This Slime is Poisonous Chapter 523: Show your muscles

All these impromptu plans were able to be perfectly realized, mainly due to the demon lord Jie who was clever but was mistaken by cleverness.

Of course, Archie’s understanding of the other party’s mind is also a key part!

Compare your heart to your heart, if you are on the side of the devil, after gaining control of the throne, you will definitely make the same choice as Jie!

For example, the operator who doesn’t change the throne – race against time on the battlefield, even if there is a space system among his subordinates, he must not be as familiar with Shi Beizi who is no longer in control! There is no need to change at all!

Another example is to keep the height and position of the throne unchanged, and teleport on the spot—because there is no better choice! I’m afraid that Ten Beizi will be forcibly rescued, and I’m even more afraid that the demons who just teleported are not prepared at all, and they will be killed by concentrated fire before they can distinguish between east, west, north and south! Jie is the clearest about the long-range strike capability of Archie’s mechanized troops! As for gathering the army outside the city… Hehehe, attack the city again? Find difficulty for yourself?

It’s also like retreating—with Azazel here, no matter how you fight, there will be no result of a complete victory. If you want to win, it will be a miserable victory. Besides, the probability of losing is even higher depending on the posture. Why take risks and decide the outcome today Woolen cloth? With the existence of the Artifact Throne, you can play the European server any way you want in the future, and you can play as you want, and it is not a problem to go in and out dozens of times a day. Therefore, retreat is also an inevitable choice!

Understanding the above points, Archie dared to play like this! Seizing the opportunity, he quietly abducted the whole family of the devil to the new city Archie built on the Evil Soul Plain—Evil Soul City!

One world class, 18 overlord classes, ranging from 60 to 75! What a rich ‘gift package’! With a group of perverts helping to take care of her, this is still an absolutely safe ‘big gift package’, how long will it take to bring your ‘sister’ to a higher rank!

So, it’s time to gather people everywhere again!

All the slimes are naturally indispensable, whether you are just born or a veteran who has advanced several times, bring the whole family to gain experience! Beating Samael has improved the power of the entire slime a lot. Adding 18 overlords this time will definitely make a big step forward!

Eridar, Glorie, Bloodhoof and other big bosses naturally cannot be left behind. In the future, the work of defending the Huaxia suit in the national war will mainly be on these few people. If they can increase their strength, they can increase their strength.

As for the others… Anyway, it has something to do with Slime City, regardless of whether it is an NPC or a player, open a transmission channel for the girls, send notifications, love will come or not!

Of course, the “elite” troops of Slime City, which are far away in the European server, must not be forgotten!

Specially instructing Elder Ruibo to encircle and not fight, how long it can last!

No, after running around in the Huaxia server, Archie connected to Shibeizi’s temporary teleportation array that was recharged with energy, and returned to the European server!

Next, the super-large wormhole opens! Directly connected to Evil Soul City!

The Slime City NPCs and players who had harvested most of the demons poured into the wormhole contentedly.

Taking advantage of the spare time of transporting troops, the old king hurried over with a group of bosses to express his thanks:

“Mr. Selam…I really don’t know how to repay your great kindness to the Elop plane…Anyway, if there is anything I need in the future, I will be here at any time!”

“The same goes for the Knights of the Round Table!” Elder Haiwu also promised.

“Your words are serious!” With these few words, Archie knew that his strategic goal in the European server was about to be achieved, and his reputation had reached a critical point! As for the other party’s empty promise… Hehe, it’s fine to hear about it, now I guess I can’t wait to bring the troops back to my hometown as soon as possible! The empire’s military strength is empty, and it is difficult to handle such a strong army if it refuses to leave! Chasing people away is untenable, and it’s hard to be careful!

Knowing what they think, Archie is also very understanding, and by the way, brush up his character again: “The supplies here are left to His Highness!”

“This…thank you…thank you…”

Seeing that the greetings are almost over, the prince interrupted and said: “Mr. Selam, are you going to hunt down the devil?! Can I go there together to have a look? I promise to obey the command and not make trouble!”

“Ah… yes! Everyone else can come if they want!” After pondering for a moment, Archie agreed!

As a result, a group of masters were completely moved, and expressed their willingness to go together.

Archie naturally continued to agree, and wanted to make the NPC forces in the European server cooperate obediently and be obedient, some small force deterrence is still needed! Let them see Huaxia’s true strength!

“That…Mr. Selam…I…I…” An adventurer girl also interjected.

“The end of the rose? I heard about you from Wang Bajian, and you have given us a lot of help! Needless to say, bring your troops and go to witness the final hunt together!”


I responded excitedly, and obediently got behind the wormhole to line up.

The prince and Wells also took advantage of this short time to order the last imperial troops to stand firm on the city wall and not to chase after the fleeing demon troops! He even said that he could be released from the city! The only requirement is that there should be no more casualties. Up to now, any living force is a precious resource, and the empire can no longer afford to consume it!

Oh yes! When teleporting the last batch of members of the European server, Archie also reported a small revenge by the way! That handsome blond guy whose real name seems to be George actually walked out of the imperial army, and of course he joined the queue when he returned to Joanna!

Archie is not so magnanimous for this kind of guy who insults and curses himself behind his back! Directly expelled him from the team with one sentence, and threw him into the imperial prison by the way…

“Then why did the adventurer stay with the Imperial Army? Many secrets of my Slime City were leaked before, probably because of him! Your Highness…”

“Catch it! Check it out!”

“There’s no need to investigate!” The prince said sullenly, “He leaked it!”

The memories of being controlled by the shadow manipulation technique all exist. The prince explained briefly, it really is this handsome guy who is more than a ghost! After tracking for ten days in a row, he found out that the prince was a member of the devil party. He didn’t want to find a way to expose it, and even revealed all the details of Selem! Then the prince reported it to Jie again! This is how to target everywhere after the catastrophe!

Okay, I wanted to wear a pair of shoes for someone, but I didn’t expect to put them on a labor reform uniform! Really cool!

After a lot of trouble, all the people who were supposed to arrive finally gathered in Evil Soul City!

The city was rebuilt and rebuilt based on the original ruins, so it looks a bit old. Except for the completely new city wall, everything else still retains the original style.

So the European server players and NPCs who came here for the first time looked around like Grandma Liu entering the Grand View Garden.

However, the attention soon returned to the group of masters in the central square of the city! Then I opened my mouth wide and didn’t know how to react…

72 World-Class Faerie Dragon—Ruibo!

66 World-Class Druid Black Dragon—Black Horn!

65 World Class Holy Light Dragon——Dai Ziling!

Level 76 world-class holy shadow dragon——Dai Laixie!

Level 68 world-class sword master——Soul Soul!

Level 68 World Class Sword Demon——Punishment cut!

There is also the Lord of the Balrog, the Lord of the Snow Region, the Thunder Shaman… and so on! ! ! The whole TM is world class! ! ! !

And this group of world-class perverted masters even greeted the 69-year-old overlord, Selem warmly! ! ! !

“Brother Selem, you are so slow!” Sheng Guanglong acted like a baby.

“Brother, be more efficient, don’t waste time on this broken demon, we still have to open up the road to Eva’s suppression!” Black Horn complained.

“The lord of has made many friends again.” Elder Ruibo was very calm.

“Benefactor, come on my back! Later, you can fight as much as you want, and I will help you suppress it!” Dai Laisie is the most perverted among the group of perverts, and he really has the capital to be so crazy!

“Senior Selam, let us wait so long and treat our guests to drink later!”

“Hehe, is it just your drinking capacity?!”

Sword Master Sword Demon is still bickering…

The old king was the most shocked. He had been exiled in the High City for more than a week before, but he didn’t realize that Salem’s status was so high!

All in all, the NPCs and players on the European server, who originally had five points of respect and five points of gratitude for Selem, have now become eight points of awe and two points of curiosity… How did you manage to make so many perverts strong? Are you obedient? ! ! !

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