This Slime is Poisonous Chapter 65: Brother came to seek revenge

The plan couldn’t keep up with the changes at all, and the pastor faded away began to read three consecutive black balls, and Archie ran to the opposite corner of the platform like a headless chicken.

“I hope the maximum distance of this platform is wide enough.”

Archie stood trembling beside the far pillar…

“You have received 100*3 shadow damage.”

Not far enough! This is still hairy! Pastor Fading is ready to score three times! But I really can’t bear the blood volume!

Wait… the distance is not enough, can the angle of view be used? The question is what card to use! Pillar? It’s too thin, and there’s no room for people to stand outside the pillar… Then, is the big clock in the middle okay?

“It’s worth a try!” Anyway, there was no better way, Archie quickly gave up pulling the distance and ran to the back of the big clock.

“Dang! Dang! Dang!” The big bell rang three times lightly, indicating that it was not painful.

“I can do it!” Sure enough, the auspicious person has his own appearance, and then it’s time for brother to perform again!

After the Fading Priest released the magic, he couldn’t see the target, so he would naturally search around the big clock.

“Will it come from the left or the right? I’m looking forward to it~” A BOSS battle was played by Archie as hide-and-seek. Attack with a face, and after reading the article, Archie shrank his head and hid on the opposite side, forming a perfect output cycle, so after a few rounds…

“Damn reptile, you **** me off!” Priest Fading Yin spoke his lines again.

Archie was stunned: “Are you going to make a big move? And it seems that he didn’t hear the bell, which means that he didn’t play the three-chain black ball, so he must be holding back the big move, so let’s hide.” He continued to tremble.

“Got you, little reptile!” Huh? This BOSS doesn’t play cards according to the routine. Didn’t he use his skills just now? Why did he suddenly run up to melee with the wind blowing from the soles of his feet? But melee is good! What I’m not afraid of the most is making sticks!

“You have been attacked by a shadow battle, causing 100 points of shadow damage.”

Nani? What about hand-to-hand combat? Why is it magic damage? Archie hastened to continue running, his health was less than 40, and he could no longer be attacked. Hey, the game of hide-and-seek has turned into throwing a handkerchief again, and there is no one who beats the boss like this.

Finally nothing happened again, Archie used instant frost rockets to continuously consume the HP of the fading priest, and after going around for an unknown number of times, he finally consumed it into a trace of blood.

“It’s finally over…” If I run any further, I’m going to feel dizzy. Archie stood still and confidently shot the last Frost Rocket, just the last dozen or so drops of blood, there could be no accidents.

“Fade Priest Varana is invincible.”

“Your frost rockets are immune.”

Nani? ! !

“No matter how powerful you are, you are still a powerful reptile! Holy Light, give me strength!” The golden light violently gathered around the BOSS, forming a golden egg that resisted Archie’s fatal blow, while the BOSS still maintained its strength. Shadow form!

“No way, there will be a dual-form battle? If you can breastfeed and fight, I might as well just jump off the building!”

Sure enough, the BOSS has the invincible reading bar healing technique.


“Holy light… cough… why did you abandon me…”

“You killed Fading Priest Varana.”


“I’m so scared to death, it turned out to be a plot kill.” Archie wiped off his cold sweat, but luckily it was a false alarm, “Then the most anticipated part is left, touching the corpse…”

Wait a minute… the sacred thing is to touch the corpse, don’t be sloppy, wash your hands first, this is another bladder game that lasts for more than half an hour…


“You picked up the chaos pocket watch (blue): jewelry, intelligence +15, stamina +5 special effect: chaos, mental attributes fluctuate randomly every 5 seconds -50~+50.”

“You picked up a shadow stone fragment*1.”

Archie is ecstatic, he really needs to wash his hands, this is not a treasure! The attributes of the chaos pocket watch are very suitable for Archie’s characteristics, especially the chaos special effect, spirit -50? Anyway, I only need 1 point of energy, subtract it! To put it simply, if you fluctuate to a negative number, you will not lose money, and if you fluctuate to a positive number, you will make a lot of money.

“Where should we go next? There seems to be no other way to the top of the tower?” The magic flame in the corridor is still burning, is it really necessary to jump off the building?

“Varana! My dear brother, I will avenge you!” A angry roar came from the corridor.

“Double-bladed knight Kelexis is about to enter the battle, please be prepared.”

“Countdown: 5.” Fortunately, there are still 5 minutes to prepare, who is afraid of who!


? ? ! !




“The battle begins.”

The system is big, your prompt is too **** slow! Just prepare a P in 5 seconds, my blood is not over half now, and the mana is only 20, and I still need to make an egg!

“Damn maggots, dare to defile my dear brother! Die!”

What the **** are maggots? Who else defiled your brother! Don’t be so serious, okay? Brother just killed him!

The BOSS in heavy armor rushed towards him, and Archie, who was in poor condition, could only continue to run around the clock. Hearing the sound of the heavyweight BOSS running and chasing after him, he was terrified.

But…it seems…except that the footsteps are louder, maybe he can’t run as fast as his brother?

That’s right, any knight in the game is a cumbersome existence after dismounting, and no one can be flexible if he wears that iron lump! In fact, the speed of the BOSS is not slow, reaching 120% of regular players, but when he encounters Archie with a speed bug, he can only eat exhaust gas.

So what is there to worry about? Hit it! Enter the hell-style spiral marathon again…

After 10 minutes…

“I can’t do I can’t do it! I’m really going to vomit…” As expected of a knight known for his defensive power, Archie’s set of attacks hit him with great effect! All kinds of digestion, corrosion and burning effects have greatly reduced the damage, and there is a high probability of resistance! It has been almost 200 laps, and Kankan has only consumed 19% of its blood. Thinking of running 800 laps, Archie couldn’t stop his urge to jump off the building.

“Poor maggot, do you think you can hurt me?” When the blood volume decreased by 20%, the boss finally stopped chasing and read the lines.

“Holy Flame! Bless your servant!” The double-edged knight knelt down and prayed. After a burst of golden light flashed randomly, golden flames burst out all over his body, and he continued his unfinished pursuit journey.

“Why is the intermission so short?” The second round of the marathon has begun… But the skills of this boss seem to be useless? Who would slash at close quarters with a muscular man like him!


“The holy sword will definitely punish you!” The two swords also began to shine golden, and the damage will definitely increase… But can you hit brother?


“Maggot! You are worthy of my new power!” The two swords glowed black… Dude, can we have something new? I told you it’s useless if you can’t cut it!


“Don’t underestimate me! Double blades are the strongest!” One sword with golden light, one sword with black light… Can you show me something new? This marathon almost fell asleep…


“Maggot, I have to thank you! Let me learn something new!”

Enen, brother is watching, use it quickly.

“Holy light accelerates! Shadow sprint!” The double-edged knight’s left foot was shining with gold, his right foot was blackened, and his speed suddenly increased to nearly 200%…

“Run little maggot, run~~hahaha!”


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