main monster of the script appear on the scene; second, create a scare segment; third, let the monster help the player open one Door.

“So far it is still a typical linear script. There are almost no extra choices and no side missions…” Feng Bujue thought, and came to the door of the room, “So, follow the lead of the plot to explore , 80% is right.”

With the help of the lights in the corridor, Feng Bujue can roughly see the scenery in the room…It is a square room with a side length of five meters, which is smaller than the one where Brother Jue was originally located; at this time, The metal door of the room has been knocked off and dropped to the ground; and in the middle of the room, there stands a rather huge black shadow, motionless…

“This is… a statue?” Feng Bujue cautiously stepped into the door and reached out to touch the wall next to the door, as he had guessed… In a position similar to the first room, there was a light switch.


After flipping the switch, this second room also lights up.

It turned out to be a statue in front of Feng Bujue…

The statue is about two meters high and the main body is a worker in uniform; its base and body are nothing unusual, but the statue’s neck is not a human head, but a set of tools; those tools include an axe and a sickle , Hammers, pliers, etc., there is nothing particularly strange.

In addition, on the base of the statue, there are also engraved words…

Feng Bujue walked in and watched, and now it says-“Talents are the most important thing in production”, and there is a year engraved next to it-“1927”.

“This is…” When that line of words entered the line of sight, a group of messages flashed through his mind, “…it’s awful!”

The next second, he quickly turned around and looked away from the statue.


“Cut…it seems to be too late…” Then, he whispered again, and swiftly stepped forward, towards the third room…that is, the room where the head brother was.

When Brother Rentou saw that he was back so soon, he was puzzled again, but Feng Bujue’s weird behavior was just the beginning…

After returning to the room, Feng Bujue completely ignored the head brother on the bed, and started to rummage through the cabinets on his own, and successfully found a pen, a bottle of ink, and a stack of paper.

Then he moved a stool, sat down in front of a device, spread paper on it, and started…writing a novel.

Yes, he wrote a novel in a nightmare-difficult single-player book…not only writing, but also writing with a happy face.

The energy of writing swiftly made the head brother on the hospital bed feel confused (very confused), and the latter has no idea what he is doing…

The system did not make a “negative game” judgement for Jue’s behavior, just let him write it down.

So…Feng Bujue wrote novels for three hours in this wonderful environment…

Until three hours later, his expression suddenly became cold and he put down the pen in his hand.

He looked down at his already red and swollen knuckles, took a long sigh, and said, “Ah…His meow has finally failed.” (To be continued.)


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