This Slime is Poisonous Chapter 602: Boot

? Now that everything has been negotiated, Archie only has the function of signing and drawing…

Afterwards, Marshall himself will determine the location to build the city, and Archie and others will cooperate with him in transporting materials and manpower, and finally just take the shares of the city.

As for Marshall’s only 40% of the city’s income, do you have any comments? He didn’t dare to have an opinion at all! They are all human spirits, and the stakes are clear! The city must not be built too close, too close, Archie and others will not agree; if it is built far away… From the map, it can be seen that there are mountains separating it, and there are wild beasts haunting it.

The only option is to break through the mountains and go to a new world.

And the only technology to successfully break through the mountains is in the hands of Archie!

Oh, by the way, there is another option, let Archie go to the other side to open a portal first… Needless to say, what can he do! Said hurt feelings!

In short, the general direction has been finalized, and Starliqi will naturally handle the details. Anyway, the Storm Empire also has shares, so there must be something to do.

When the big things are done, it’s time to tackle the little things.

Archie went out, and came to the forging area through the bustling streets under the curious and awe-inspiring eyes of players from all over the world. Two conspicuous metal dragons are nestling in the mine pile, dozing off from boredom.

“Gold, are you free?”

“Ah, Lord City Master? What’s your order? I’m free anytime!”

For the savior, the two giant dragons are still very face-saving. Archie not only rescued them, but also gave them a comfortable living environment, and at the same time did not force them to work. Compared with before, life is much more comfortable and comfortable!

“How is the recovery? Does it seem to be a little bigger?”

“There is no problem mentally, and I have enough rest. But in terms of strength, if I want to restore the full state, I still need a lot of iron ore and time.”

Metal dragons are very strange. Other giant dragons will naturally grow bigger with age and strength. But the metal dragon can’t do it, it needs a large amount of high-purity metal, which can be slowly absorbed and assimilated to become a part of the body.

“It’s good to recover my spirit. Now I’m going to Lost Machinery City. It seems to be your original home, right? Do you want to go together?”

“Is the steel city I built… Hey, since entering the plane of American, it has been abandoned, how long has it been since I went back?”

“Mom, is that the place where I was born? Those who want to see it say…” Ke Luomian was full of interest.

“Alright, let’s go together!”

Getting an affirmative answer, Archie rushed to the teleportation array with two dragons. On the other side, Shibeizi Prophet had already drawn a temporary teleportation array. Connecting, teleporting, the screen turns black and then lights up, the map is switched, and it has appeared in an empty room. The surrounding style is worthy of a mechanical city. From the walls to the floor to the gate, it is all made of steel.

“Be alert! Prepare to fight…Huh? Boss? Don’t scare us…Come on, why do you bring a dragon…” Teammate No. 1 muttered.

“This is their hometown without… Let me introduce…” Then they introduced.

It is said that bringing the two dragons was just because Archie wanted to be lazy.

Other people’s hometown is also in the steel city, the role that the metal dragon can play, one is worth ten! Maybe you don’t have to do anything, you can reach the end of the level directly! Why bother trying to solve puzzles and fight monsters?

“Daye, is everyone here?”


Archie took a look at it. After a long time of strategy, the members of his team seem to have made a lot of progress!

The formation is exquisite, the equipment is well-equipped and reasonable, and the commanders perform their duties. It seems that the combat effectiveness will not be bad! Not bad, just in time to see how far the progress is!

“OK, open the door!”

“Wait!” Gould stopped him, “Are you planning to use that shuttle door terminal to open it?”

“Shuttle door terminal? This?” Ni Daye raised the iron egg in his hand.

“Exactly… how did it get into your hands? You have to use my side to open the door…” As he said, Gould’s stomach bulged slightly, and then another metal egg rolled down…

“The ones in your hands are what I used to trap those nasty adventurers in the plane of Emericon!” Gould was indignant, “Tricks have been done inside, if you use it to open the door… the ending will be very exciting… “

Archie didn’t ask what was so wonderful… Seeing Gould’s crazy expression, it was absolutely wonderful beyond imagination!

“Only by using the genuine shuttle door in my hand can I quickly reach the roof… By the way, do you want to break the seal on the roof?”

“Come to seal you know?”

“Of course, I contributed a lot to the construction of the Mechanical Lost City, but I didn’t set up the final seal. You need to solve what you will encounter. With the city lord around, it shouldn’t be difficult.”

“Hehehe…” The flattery is very appetizing, Archie is very happy, “Then what are you waiting for, open the door!”

With the owner present, the job of opening the door naturally fell into Gould’s hands. After putting the genuine metal egg into the groove, the metal egg suddenly cracked open with the mechanical sound of ‘clicking’. Then, it continued to deform and expand, forming a ring with a diameter of five meters!

There was a sound of electric current, the blue light flickered, and the sparks in the middle of the ring continued to flash. Finally, as if something had finally been opened, a small white dot instantly expanded to the entire range of the metal ring…

“Okay, the space has been opened. The duration is limited, everyone hurry up!”

This is the first time everyone has seen such a strange teleportation item! Unlike the teleportation array, it is like a window, and you can see the ‘scenery’ on the opposite side! If you really want to describe it, it’s a bit like the teleportation magic in “Doctor Strange”…

Others were surprised for a while, and then passed one after another. Only Archie was the most shocked… Not only is it different from the teleportation array, but it also seems to have a huge difference from wormholes, soul cannons, etc.! Another new teleportation technique!

Yes, after that, you must “torture” Gould to see if you can “borrow” him for research!

Archie was the penultimate one to step through the ‘shuttle gate’, and Gould needed to control it, so he was naturally the last one. After packing up the props and turning them back into metal eggs, the ‘shuttle door’ can still exist for a while, and Gould also got through by taking this opportunity.

The other end of the ‘gate’ is indeed the end point, a huge open-air platform at the top of the entire Mechanical Lost City!

“Boss, come and take a look, it should be this thing?!” The platform was clear at a glance, except for a console in the middle, Wang Bajian called everyone to study together.

“How do I do this? Need a password?”

“It doesn’t look like it, just a few buttons, the password combination will be too simple!”

“Then how do I control it? Just press and try?”

“Try it…”

Everyone couldn’t discuss why, so they could only click randomly… But there was still no response on the control screen! Then discuss and disperse to look around to see if there are other institutions.

Chele, what about the seal? What about the test? What about the agreed boss? How can you play with just a broken console?

Looking around, there is nothing but the cold metal ground!

“I said…” Teammate No. 2 said that he has something to does this thing look like an ‘arcade machine’…”

“Huh?” ! The one button on the left is particularly large, and the four buttons on the right are staggered up and down, which is not much different from the ‘arcade machines’ in large playgrounds!

“So… don’t you have to turn it on first?” After finishing speaking, No. 2 squatted down next to the control console, and after searching for a while, found the power switch and pressed it…

Everyone: “…”

Then, the volume of the system prompt sound that has never been heard before is loud…

‘First Round!


‘GO! ’


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