This Slime is Poisonous Chapter 617: M Turtle

?After many experiments, Archie discovered that S Rabbit…is really dead! No matter what method you use, you just don’t want to change your target, and you won’t stop until you kill your opponent!

Not to mention, on this vast grassland, this tactic is extremely suitable for groups of rabbits. Anyway, with unlimited healing, and a passive that is almost immune to group attacks, everyone should not try to play tricks, just hit and kill! Relying on the advantages of numbers and speed, an ordinary team with dozens of people will really be abused!

But don’t forget, will Archie’s team be an ordinary team?

“Professor Yang! Make room! Rhubarb, get on the turtle!”

Du Huang, whose physical strength and energy were exhausted to the limit, understood Archie’s intention in an instant, cheered up and climbed into the cockpit of the giant tortoise lord, and then… there was no more…

The S rabbits immediately became confused as a group, dazed around the giant tortoise lord, and stopped jumping up and down…

“Huh? The city lord has a solution!” Wright was also flustered, and almost ran out of food, the side effects of the healing technique would consume a certain amount of blood, and he was also ‘swallowed’ by the passive healing of the grassland energy.

“That’s right! Otherwise, how can you be your city lord?” Archie admitted shamelessly.

I have to say, the method is indeed reliable!

According to the urination of S rabbits, rhubarb will not die, and they will not switch targets. Now rhubarb is hiding in the body of the giant tortoise lord. They can see it, but they can’t hit it. Of course, they can only be in a daze. There is a reason for card bugs.

Then it was easy, everyone talked and laughed, set fire to kill these ‘stakes’, packed up the spoils, and cleared the field in a short while.

“Rhubarb, come down to have a barbecue!” Spark had already roasted rabbit meat at the side, and the physical and energy consumption could only be replenished slowly by food.


“What? Scared? Still not coming down?” Sparke teased.

“…” Rhubarb didn’t speak, stared straight ahead in a daze, then suddenly came back to his senses and shouted, “Enemy attack!!! Prepare to meet the enemy!!!”

Archie was thinking about the setting of this wonderful grassland, and he was startled when he heard the shout. There is a second wave of rabbits?

Facts have proved… Overthinking! Where are there so many rabbits! This time it’s… a turtle! ! !

M Turtle (level 70 leader)

Health Points: 880,000, Mana Points: 5000

Attributes: strength 1000, agility 200, endurance 4888, intelligence 200, spirit 200.

Passive skills: high-level magic resistance, high-level physical resistance, extreme endurance, immovable as a mountain, anti-stab turtle shell

Active skill: M constitution

Because he discovered it late, Archie only had time to glance at the attributes, and rushed forward to pick up the monster without hesitation. There is no way, Rhubarb has not recovered his physical strength yet, and the role of meat shield can only be relied on by himself. Anyway, it seems that the M turtle is an MT, and has no combat power. Just study tactics while fighting!

‘Your saliva arrow hit successfully, causing…………’



There are a total of 50 M turtles, the number is not too many, and the positions are dense. Archie did not hesitate to use the saliva arrows to injure the group and use the damage to attract hatred! At the same time, other group attack magics are also in place, preparing for a wave of full-load bombing, but…the plan can’t always keep up with the changes…

‘You were injured by the anti-stabbing tortoise shell, and the damage…’



A large wave of red numbers passed by Archie’s head frequently! The blood volume dropped by half in an instant!

Archie was in a cold sweat, and most of the fire and rain magic that had been condensed was canceled immediately! Another shot… I want to hang up! ! ! This **** anti-injury doesn’t follow the routine! Even long-range magic damage can be reversed? And the anti-injury is based on the ratio. Archie roughly calculated that it was close to 25%!

Then put a P? !

The next second, Archie realized that he was feeling too early. He didn’t make a P…it was a hair! !

‘You triggered the M physique of the M turtle, and the M turtle recovers 2% of its physical strength, health, and mana every second. ’

‘You have activated the S attribute in your body and entered a berserk state. The attack power has increased by 100%, and the full speed has increased by 100%. It is uncontrollable and lasts for 5 minutes. ’

What kind of recovery effect, 100% attack power… It doesn’t matter! Worst of all, it’s uncontrollable! ! !

How is it uncontrollable? Archie can only watch his character rush towards the group of tortoises desperately, swinging his shield and hitting hard…

“The City Lord is so fierce!”

“I can’t think that the little brother Selem who always likes to be obscene has such a brave side~~~My little heart is plopping~~~”

“Well… I have the style of my year!”

Everyone behind the scenes admires him very much. Look at the city lord, even in the face of the siege of dozens of tortoises, even if the blood volume fluctuates up and down at the ‘lying corpse line’, he still goes forward bravely and regards death as home!

“No! The city lord seems to be talking about something!” Wright, who resisted eating two roasted rabbits, expressed a different opinion.

“Really… what are you talking about?” The voice from the leeward wind was a bit vague, and there was the intensive impact of shields and turtle shells. Everyone couldn’t hear it very clearly. —I can’t control how much I can’t remember how much~~~~

“Not good! Save the city lord!!!” Spark threw down the half-roasted rabbit and prepared for magic.

“Wait!!!” Rhubarb stood tall, listened far away, and stopped the crowd after listening with his ear, “Brother Selem seems to tell us not to attack!”

“Ah?!! He wants to single out a group? Then do I need treatment?” Wright asked with concern.

“I didn’t say…”

“I can’t move anymore after talking…Spark, let’s roast a few more rabbits. Since the city lord said that it can be done, it will definitely be done.”

All history’s trust in Archie has exploded, but this time…

Archie is suffering and can’t tell!

This fight is really aggrieved, it is completely in a state of trusteeship, depending on the attributes of the characters, they are singled out on their own…Who wins and loses depends on destiny, and it has nothing to do with the number of people. The reason slimes join the fight. I can still rely on the powerful passive and hardening BUFF to restore the blood of the holy light attribute and the blood of the grassland to persist. Other history… It is estimated that I will be squeezed out in minutes…

Fortunately, in order to replace Rhubarb’s MT role before the start of the battle, Archie did not equip a weapon and replaced two shields. In the ‘S’ state, skills are not used, they are all flat slashes, and now they can only swing two large shields with no basic attack power in turn, the damage has been reduced by more than half, and the rebound damage is not so high. In addition, the M tortoise’s attack power is average and its size is large. Only four or five of them can be hit at the same time, and the blood volume is almost the same when it enters and exits. Don’t look at only 1/4 blood volume, nothing life-threatening.

It’s just… the danger of this grassland has never been a matter of blood volume…

Archie feels the energy draining away…ahh! Players don’t need to feel it, just look at the property panel to know! Below the main attribute, a few rows of small numbers are really conspicuous.

‘Physical strength: 9330 (-521)’

Exaggeratedly high! Brother can still S for half an hour! This stamina will be consumed except when engaged in “production skills” It has no effect on killing monsters, and Archie has never paid attention to it, anyway, it will slowly increase after eating casually…

But what the **** is the following…?

‘flexibility: 1’

‘Vigor: 1+30 (1 point of vitality increases physical strength by 10%)’

Flexibility appeared after eating snake meat in Xinshou Village, and it has not changed since then. I only know that it will affect the body’s toughness, and I don’t know anything else. But… when did the properties panel become alive again? ! And there are 31 points! ! !

“MD! I don’t know where to add attribute points after level 40…won’t it all be wasted on hidden attributes?!”

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