This Slime is Poisonous Chapter 502: Dark Chencang

From the beginning of the battle until now, Archie has maintained absolute vigilance!

The level of ingenuity shown by this demon is even higher than that of Abaddon. After seeing through Archie’s foreshadowing, he also guessed that he would be teleported to the Prince’s Mansion, so he arranged… such a little thing?

It seems that if the combat power of the Slime City troops is not so abnormal, they can indeed form a multi-layer encirclement from the inside to the outside, but… this encirclement is also…too weak!

After falling from the invasion points all over the city, Archie discovered something during the high-altitude bombing…why…the monsters from the invasion points are so weak!

Yes! It is weak! Basically, they are all races between 40-50, and they don’t have much tricks in fighting, they just know how to rush forward in a mess! The high-end BOSS level didn’t even look at any of them, and those who occasionally took a few tricks were only captains, small leaders and the like. Now, just one Tulong Haiwu can leisurely clean up all the fish that slipped through the net!

Thinking differently, if Archie himself sees through to such an extent, he will definitely make it even more extreme! Regardless of whether it is useful or not, the 60 overlord must first pull a few to support the field, and there are also invasion points, and they will not all fall into the city in a hurry, at least half of them will go up the city wall! In this way, regardless of whether Xiao Huang bombed or how many leaders were bombed before, the city wall can definitely be occupied, even if it cannot be completely occupied, a small section can be controlled!

After that, use the controlled city wall as a breakthrough surface, open the city gate, and let in the imperial army led by the prince!

In this way, the multi-directional and multi-level blows formed in this way are definitely not something that Archie can handle with a few masters!

But… no!

Locke’s intelligence level is so high, the tactical arrangement obviously will not be so lost! So it can be inferred that there must be a more terrifying purpose!

Battle… oh no! The massacre continues!

As the battle progressed, 8 members of the Knights of the Round Table arrived. Although only two of them were pure melee fighters, their addition also caused Locke’s blood volume to drop significantly!

And the invasion point… Hehe, it has completely become a point for gaining experience and equipment!

NPCs don’t care about these, they just fight according to the command, but Archie and his family do care! Although there are no high-end items dropped, but they can be sold… all the money is money!

Anyway, the city walls don’t need to be guarded now, one person and one invasion point wait for the monsters to be slaughtered, and then pick and choose to clean up the battlefield!

At this time, Archie’s brainpower is fully open, and he is constantly analyzing with the existing information!

‘This demon, whose blood volume has been suppressed to less than half, doesn’t even use other skills! ’

This is another doubtful point! Except for some offensive martial arts, as well as the deciphered shadow manipulation technique and invisible body, other things such as shadow clones have never been used at all! Not to mention other big moves!

It doesn’t fit the city at all!

If it is said that the big move should be reserved for a comeback at a critical moment, but what about the small skills? Whoever fights will rely on attributes and passives to hold on, and then rely on hand-to-hand combat to beat A Xiu’s operation! Especially assassins with many skills are the most important. Are assassins without all kinds of fancy skills still called assassins? How to fight the outbreak?

‘Could it be that… I thought wrong from the beginning? ’ Archie was taken aback by one of his own thoughts, ‘The guy who has hit so far…wouldn’t be just a shadow clone…’

Although it sounds extremely unbelievable, only this can perfectly explain all doubts!

For example, after Ya was blasted out, she didn’t force her to become invisible again; she didn’t use her skills—if she could use her skills to continue her clones, wouldn’t it be endless; there was no big move—the clones couldn’t exist! Otherwise, it’s too perverted; it’s not necessary to fight like this, and it’s a clone anyway…

As for the avatar having such fighting power, Archie has no doubts at all! Not to mention the demon who has been at the top of the food chain for many years, his clone alone is also a pervert, especially under the control of the Supreme, it is basically equivalent to having an extra self… But because he can use all skills, he has Duration limit!

Deduced in this way, Locke’s avatar has no skills, maybe it can exist permanently…or, the duration is super long!

Huh? ! wait!

If you follow the train of thought just now, Locke doesn’t care whether the avatar is blamed or not… Is it understandable that he doesn’t need this avatar anymore? And the greatest significance of the existence of this avatar is to attract attention, and… to delay time!

‘Delaying time…’ Archie bit his lips, feeling that he finally got a clue, ‘Why procrastinating? ! ! ! Think quickly, hurry up! hurry up! ’

If the above deduction is correct, there is not much time left for Archie! Because the moment the avatar hangs up, Locke’s tricks will be exposed. He has not used means to extend this time now, which means that he thinks it is enough to complete what he wants to accomplish!

Too many thoughts and information are flowing in his head, Archie feels a bit confused! I want to concentrate, but I can’t concentrate… In the battlefield, the noise is too loud! In this case, it is easy to make mistakes if you want to continue thinking!

Archie forced himself to empty his mind, exclude everything, then re-observe the battlefield, and organize it again from a new perspective!

‘You don’t need to worry about this avatar Locke…’ His eyes swept across the beating not far away, and passed directly.

‘Invasion point…are there other invasion points that have not been arranged? For example, the separate invasion point that the top boss deduced before needs to use? No… There is a week in the middle for it to be arranged, and there is no need to draw the magic circle until the battle begins…’

‘Ahhh! What on earth do you want? Have you always watched your troops die in vain? ’


‘Death? ! ! ! ! ’

“Not good!!!!!!”

“What’s the matter, Lord City Master?” The leader, who had been recovering his magic power, was taken aback and asked hastily.

Archie didn’t answer, turned around and looked back, the miserable command post stood alone after the gate was expanded…

“Lefflersen! How long has it been since the troops teleported?!”

“Ah?!! Troops came out 2 minutes ago!” Naga Commander who has been serving as the deputy all the time, also noticed the problem after inexplicably answering, “Damn it, Senior Ten Beizi is in danger!! !”

Because even the mechanical Naga who stayed at the door as a guard disappeared! !

After exclaiming, Lefflerson flicked his tail and wanted to rush in to check the situation, but Archie stopped him with a sigh:

“There’s no need to go…hey…I didn’t expect to be put together!” After speaking, he raised his head and looked up at the sky above the city, without saying a word.

A group of confused subordinates and the old king’s group, following Archie’s eyes…all of them can’t help but speak loudly…

I saw that at a place several times higher than the flying height of Elder Haiwu, the ‘throne’ that should have been in the command post was floating leisurely!

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