This Slime is Poisonous Chapter 626: Internal explosion


Crackling, chicken-flavored… Poor tortoise dies before leaving school, and again… killed in battle, swallowed by a Chimera flying at low altitude…

I can’t blame others…

Chimera and Archie were entangled and fighting endlessly, but a **** came out to grab the show, and he didn’t know how to roar. Isn’t this a snack for Chimera who is not full yet? !

‘Your pet giant turtle lord is digested, HP -8000 (corrosion), duration MAX. ’



‘Your pet giant tortoise lord died, his body disappeared, and he could only be revived in Juling Stone. The soul of the giant tortoise lord was severely injured, level -10, IQ -10. ’

Archie: “…”

“Ah! Turtle! You died so badly, Turtle!!!!”

Damn it, how can I say that among Archie’s three pets, they are the most capable of fighting, the most resistant, and the most practical existence that can be used as carriages and cannon fodder, but they are swallowed alive and lose their IQ? ! Ya is already mentally retarded, shouldn’t this be reduced to mental retardation? !

This revenge must be avenged! ! !

As for how to report it, the death of Guigui really inspired Archie! !

Slime clone technique!

“Hey, Most High, do me a favor!”

“How can I help? Brother, let me tell you first, this guy is not easy to fight, we definitely can’t beat it.” As a soul parasite, the Supreme One has seen the show from the beginning to the end, who is strong and who is weak, and has a good idea of ​​the winning rate. If it weren’t for relying on Archie to survive, he wouldn’t bother to come out and be beaten.

“You don’t need to fight, test something! Remember the ‘slime hot air balloon’ move?” That’s right, it was the time when Novice Village swallowed the fire essence and almost died, now it is stronger , Archie will naturally continue to develop this skill! Not to mention the tasteless function of turning yourself into a heater and flying in the sky, letting the avatar play with self-explosion is also very good, the only problem is that you must ask the Supreme to help, the computer-controlled avatar always talks, and leaks air! The Supreme One can also silently recite fire spells, form an expansion inside, and then give a deadly big explosion when needed.

“Of course. To be honest, I hate this trick, every time I use it, I feel like dying all over again.”

“Stop complaining, know what to do?”

“Isn’t it just taking the initiative to swallow it, and blasting it inside.”

“That’s right, it’s up to you! I’ll cover you!”

“Cover? Please remove the invisibility before farting, brother, please?”

Facts have proved that Archie still thinks simply.

It is true that the giant tortoise lord persisted in the Chimera for many seconds before he died…but…it is too difficult for the avatar of the supreme being to replicate this scene of being swallowed alive…no…that’s the probability It really hurts…

It is said that Chimera has three heads…

Will you use that mouth to eat…it really depends on how you feel…

Lion’s head biting…sheep’s head grinding…

Only the snake head will swallow it alive!

This TM is cheating…

I have tried several times in a row with the clone CD, and I just don’t need the snake head in the middle to swallow it! And if caught by the other two heads… the Most High! ! You died so badly~~~~ Hey? Wait, what about the Most High?

Finally… hit the one-third probability…

The snake head swallowed the not yet fully inflated clone in one gulp! The numbers of -8000 and -8000 keep jumping!

‘Is the damage of digestion fixed? ’

‘No wonder the angel of power is torn apart and swallowed… You know that the healing ability of the angel can be resisted for a long time in its body… It seems that there are many battles before. ’

‘It’s okay to stick to it for a few tens of seconds, enough time to explode yourself, it’s up to you, the supreme one! ’

After 32 seconds…

‘Your clone explodes, causing 500 points of damage to Chimera. ’

Hold the grass! ! ! Why is the damage so low? ! ! ! !

Is it the setting of the stomach like a copper wall?

Or is there not enough air? ? ?

“NND! If you are young and don’t work hard, the boss will suffer a lot! If you don’t study hard, you will even forget the most basic knowledge!!!” To put it bluntly, this explosion requires a violent explosion of fire elements, but… there is no combustion accelerant ——With the help of oxygen, how can it explode? ! There is only so much space in the Chimera’s stomach, and only so little oxygen, so it’s not bad to be able to detonate successfully…

Of course I have to say… the internal defense of the ya is also different from normal things… Even if it is an ordinary blast, it can suffer tens of thousands of damage to the internal organs. It turned out that it was only 500!

Obviously, its setting of devouring everything makes its internal organs also not low in defense, which is why the Chimera swallowed the giant turtle lord and clone alive without hesitation!

Wait… now is not the time to think about these boring questions! How to make a Chimera? ! Or how to get out of the fight! ! !

Do you want to persist until all the historians come to rescue you with a rescue army?

Then we have to wait until the Year of the Monkey!

The progress of the small team led by him should belong to the fastest batch, and it only took half a day to beat the bottom boss. In the main city, it is hard to find even one who can fight, and I want to wait for rescue… Let’s think about what to write on the wreath…

2 hours later…

“Brother, please do me a favor!!! Let’s stop fighting, okay? I give up, it’s okay!!! Everyone pretends they haven’t seen it before, okay?!”


The Chimera passed by at an incredible speed, obviously not!

4 hours later…

“Little Charmander, editor, the master is sorry for you!!!”

Archie couldn’t bear it any longer. It’s not that he was tired. People are made of iron, rice is made of steel, and he has a bladder that is about to explode… He can only decisively start selling his own pets, and let the two flying units come back to vote. Food’…

‘咻——’ ‘咻, 咻! ’

The Chimera didn’t even bother with the two pets, it just stared at Archie and attacked!

“Scratch! No grudges! Why are you so brainless!!! Can you eat well and don’t be picky!!!”

Archie quickly discovered the problem… The little charmander is mechanized, and the editor itself is a robot… No matter how not picky eaters are, as creatures, iron blocks are definitely not in the recipe… Speaking of which, again A moment of silence for the unlucky giant tortoise lord… After dying once and resurrecting, the armor on his body has long since been damaged, and a fat turtle looks so plump…

Huh? By the way… I want to feed, it seems that there are no nearby…

If you eat those…will it…

Hehehe… Try it?

Archie is glad again that he saved the soul of the Supreme One back then! This wise decision saved the troubled bladder again!

Hang up and ask him to help dodge Chimera’s hungry tigers pounce on him a few I solved the eating, drinking and lassing in 1 minute at the fastest speed…

It’s all because the urgency of urination affected the brain circuit, and I almost sacrificed two pets with fair IQ. If all three pets become mentally retarded…It hurts to think about it…

Let’s not talk about this for now, anyway, not long after going online, Charmander and the editor caught a M turtle again and flew back…

. m.

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