This Slime is Poisonous Chapter 445: Money is everything

After collecting all the rewards that should be received, Archie was free again, and ran to Heilonggang with nothing to do to wait for the agreed third day! At this time, the distance is relatively close, and the Winged Man Hall of Thunder Bluff is about to arrive, and a towering building is exposed on the sea level in the distance.

It’s been three years, and Archie still hasn’t had a detailed understanding of the current situation in Heilonggang… Take this opportunity to go shopping!

The inner harbor hasn’t changed much, except for more ship stops and more permanent buildings along the beach! The three-piece village building set given by the Duke before was also used. The largest building among them is of course the core of Heilonggang—the Exchange!

“The Lord of Selem?!” Kangben Village… No, he is also the mayor now! Mayor Yasumoto happened to be passing by, and when he saw Archie, he hurried forward to say hello… By the way, how can these NPCs tell at a glance which soul is controlling them?

“Kangben, you came just in time!” A lot of details need to be explained by a “guide”, “Where did you get the blueprint of this exchange?”

“There are many other blueprints supported by King Glorie! There are many others, such as the magic tower in the city, the lighthouse on the top of the mountain, etc. Otherwise, we would not have developed to this level in three years! “

Looking in the direction Yasumoto pointed, there is indeed a towering circular building on the top of the mountain. The top is spinning around, and the golden light is scattered into the distance along the rotation…it seems to be a magic lighthouse!

What I am more concerned about is the white church-shaped building under the tower… The style is completely different! The degree of gorgeousness is several grades higher than that of the port! Because of the angle, I can’t see the specific details, but the white stairs spiraling down the mountain are still very conspicuous… On the way, several young men in festive clothes are walking up alone…

Scrape! Haikou, who borrowed money from the Queen of the Dark Elf and boasted so casually…has it really come true?

“Originally, the top of the mountain was to be built as a defensive position, with some turrets and the like, but Queen Khiva strongly opposed it as a shareholder, and she took out the loan commitment letter from you, the city lord… There is no way, I can only follow the It was built at her request!” Kang Ben said with emotion, “I thought this beautiful building was a waste of the precious land resources of Heilong Island, but after it was completed, it became another big source of income! Young men and women on the mainland hold weddings. Since then, it is an honor to hold the ceremony here… Well, those men will climb up to the top of the mountain alone to show their sincerity! The woman has already been waiting at the top of the mountain through the teleportation array…”

“Isn’t this spending money to buy suffering? I don’t understand…the world of young people can’t understand…”

“…” Archie also doesn’t understand, who can understand the world of the rich! The price of a wedding above is 250G! It can actually bring tens of thousands of gold coins to Heilonggang every day… Even if the port is booming, the wedding income can still be worth 20% of the port’s total daily gross profit …

“Hire a few warlocks! Launch the enhanced version of the sincerity package! Release the ‘weakness technique’ to the groom who goes up the mountain! A weak 5G, everyone’s time spent and the number of weak spells they have endured are counted! Set up a big stone tablet, engrave the name of the newcomer who has suffered the most weakness in the shortest time! And… give the stone tablet a nice name… let’s call it… the weight of love or something!” Rich, right? You’re not afraid of spending money, are you?

“…” Mayor Kang Ben looked at the smirking Archie with a look of looking at a vampire, and asked in confusion, “City Lord, are we short of money? After three years of development, we have begun to reverse the continuous losses. Even if you need to support the construction of the second generation stronghold now, you can still make ends meet. When a large number of adventurers return, you will definitely have more income! Why look at you…”

“Hehe, of course it’s missing! Mayor Yasumoto, you have a way of management. The development of Heilonggang is indeed good, and all internal affairs are in order, but the overall situation is still a little bit worse! When it comes to II… There is still plenty of money!”

“Second Emperor? But the second emperor’s economic system is different, and gold coins are not common there!”

“It doesn’t work now, but it doesn’t mean it won’t work in the future!” Archie laughed, “Besides, we have the final say on our territory!”

Of course, Archie knew about the change in the currency system. He mentioned it when he wanted to develop Black Dragon Island in the early days of Xin Paoer’s invasion! However, Archie doesn’t think this will last forever, because it will make the players’ early efforts all in vain, and all the property will be cleared! Just ask, who can stand it? How could the Julong Group dare to play like this? Are you not afraid of player riots and parades? Especially those players in western countries, maybe a large number of lawsuit subpoenas will be sent to the office building of Julong Group the next day!

So, gold coins will definitely continue to work in some form! Even if it is useless for the time being, it will definitely change after several servers are connected to II.

Besides…it really hasn’t changed…can’t we take the initiative to make it change? In the final analysis, currency is currency, the base is sufficient, and the power behind it to maintain the value of currency is have recognized it, and a **** can be exchanged for an artifact!

Preparing for a rainy day, it is necessary to stock up first!

“Let’s not talk about this, how is the development of Blue Ocean Town now? Don’t just focus on Heilong Island, forget about that side!” Archie changed the subject.

“Of course I won’t forget! Is the mayor interested in visiting?”

“I wish I could!”

With Kangben leading the way, he went down to the bottom of the sea from the big tunnel dug by the Heilong father and son.

The original bumpy and bumpy road has been dealt with, and a spacious avenue has been extended, leading directly to the center of the town!

“Water creatures, such as our Naga, can’t use this road, but if Lanhai Town wants to develop, it must not only have Naga, but must communicate with other tribes! It happens to rely on the natural Heilonggang Advantages, so everyone discussed and built this avenue, and then Master Spark helped to make some large vehicles for carrying passengers and transporting goods! Here, those are the ones!”

As it happened, a strange flat iron cart with a length and width of more than 5 meters was sliding along the road! There were some people from other races sitting in the car, and the roof was piled up with all kinds of packed goods, most of which were iron ore mined from the seabed. And the power of the car…it turned out to be a face-to-face…a hydra!

“These hydras are just right for pulling carts, and they save a lot of manpower and material resources. By the way, a Druid is hired in each cart to take care of the visitors and supplement them with the ‘Turtle’s Breathing Technique’, so it’s also safe. No problem!”

“It’s very thoughtful…” Archie flipped through the information of Lanhai Town while listening, and didn’t pay attention to the wave after wave of things. There was a surplus of 4 million gold coins on the books! “Why so much money?!”

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