This Slime is Poisonous Chapter 442: Dispatch tasks

The scene was silent again… Archie’s thinking once again challenged everyone’s three views!

Everyone never misses any opportunity to improve their strength… It’s not that they are too selfish, and they will not join the All Souls Society if they have too much selfishness… It’s just that they always want to keep getting stronger, no matter how strong they are! Strong enough to protect the entire Aisha alone, just like the hero Eva back then!

But… no one ever considered making everyone stronger!

“So my plan is to use the All Souls Society to provide protection, and use ordinary soldiers as the frontline combatants to clean up the dangerous creatures near the high mountain and improve their strength!”

“Although there will inevitably be casualties, and the casualties may be huge, but the soldiers who survived the big waves will definitely become the mainstay! They will even catch up with everyone present here!”

“Our high-end combat power is actually nothing in the second world, and it is impossible to improve it in a short period of time. We can only win by numbers!”

“After cultivating enough elite troops, we must focus on cultivating those adventurers!”

“Unlike us, adventurers rarely encounter bottlenecks in their strength improvement, and they also have the characteristic of infinite resurrection!”

“When the overall strength of the adventurer is sufficient, the main battle can let the adventurer serve as a bridgehead, the vanguard! In this way, our sacrifice will also be reduced to the limit!”

“Just like when the Supreme One appeared in the early days of Stormwind City, if the hundreds of thousands of adventurers present have the strength of elite soldiers, there is no need for us to take action at all. The Most High!”

… There was another silence…

“In short, the All Souls Society will send people to be bodyguards, and the Empire and the Alliance will send people to be students! Let adventurers become students after standing firm! Let’s vote with a show of hands!”

“Okay!” Another unanimous vote passed, “Specifically, Grauley, Bloodhoof, Elder Ruibo, you can discuss it later.”

“Your Excellency Frey, please transfer the two thrones to Heilonggang! The operation of the plane magic circle will interfere with the ordinary teleportation circle, so there is no need to separate them. Let’s choose the middle of the two continents as the meeting point, which happens to be in Lanhai Town. One can maximize the power projection capability.” Archie ordered.

“No problem! We can arrive in three days!” The movement of the Winged Man Palace is not fast, and three days is considered normal.

“Glaulie, Bloodhoof, the troops should be arranged as soon as possible. The teleportation array will be unavailable in three days. It is not realistic for the temporary teleportation array to rely on the two prophets to transfer troops to Heilonggang! So we need to come by sea later, In three days, there is so much energy that you can dispatch troops over here!”

“Got it!”

“It seems that we can do a big job again!”

Both are violent commanders…seems a little excited…

“Stariki, gather the materials for building the city as soon as possible. If you want to gain a firm foothold in the second world, you must have a safe ‘home’! So building the city is a must! Prioritize the preparation of materials for powerful defense facilities such as magic towers! Of course, Chief Bloodhoof, please also mobilize the same amount of supplies, and it is best to arrange for one person to contact Starliqi, so that we can communicate with each other to build the city more efficiently!”

“No problem, just Ms. Shiva, Eternal Night City is the richest area in the alliance, and most of the goods coming in and out are concentrated there, so it’s perfect for Shiva to be in charge!”

“Okay! Your Majesty has worked hard!” Archie turned his head and continued to send tasks, “Spark, it is possible to build more mechanical Naga troops! There are also powerful fixed artillery and ballistas!”

“Rhubarb, speed up the collection of stone materials! Send them all to Black Dragon Island, and the rest can be postponed!”

“Professor Yang, medical insurance depends on you! Be sure to ensure the supply of medicine!”

“Deputy Lord Maynej, you are in charge of the overall planning of the city.”

“Senior Heixian, you are in charge…”

I ordered everything that I could think of in every detail, and everyone wrote down their tasks, and instantly felt that it was not difficult to hit the second…

But everyone didn’t notice… This meeting is open, and Archie has unknowingly become the absolute leader… Although the strength or power of most of the people here is far greater than Archie…

“Are there any questions?” Looking around, no one said anything, “Then let’s adjourn the meeting! I’ll leave it to everyone later!”

“Elder Ruibo, Your Excellency Frey, Mai Neijie, Xiao Huang, please stay!”

After everyone else left the hall, Frey couldn’t wait to ask: “I don’t know if there is anything else for the Lord of Serem?”

Archie said with a solemn expression: “I hope you will keep the next words secret for the time being!”

When the four (people) heard it, they knew that the main event was coming, so they all sat upright and pricked up their ears!

“Xiao Huang, where was the last time Samuel appeared? Do you know where he went?”

“Calculating the time…it was about the time when you defeated Abaddon. He seemed to be very angry. He executed several civilians for a trivial incident. He flew back to the top of Gaoling Mountain and never appeared again!” Xiao Huang recalled He said, “Afterwards, I felt strange. I sneaked up to see it, but there was no trace of it except for a damaged hall!”

The hall should be the residence of the Supreme One… It seems that this player should have gone offline after the update started! This also shows that the update of Aisha’s server has indeed driven the main server of the Second World to update simultaneously! The time lapse speed of the two planes is maintained at the same level! And there is a high probability that it will go offline in High Ridge! After all, the ‘Soul Cannon’ is placed there, and if you want to continue to do big things, you must rely on this bug-level magic circle.

“I have a hunch that he will be back soon!” You can’t tell the npc that he will be online soon, right? “So I want to arrange something and kill him before he comes back!”

“You want to kill Samael?” Frey exclaimed, and then he took it for granted, “It is indeed feasible, his combat power is not much different from that of the Supreme, and with the many masters of the All Souls Society, he will definitely succeed! “

“Really?” Archie doesn’t think so! The combat power that the same attribute can exert in the hands of players is beyond the imagination of npc! No matter how smart the intelligent system is, it can’t keep up with the whimsy of the players, not to mention… Samael has wings… Even if he can’t beat him, the chance of escaping is still quite high! But it is also because of his complete npc attributes, even if there is a player controlling him, Archie is sure that if he dies, he will not be able to be revived after only losing 1% experience like ordinary players’ accounts!

Elder Ruibo guessed Archie’s thoughts a bit: “Do you want to kill him instantly at the lowest cost?”

“Exactly! This guy is too good at using poison and One carelessness will cause terrible consequences!”

“Mennej, you have to build a magic tower on the top of the mountain in the shortest possible time! However, the attributes must be reversed, and the magic attack from the inside must be blocked! There are as many other arrow towers and turrets as you can build! “

“…I’m really looking forward to that scene… Don’t worry, Santo!”

“His Royal Highness Frey and Elder Ruibo, I left you here because I want to talk about another matter! If you stay in Aisha, you will not be able to find it in a short time! Because it is likely that Frey and your winged humans fought in the previous battle. The master left behind!” This is the only possibility! There are many adoring powers among the Wingmen, who bow down to Samael! And only Yiren has that mobility, randomly arranging temporary teleportation arrays in Aisha’s entire range.

“So just pretend, don’t work too hard!”

“Huh?” The two were puzzled.

“Hehe, the spatial fluctuations when the plane teleportation array is activated are not small! Although it is temporary, it will have an impact for a while! So as long as there are enough monitoring personnel, it is easy to locate!”

“…Then just arrest them! When they thoroughly study the temporary teleportation array, Aisha will be in danger!” Frey said anxiously, saying that it would be embarrassing for the tribe to disturb him as the boss!

“Why grab it? How dangerous is it?” Archie smiled sinisterly, “Don’t you think this is a good opportunity for us to cultivate high-end combat power in batches?”

“…” The two looked at each other, and at the same time their eyes flashed… It seems that something is wrong! !

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