This Slime is Poisonous Chapter 605: Different seals

? Archie followed the black chief to the main city of the African server, and then traveled through the newly established teleportation array to another second continent.

‘You have discovered the Healing Prairie. ’

What appeared in front of my eyes was a strange and beautiful scenery. The endless grassland rises and falls one after another under the breeze, which reminds people of the phrase “cattle and sheep appear on the grass when the wind blows”.

But the grassland in the game is slightly different! The grass looks like grass, but half of the color is white!

“Holy land! The legendary holy land really exists!” The black chief exclaimed and fell to his knees, sincerely kissing the ground under his feet.

“Dare to ask the chief…why?”

“The lord of Salem doesn’t know that this healing grassland is a legendary land blessed by gods, possessing supreme divine power! As long as you stand on this land, you can enjoy the protection of divine power all the time!”

Looks like a fool…

Archie was slandering in his heart, the great chief suddenly took out his dagger, and slammed… on his wrist…

Blood spurts out! But a miraculous thing happened, the wound stopped bleeding and healed in just a few seconds!

“Sure enough, it’s the same as in the legend…” The chief was excited, “General, send the injured soldiers here immediately!”


He was busy over there, but Archie fell into a daze. This grassland is…too buggy, right? !

“Great chief, as long as you stay here, won’t you die?”

“The lord of Salem was joking. How could it be possible? What is healed is only the body. Excessive bleeding or a fatal blow will still kill the person! Moreover, there is also a limit to the healing ability in the legend, and more injuries will consume the injured. A lot of mental power.”

In other words, passive mana consumption and blood recovery?

But there are exceptions…

“City Master Selam, this trip seems to be the only way out…” Heixian Cruz squeezed out of Shi Qun, saying embarrassedly, the red damage numbers on the top of his head jumped every second, forming a line…

Scrape! Still rejecting dark creatures? !

“Unfortunately, Senior Cruz will go back first!”

Have sent Heixian away, it’s time to get down to business.

“Thank you, Great Chief, for clarifying the confusion! You quickly choose the location to build the city, and the follow-up materials and personnel support will arrive as soon as possible! I will go to explore the road!”

“Bon voyage, Santo!”

Farewell to the great chief, Archie took all the slimes and galloped across the vast grassland…well, in fact, only the giant turtle lord was running…all the slimes were sitting on his back…

Looking around for a while, I can’t see any special areas. There are white and green tones everywhere. After a long time, I am dazzled, which makes it more difficult to find special places on the grassland.

However, Archie is not in a hurry. Anyway, according to experience, the place where the guardian suppresses must be nearby, at least in the same area. With the speed of the turtle, it is enough to run it in a few hours! Not to mention… and Two high-altitude reconnaissance planes are here – Xiaobian and Charmander!

These two pets have been assigned to Spark for a long time to assist him in mechanical research and smelting and other production. After a long time, Archie almost forgot their existence! This time Spark joined the exploration team and just brought it back…

The two little guys brought back, after being transformed and strengthened by Spark, gave a lot of surprises!

Needless to say, Charmander has been out of control since the last modification and power armor! Now, the injector is bigger and thicker, with sharp horns on the head, and a funnel hanging from the chin… It’s a bit strange, but according to Spark, this is a dragon’s breath condensing device, in terms of damage per unit area Power is hard to come by!

Okay… just believe it for now…

And the editor is incredible!

The original body size is equivalent to a slightly larger model, but it can’t stand it as a mechanical creature, which is extremely transformable! Spark almost exerted all his strength and used all the best materials to recreate his body! Now his body size has reached the size of an ordinary person, and his body is covered with all kinds of weapons, so there is no need to consider the endurance of the body at all! It seems that the development into a rideable “Gundam” is just around the corner!

In short, with these two guys who can fly at high speed, the exploration area has greatly increased! Running all the way, the area within a few kilometers on both sides is under investigation!

2 hours later.

“Quack quack!!!”

All Shi were so bored that they were about to fall asleep, and finally the characteristic dragon chant of the little fire dragon came from the sky.

“Stupid tortoise, turn around!” Professor Yang quickly whipped the tortoise, and the willow whip was full of lightning.

Soon, everyone arrived at the place where Charmander landed…

But… what’s the difference? ! Still a vast grassland! ! ! What is this stupid dragon doing? !

“Quack!!! Quack! Quack~ Karma~~~”

What are you talking about? I dont understand! ! ! Even with the bonus of the Beastmaster Hunter, if you don’t understand it, you still don’t understand it!

“Yes…that’s how it is!” Spark nodded repeatedly.

Hey, hey… can you understand this?

“Ka quack, quack quack!”

“Okay, I got it! The color of the grass has a color difference from a height, right? Draw what you see, and don’t make a mistake!”


How do you communicate? ! Also, whose pet is it?

Suppressing the jealousy in his heart, Archie waited patiently for Charmander to draw. Little Charmander thought for a moment, then pawed at the dirt with his toes, and gradually sketched out a… magic circle? !

“Huh? The Healing Fountain Circle?” Priest Wright exclaimed.


“Of course, this is a powerful war logistics skill for priests and priests. Most of the healers in the war need to follow the frontline troops to fight on the front line. The seriously injured cannot receive continuous treatment, so this continuous treatment was developed. A magic circle to stabilize injuries!” Wright explained, and at the same time expressed his doubts, “However, this magic circle seems to be more complicated, and it feels like there are many more things…”

Can it be uncomplicated? Archie guessed that the entire Healing Grassland had such supernatural powers because of the influence of this magic circle! It must be an enhanced version of the healing fountain circle!

“Wait… a part of this magic circle is so familiar… Wright, help smooth out the part of the Healing Spring!” Professor Yang said suddenly.

As Wright wiped away most of the magic circle, everyone suddenly became enlightened! There was another one! Double array nesting?

“Space barrier?” Professor Yang said to himself.


“The space barrier can transfer things to another plane, we can’t see or touch it, but it is here! If you want to know what is hidden, you must crack the magic circle! But I don’t know I don’t have a deep knowledge of the space department~~ I’m sorry, everyone~~”

There is nothing to be embarrassed about, just find the right place!

“Brother Selem, what should we do? The Prophet Shibeizi didn’t come, and you are the only one who knows space magic best here!” Da Huang asked.

“Don’t panic! It’s a trivial matter!”

“Brother, do you understand this circle?”

“Don’t understand!”


“But I know how to deal with the magic circle!” After finishing speaking, he took out a large shovel… “Come on, everyone, let’s work! Shovel the part of the space barrier magic circle!”

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