This Slime is Poisonous Chapter 575: Entering the city

?Chapter 575 Entering the City (Page 1/1)

The Avaya Empire was able to maintain a stable military spirit and gather people’s hearts despite being beaten into a semi-crippled situation in the early stage, all because of the existence of the king!

Ascended the throne at the age of 14, unified the Western Continent at the age of 20, and successfully resisted the invasion of the demon world twice in a row in the next ten years! What’s even more powerful is that even after a few years of World War I, the empire’s national power can still be developed rapidly, business, humanities, etc. have all made leaps, and the force is even more powerful than the mainland! (Compare people to people…)

All the subjects believe that if the king can live to be 200 years old, the empire will definitely develop into another fascinating scene!

However, the king is a mortal after all, and without a breakthrough in personal strength, it is difficult to live to be a hundred years old! And because of working so hard for the empire…you don’t grow old until you are 40!

I don’t know if it’s good luck or bad luck, but I can’t stop in this life! In the next few years, a dozen or so…princesses…that’s right, all princesses!

All in all, the Avaya Empire cannot lose its king, let alone the eldest prince who is related to the future!

Several bosses saw the seriousness of the matter, and their fear of ‘gentlemen’ deepened a bit! Why is it that they are inseparable from the king and the eldest prince? Could it be that…when a dog jumps over the wall in a hurry…you can kill the king? !

What a drudgery! If it is really successful, under the internal and external troubles, the empire will really fall apart, and there will be no time to deal with these white-eyed wolves!

“Let’s split up!” Time is precious, and the rock dragons have already started to climb over the wall! The eldest prince did his part to assign tasks, “General, I will leave the command of the Imperial Guard to you! For the sake of coordination, temporarily stabilize those guys!”

Speaking Nunuzui, those guys are referring to the six ‘Misters’ who are following them!

“Yes, I know what to do!”

“General Joshua, your people will guard the city wall! Be sure to fix all the artillery and wait for the opportunity! I have heard the name of the ‘Cannon Brigade’ for a long time, let me see it today!”

“Yes!” Joshua’s task is also very heavy, and after solemnly agreeing, he complained with a sullen face, “Your Highness, can you stop using this embarrassing nickname?”

“Hahaha, no way!” Just a joke, the cold atmosphere eased a lot, “Master Hart!”


“It is said that in terms of personal strength, even the Royal Guards are inferior to your personal guards… I am going to the palace, and I will leave the guarding work to you!”


“Okay! Let’s split up!”

“Xiao Huanghuang, help me, we are going into the city!”

“Don’t worry, uncle! Let’s have a big fight together!”


The run around the city finally came to an end, and it was time to face the mountain giant again. Fortunately, Archie’s ‘defensive’ experiment has been a complete success, and the defenders have been confused, and now the breakthrough is just right!

Add the flying technique to the rock dragon—by the way, the flying technique obtained by the wind dragon in the European server can naturally be learned after fusing the wind crystal.

But after all, the rock dragon’s weight is there, and Archie can’t be lifted into the air with a simple flying technique. However, with the addition of light body and other skills, at least the load has been reduced a lot, and at least the flexibility has increased a lot. Flapping the wings, the front paws were pulled on the city wall, and then the hind legs were strong, easily crossing the high city wall and jumping into the city!

The mountain giant in the back is much more violent… The big iron rod went down and smashed half of the city wall, and then stepped over directly… Humanoid creatures are convenient…

Speaking of convenience, Archie also hates the city walls built by NPCs…they have anti-magic properties, and they can’t directly use earth magic to conjure a channel! The result of forcibly using the wind element is that tens of thousands of mana were wasted…

“Where to go next?”

The breakthrough was too sudden, and the soldiers inside and outside the city walls hadn’t received exact orders yet, so their reaction was a few beats slower, and they didn’t receive any resistance for the time being.

“Remember that demon said…in the center of the city?” Archie didn’t forget one of his goals, to save two metal dragons!

“Then… kill them directly?”

Because of the previous run around the city, most of the troops and players were crowded on the main road in the city in a mess. It was not so easy to go there, not to mention that the current one is not the real Rock Dragon Walker.

“No!” Looking up for a moment, Archie vetoed, “Continue to run around the city…”

“Huh? Haven’t played enough yet?”

“Don’t be naughty, do you want to be spanked by a stone man? Move!”

So, the Supreme One continued to marathon along the city wall, but changed from outside the city wall to inside the city wall…

Of course, there is a reason to do this!

The capital of a country, especially an empire built on a plain without natural dangers, has a complete defense system of the highest standard!

The outer city wall is actually just the first line of defense. In the central area of ​​the palace, there is an inner city wall that looks tighter and stronger!

Moreover, the city wall is full of elite soldiers in streamer armor, and several large weapons are also arranged at intervals of tens of meters. Ballistas, artillery, and trebuchets are all complete. Obviously, the rough design has taken into account how to deal with the current situation and how to deal with giant creatures…

One more thing… creatures like demons, you can’t just believe what you say, or you won’t know how to play to death!

The news I got is that the two metal dragons are being imprisoned underground in the central area… the central area… isn’t it the imperial palace! ! !

If you want to break through, you must encounter the craziest counterattack ever, right?

It has to be doubted…whether the two metal dragons are really in the palace…or the devil is purely trying to trick the rock dragon Walker into killing people…

In short, first confirm with your own eyes!

‘Boom boom boom…’

“Uncle, shelling!!!”

“I saw it! Be careful!” I was in a daze for two minutes, and I didn’t expect that the speed of the guards was really fast enough, no! Looking at the city wall, the sparse artillery has just turned its muzzle, and more shells are coming from jumping over the city wall!

‘Joshua’s artillery? ’ I have seen the abilities of these artillerymen on the shoulders of the giants on the mountain firepower and accuracy are excellent!

Sure enough, most of the shells landed on the rock dragon with the sound of swooshing through the air!

If it was the original Rock Dragon, it wouldn’t be enough to tickle it with such little firepower! But now… it’s close to tickling…

Under the gunfire, the rock dragon started to move, and the mountain giant just behind him also arrived, so he had to move…

“Brother, isn’t it good, this stone has really good defensive power!” The Supreme One couldn’t help but praise.

It’s great that the “praise…” works! After all, it is a product of combined magic created on a whim…

“By the way, what is this magic called? Have you thought about a name yet?”

“…Think about it…let’s call it…Ceramic Reactive Armor…”

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