This Slime is Poisonous Chapter 472: Move to Europe

“That… do we really need to wait here to build a gathering place?”

It has been two days since he left Boneyard, and Da Jiangdong couldn’t stand the boring days anymore. No one is allowed to fight, I have nothing to do, I go online and hang up every day to watch these special forces toss and build a house…

“Hehe, how can it be! Wait a minute, there will probably be a change soon…” Archie said to himself.

The so-called change is indeed expected! When the permanent teleportation array was established, a messenger appeared instantly, found Archie and issued an order.

“Deputy General Selem, please hurry to the Night Demon Fortress, His Royal Highness has something important to call! Others continue to act according to the original plan!”

“Okay, I’ll leave immediately!” Archie signaled the three younger brothers to stay calm, and then followed the messenger and disappeared.

Inside the hall on the ninth floor of the Night Demon Fortress.

“Selem came to report, I don’t know what is the important thing His Highness summoned!”

Archie speaks bureaucratically.

“The situation has changed!” Although the night devil’s face was hidden behind the black flames, there was still a smile that could not be concealed in his tone, “Yesterday, Abaddon sent someone to bring news again! The guy finally made a move!”

“Oh?! No way? We haven’t leaked Eva’s coordinates…how could they…”

“It’s not Eva! It’s Azazel, the guardian of the Elop plane!” Night Demon seemed a little excited, stood up and said, “Those idiots of the All Souls Society discovered other guardians I thought it was Eva! Now I am trying my best to resurrect!”

“This…sorry for being stupid…what does it have to do with us? As long as the correct coordinates are disclosed, they will definitely change their targets immediately…In this way, our hunting plan can continue…”

“It has a lot to do with it! Remember the bet I made with the other two kings!”

“Remember! Could it be…”

“That’s right! Let them be resurrected! As long as the guardian returns to the Elop plane, another king’s invasion will be greatly hindered! Our chances of winning are great!!”

“Your Highness is wise…but…how should the Emmerican plane be resolved?”

“Hmph, it’s really difficult… The intelligence also mentioned that their guardian Samael happened to appear in Aisha’s base camp established by King II! He was beaten to death in the end… What an idiot ! As an existence whose combat strength is equal to ours, it is so easy to die! However, these guardians have been baptized by the soul tearing array, and they have become immortal existences. After death, their souls will return to the law. You can still be resurrected!” Night Demon shook his head again and again, “I don’t care about it, I ordered you to come back this time, I want you to analyze, how should we make a choice! Should we continue to carry out the booby-killing plan and advance the process of occupying Aisha, or Wait, let All Souls revive Elop’s guardian first? As Aisha’s native slime, it should be easier to make a judgment!”

Fuck, Samuel hasn’t hung up yet? Also… the strongest person in the plane, how can he be destroyed so easily…

“Allow me to think twice…”

Hmph, choose Mao!

It’s not for these small things that Ba Dao sent people to deliver the information after all the hard work! Brother wants to do big things!

“This subordinate believes that… under the current circumstances, these two plans are the next choice… No matter what, there is no guarantee that His Highness’s bet will be safe… May I ask… Your Highness, can you bet well?” Big?”

“Hehe…it’s bigger than you can imagine!”

It is inconvenient to ask more questions! It seems that they are betting against everything…

“Since this is the case, we can’t fight unprepared battles, and we can’t leave the result to the goddess of luck!” Archie continued to flicker, “So, this subordinate thinks that we should send people to the other two positions Plane! Strengthen the strength of the other two planes, and organize the occupation plan of the other two kings!”

“…No! Now Aisha’s plane is already so powerful, if there are two more planes…it’s not a good thing for us in the demon world!”

Yo, it seems that you still have the master of the world in your heart?

“What if there is this?”

“This is…” Night Demon was stunned! “Okay, okay!!! It’s not too late! You get the Elop plane first, and I will send someone to stop the Emerican plane!”


Why did Nightmare agree instantly? It’s actually very simple… Archie showed his legendary mission “Save the Guardian” again!

The instructions for this quest are confusing – find the place where the Guardian’s soul is scattered and find a way to bring it back to life. Completion will give you command over the Guardian.

Archie preconceived that this guardian refers to Eva… But looking back, the task was issued by Aisi, and the task reward was the guardian’s command… Aisi’s status is so high that she can order Can Eva obey others?

Then why does the reward directly and clearly state the command right?

Obviously very inconsistent!

There is only one possibility… This task was set by the system master long ago! The task rewards will not change either! And the task of the three major servers is the same! ! !

To put it bluntly, no matter whether there is a mission or not, whoever revives the guardian can command her, regardless of whether the guardian is his own or not!

In this way, it makes sense that Samael will be controlled by the player… It is likely to be ordered to give up control of the body after resurrection…

‘By the way… mastering the guardian, does it count as occupying the plane? ’ Archie couldn’t help thinking about it.

Achie doesn’t need to worry about resurrecting Azazel in the Evil Soul Plain. Anyway, Wright is brushing day and night, and sooner or later he will collect 1000 shards! After the resurrection, the task will naturally be completed…

This is the benefit of ‘followers’… They do exactly the same thing for whatever task, and they can all count it on themselves!

There is only one point left, enter the European server! ‘Up’ from behind!

Of course, if you want to go to the European server, you can’t be in a hurry, study hard first…

‘This Night Demon spent a lot of money to win…’

Archie opened the purple book in his hand quietly waiting to read the article.

‘You are studying “Wormhole Generation Theory and Practice”…’

Yes! It is the magical skill of “teach it wherever you want” that the devils are famous for!

With such a top-secret skill, there is no way for Night Demon to give it to Archie. The European server is controlled by other kings. If you want to destroy it, you have to get it secretly. There is no one to set up a magic circle…you can only rely on wormholes!

As for why not just open a wormhole and let Archie go there… of course it is for bribery… If the plan is successful, Archie will have at least one guardian command, and use the value to double N times. Make a good relationship, when will you wait?

In addition, wormholes need to have both shadow and space abilities. The two abilities are already unconventional, and having one at the same time is even more important! No. 100 can’t be found in the entire demon world! And to be able to open the permanent one and allow large troops to pass through, it needs the right time, place and people. Especially the time, it needs to capture the gap created in the collision between planes, which is difficult to encounter once in decades!

This is also why wormhole invasions are so rare!

As for the single-person wormhole, only the caster can pass through it, and there are so many such small gaps, you can find one if you search hard for a day or two!

However, no devil dared to play single-player “time travel” before… such a rare attribute, wouldn’t it be good to be pampered in the devil world? Why go to the front line and work hard? What’s more…the landing point is also very random…no one can guarantee absolute safety…

Archie’s situation is like this… He spent a whole day studying and looking for ‘holes’ with great interest, and finally successfully reached the European server. The result…

‘You are attacked by Wind Dragon Katyn’s wind blade tornado, and the damage is 1500 per second. ’

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