This Slime is Poisonous Chapter 494: Did you miss the target?

“Speaking of which, I’m not afraid of Mr. Selam’s jokes. In fact, facing the current situation, I really can’t do what I want!” The old king smiled wryly, “Without the interference of external forces, not to mention the empire, even the plane will be doomed! Originally, this foreign force was hoping for local adventurers, but they… are really disappointing…”

“Kong Kong has a whole body of fighting power, but he can’t figure out who should fight! Let’s just say these few days, there are a group of adventurers watching wherever he goes!”

“If they had half the insight of Mr. Selime, they wouldn’t let the crisis of the plane go to this point!”

“I really envy the existence of adventurers like Wang Bajian in the plane of Aisha! I heard that this spiral marching tactic was also thought up by him and the think tank? Hey… If the empire had such a How wonderful it is for people to exist…”

“No matter what, the current situation is not too bad, at least you and a few adventurers have come to Elop, after all, there is still a chance of life!”

“In case…in case there is a day when no one can control the overall situation, we will all depend on Mr….”

“Hehehe… easy to say… easy to say…” How else can Archie answer?

But looking back, the previous toss is not in vain! It seems that Joanna’s day and night monitoring also chilled the old king’s heart, so this happened? Maybe, there are other NPC forces also watching…

“Okay, with Mr.’s words, the old man can rest assured! Today’s journey is exhausting, so I will go to rest first…”

“Your Highness, please!”

The sudden arrival of the old king made the big men a little messy.

“Boss…the person you are waiting for is the king??!!” No. 1 is the smartest, but also the most confused…Obviously Archie has revealed all the previous plans, but he still hasn’t figured out the purpose. ……it is this? It’s unbelievable!

“…Hehehe…” Archie continued to smile… I don’t know how to explain it, so I can only continue to circle, “Actually, there is one more…”

The trio of Wang Bajian admired them even more. It seems that something exciting is about to happen! Could it be that he is a prince? I’m looking forward to it…

After a while, in the anticipation of the trio, the ‘man’ finally came…


“Hey~~~Xiao Huanghuang~~~ Did you suffer? Are you tired? Take a rest!”

As the maid delivering the food turned into a pile of slimes, Wang Bajian and the three of them also ‘creaked’ and went stupid… What’s going on? Xiao Huang? How could it appear on the European server? !

Archie briefly explained what happened, and that Xiao Huang, as the “maid” in the manor, would naturally follow the old king to the Prince’s Mansion.

No, after taking over the job of the previous person, I immediately looked for an opportunity to report information.

“Uncle, I know a lot of secrets now~~~Do you want to know~~~” Xiao Huang asked for praise for being cute.

“Amazing! Uncle has a lot of things to ask! But…” Archie looked around Xiao Huang, “Have you ever been wronged before?”

Archie is still in danger after hiding Xiao Huang and being forced to summon Wang Bajian and three!

For Xiao Huang who watched the whole process, the intelligence agency of the empire will definitely inquire about the process in detail! Very likely to be tortured! Fortunately, the violent institutions under the old king’s rule are still civilized.

“It’s okay, it’s just been closed for two days, I asked many times about the process, and after I made sure I didn’t lie, I released it~~”

“No exposure?”

“Uncle! My profession is ‘spy’! It’s so easy to expose!”

Tsk tsk, I almost forgot, Xiao Huang is a more authentic ‘professional ghost’ than a devil!

“That’s good…there’s not much time, and you’ll attract attention if you stay in it for too long! Let’s make a long story short!” Archie cared about it as an elder and started to get down to business, “Let me describe the recently received The information about the king and prince, please help me to confirm whether it is accurate!”

Then, Archie briefly recounted the information reported by Joanna.

“Basically, the old king is really depressed recently, and he is very estranged from the prince. For so many days, he lived in the manor together, but he never had a meal together… It feels like it’s not to avoid suspicion… but to What are you avoiding…”

“Is that so…” In this way, Zong Zong acted as if to prove that the old king was not a demon in disguise… Was the previous inference all wrong?

But besides the old king, who else? !

“Xiao Huanghuang has worked hard! By the way, some secrets you mentioned before… Come on, let’s stop playing the ‘guessing’ game!”

“Okay~~Hey, there are a few over there, eat the food quickly! Otherwise, I will be suspected when I bring it out later!” Adventurers in the game do not need to eat to maintain physical strength and other attributes, but Through the powerful functions of the holographic helmet, the food can really convey part of the aroma and taste, which is also a good experience.

After the scolding, Xiao Huang whispered like a child: “Uncle, tell you! The prince, despite being honest on the surface, is actually a pervert!”

“Oh?!” Archie became interested, isn’t he a paladin with virtue first?

“He needs women to serve him every day! Sometimes there are more than one!! There is a big house behind the manor, which is full of his women!”

“Recently he can’t go out, he’s gone too far! Almost day and night, he knows he’s wandering around in Wenrou Township!” Xiao Huang shook her face with a red face.

No wonder the old king is disheartened, is there still such a mess going on? But… why didn’t Joanna report it? snort! Foreigners are really unreliable!

“But the strange thing is that half of the time is mixed in the gentle township every day, and this prince still has physical exercise! He spends more than 12 hours a day on physical fitness and martial arts training! The body is really abnormal, if it is an ordinary human, it would have collapsed long ago!”

“Hey, hey! Girls, where do you get bad knowledge?!” Archie is becoming more and more like a parent…

“The system is taught by the great god~ He is a spy, so he understands these~”

Okay…the things of the system master can’t be managed…

However, there is one thing Archie is very concerned about…

“How long has this been going on?”

“A few days? It’s more than ten days!” Xiao Huang said in an exaggerated tone Ever since he was removed from the command at the last meeting, he has been like this! “

“Half the time to spend… half the time to practice…then when will he rest?!”

“This is the strange place! I heard from several food delivery maids that he hardly rests, as if he wants to exhaust himself to death! Several ministers and generals have come to persuade, but it is useless!”

“Well… then… where did those women… come from?”

“This is not very clear. It is said that some of them were maids in the original manor, some were brought back by the prince, and some were sent by outsiders. Oh yes! This guy also has a perverted habit. It is especially easy to lose the sense of freshness, and the women who follow him will not be too long, and they will be driven away! If it weren’t for the fact that they have been more intensively supervised recently, there is no way to change people, maybe the women in the whole house will have to be changed again !”


Archie’s heart is overwhelmed…

Damn it…won’t what the old king said is true…this prince is the **** devil? !

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