This Slime is Poisonous Chapter 511: Crack the Shadow Manipulation

Archie breathed a sigh of relief again!

Although you are very confident, you are not afraid of accidents, just in case, but fortunately everything is going well! The self-explosion was suppressed, and Xiao Huang also successfully advanced into a slime who has mastered two energy systems! This is the first other than Archie!

The perfect fusion of the two energy systems also pushed Xiao Huang to the overlord level! Combat power has skyrocketed again!

At the same time, there is another unexpected harvest… It seems that the shadow manipulation technique… has been lifted! ! ! !


“Baby!! Dad, take a look… It’s fine, it’s fine!!!”

The big and small yellows arch together, looking like a father and daughter.

However, this is not the time for romance! ! Archie interrupted mercilessly: “Everyone is on their places!!! Have nothing to do, right?”

Not to mention… most people really have nothing to do!

Locke is entangled by the Duke and his people, the invading monsters have just been cleaned up by Archie, and the siege troops are guarded by Wang Bajian and others… Even Rhubarb, who is the commander of the second line of defense. You can take the time to come back and care about your daughter’s safety!

Considering the situation, Archie found that everything was under control, and calmly issued the next round of orders: “Elder Haiwu, can you help me lead my machine clan army to occupy the invasion point?”

“Of course! Locke…don’t need me?”

“Your combat form is too big and inconvenient!”

“That’s right, okay, I’m going! Other members of the Knights of the Round Table are coming, and when the time comes, Locke… hehe!”

Archie changed his strategy. These invasion points are unstable factors no matter what. It also gave Xiao Huang the time to ‘cure’, and occupied more than half of the city!

So I decided to block the source directly! An invasion point of hundreds of machine clans, surrounded by a circle at the entrance, sent waves of bombardment, but to see if the place is really determined to use human lives to fight for its own ammunition!

As for Archie… Naturally, he is going to save the other two bosses!

No, just now I accidentally discovered the method to crack the shadow manipulation technique!

From a literal understanding, if this skill wants to control others, there must be a shadow, and depending on the actual effect, as long as it succeeds, it can be permanently controlled!

If you want to crack it, the general understanding is naturally to eliminate the shadow of the person being controlled, so that the opponent’s skills have no target and thus become invalid!

Archie did the same thing before. In order to eliminate shadows in all directions, he used a large area of ​​lighting!

However, I didn’t realize one thing! Shadows are produced by lighting! No matter how many lighting spells you create, even if you surround and bury people, it’s still useless!

Because, there will always be an angle for the shadow to still exist! Even if you can’t see it with the naked eye, it doesn’t mean the shadow doesn’t exist! What’s more, no one knows whether Ya’s manipulation technique needs a complete shadow. If even a little bit, such as the projection of a fine hair on the skin, can take effect, then no matter how much it is illuminated, it will be useless!

So using light to eliminate shadows is obviously extremely difficult! But think about it in reverse… Since light produces shadows, if there is no light, will the shadows disappear? !

Xiao Huang’s escape from trouble just shows that this method is correct!

Finding the right method, Archie didn’t waste any more time, and went straight to the prince and Wells! Heh heh, what’s the point of hitting a demon, what’s needed is to crush the opponent mentally to feel it! I really want to see the other party’s expression when they realize that the situation is over!

Selam’s great power, naturally gave Huaxia clothes a big face, which attracted a lot of applause! What’s more, the figures of Wang Bajian and others on the city wall flashed from time to time in the live broadcast screen, indicating that there were players involved this time, and it was not the unilateral actions of NPCs, which aroused everyone’s emotions even more! !

It’s not easy…Finally, I hit the country again and hit someone else’s territory! Although it is only in the game…

However, in the commentary of Western live broadcast rooms such as European servers and American servers, there is another version…

“OH!MY!GOD!! Have you seen it? Have you seen it? What an evil creature, controlling the queen as a threat, Elder Haiwu has nothing to do!!!”

“My God! What an evil spell this is! It actually absorbed the energy of Elder Haiwu, and made his slime get advanced!!! Jumped directly from the lord level to the overlord level!!! Terrible, too Terrible!!!”

“Not good! It’s going out of the city! The prince is in danger!!! No, no, run away!!! OH!!! It’s too late! Audience friends, the prince is also shrouded in that evil In the fog! All we can do is pray!”

“The imperial army’s attack…stopped… Sure enough, the prince did not escape the claws… It went to the other side of the city wall… Sure enough, the next one was Wells… It’s over! It’s over!!! The only thing left in the whole city is the king’s steward – Locke is still desperately resisting!!! That is our only hope!!! Now, let us cheer for the last resisters! Cheer for the future of the European server!!! !”

The explanation is selective blindness, so that Archie’s obviously violating behaviors such as cleaning the invasion point are casually passed on, and he grasps the points that meet his own guesses and follows the rhythm frantically! And the western players also like this rhythm, frantically clamoring to form a group to kill the prince’s mansion to rescue him, kill Selem, kill through the plane, and kill to the Huaxia server!

…I don’t understand the logic of the descendants of these ‘robbers’…No one cares about them anyway…It’s just talk, if they really throw away their experience and equipment to fight to the end…no one is willing!

Go back to Archie.

Using the same method, the combination of barrier and shadow fog successfully released the control of Prince and Wells!

The moment the two were out of trouble, although they were full of anger and urgently needed to be vented, they still rationally ordered the troops to stop the attack, and organized the troops to let them back!

No way, there are still a large number of commanders in the army who seem to be under control, still giving orders and shouting to attack! These people must be controlled now, and Archie will be relieved later.

The two rectified for a while, and strictly ordered the entire army not to move half a step without their orders. Anyone who disobeyed would be arrested and detained! After that, I finally stepped into the Prince’s Mansion with peace of mind!

The situation in the mansion made the two young people blame themselves so much that they wanted to apologise, but they were also extremely relieved… Although the damage to the city was serious and many people must have been killed, it seemed that they had been brought under control!

Outside each invasion point, there are a large number of machine tribes with guns and cannons to guard them. Once there is teleportation, let alone heavy fire coverage! Therefore, there are not many wandering intruders in the entire city.

Elder Haiwu is constantly patrolling, and some powerful bosses will be dealt with by him!

Following the prompt, the two young people rushed all the way to the outside of the command post! The fighting situation here made the two of them very happy!

The mastermind behind the scenes that caused the two of them to bear a lifetime of sins is being besieged by a group of masters, including the three members of the Knights of the Round Table, and the reinforcements brought by Selem!

At the same time, the two also found the old king who was watching with relish and was eager to try.

“Father…” “Uncle…”

The two young men looked guilty.

“Look up! Although you can’t help yourself, you do what you do, and the men of our Alsop family will never be afraid of taking responsibility!!! Today, let’s get rid of this demon first! The rest will be in the future Say!”


“Don’t be! The old man will bear no fewer sins than you! But at the moment of the empire’s survival, we need to be strong and stand up!!”


Archie keeps nodding his head It is not unreasonable for this family to rule the empire, as you can see from the posture of this education.

“Mr. Selam, thank you!” x2

“You’re welcome, I have my own pursuit too! Saving you is just incidental!” Archie couldn’t help but pretend…

“Sir, are we allowed to join the battle?!”

“Of course, I will show you later!”

“After a while?” The two didn’t think that Locke had a chance to come back!

“Yes…later…” Archie replied in a low voice, with a gloomy face… No one knows the cunning and fear of demons better than him! It is absolutely impossible to be defeated like this!


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