This Slime is Poisonous Chapter 421: Resurrected and advanced Elder Ruibo

Archie dare not waste time, the Heroic Spirit Domain is coming to an end, so we must race against time!

“Brother Black Horn, when will you be sad?” Archie roared, “Open the connection with Salem Town for me! Elder Ruibo still has a chance!”

“Ah? Oh! Immediately!!” Black Horn immediately fluttered over the players and landed near the teleportation crystal, “It’s activated!”

“Wait for me!!! Collect the elder’s body!” Before he finished speaking, Shi had disappeared.

20 seconds later.

Near the Thunder Bluff teleportation array.

“Brother Mayor~~Where are you going to take my sister? So anxious~~I’m not mentally prepared~~” Professor Yang said shyly.

Archie has black lines all over his head, confirming his position. Fortunately, I happened to be nearby just now, dragging Professor Yang to the pile of Elder Ruibo’s corpse! If no one said it, everyone would think it was a pile of rotten meat. Who would have thought that not long ago it was a mighty dragon!

Black Horn and Dai Ziling were still searching for the last ‘parts’ all over the floor. Seeing that Archie came back so quickly, they all looked up.

“Keep looking! Look for the big ones, it doesn’t matter if the corners are there!” Archie ordered everyone without hesitation, “Master, Duke! Bring all the half-dead to help!”

“Professor Yang! It’s up to you, no matter what, please help put it back together within 1 minute! At least there must be a rough dragon shape! Please!”

“Hmph, why did you think it was so urgent~” Professor Yang said with a bit of a temper, but his movements were not slow, and in the blink of an eye, he took out her ‘eating’ guys… a bunch of hideous and unusual ones Needle, saw and ax set… “Don’t worry, I’m good at this!”

Archie’s idea is very simple, since the other dead can live, Ruibo can’t, the only difference is the completeness of the corpse!

The principle is also simple. Even if the soul returns to the body, if the body cannot be recovered no matter how much treatment is done, then there is no way to talk about resurrection!

Then the next thing to do is clear, to sew the dragon back together!

Thinking of stitching… Professor Yang’s face instantly popped into Archie’s mind… In this world, there is probably no creature that can play with corpses better than Ya… Especially dragons… I have played with them a few times ? Three heads?

“Put your head in place! Those over there, and you, you, you! Move the meat around the feet! It’s all the neck!” Professor Yang ordered unceremoniously, “I don’t need to say that I got the wings and feet Now, move according to the position of the leader! Everyone else come out and line up!”

“This is dragon breast meat, left breast, go!”

“Dragon Butt!”

“The right abdomen is behind!”


While guiding everyone to move, he explained to the dozens of half-dead around.

“The time is short, so let’s not pay too much attention! Use whatever you can fix! For example, this knife, put two pieces of dragon skin on each other, put them upright and insert them into the meat, so that the two sides will not come off Open! Do you understand? Take action!”

Among the stunned expressions of Archie and everyone else, a pile of rotten meat soon took the shape of a dragon, and then the whole body was filled with sharp weapons for fixing, and all the main parts were connected together!

Is it okay?

Archie has been paying attention to the duration of the Heroic Spirit Domain, and only the last few tens of seconds are left! If it is useful, the realm will take effect naturally!

“Huh? Here it comes!!”

Archie smiled with relief!

Elder Ruibo’s body finally began to exude a holy light, and then all the broken wounds healed automatically! Some small ‘parts’ that were not found have also grown back!

Then, Ruibo, who was lying limp on the ground, got up! Flapping its wings, flying sand and rocks, and finally soaring into the sky, a joyful and loud roar resounded through the sky! Fire, water, ice, wind, earth and other elements burst out with light, comparing the two rounds of scorching sun!

‘Elf Dragon, Secret Art, Ruibo was revived, successfully broke through the restrictions of Aisha’s plane, and advanced to a world-class BOSS. ’

“OMG!!!” Archie opened his mouth wide, he just wanted to resurrect a dragon, how did he come up with a world-class one?

“This is impossible!!!” The Juggernaut almost jumped up in shock. As the same 60th overlord, he knows best how difficult it is to cross the limit of the plane, and there is almost no hope in sight!


“Great… great… woo woo…”

Noire and Dai Ziling didn’t pay too much attention to Ruibo’s advancement, and they were content to be resurrected!

Others needless to say, they were all stunned and didn’t know what they were thinking… Especially the seriously injured members of the Wanlinghui were hit the hardest, because this is the first time in the plane of Aisha since the hero Eva Two creatures that break the limit and advance!

“Ah~ what an active element, what a clear world! Is this world-class?” Elder Ruibo landed slowly, but his wings were not stirred, and he only supported his body with the condensed wind element! You know, it’s not magic!

“Thank you, Senator Selam… If you don’t have you, don’t even say that you have crossed this step, even continuing to live is an extravagant hope!”

“Ah…you’re welcome…” Archie was still in a daze, he didn’t understand what help he had helped, so he couldn’t help asking, “Elder, how did you advance?”

“I don’t know either… It’s just that at the moment of resurrection, I suddenly felt that there was no obstacle to communicating with the elements, and I naturally advanced… Could it be because I died once? The soul was sublimated and overcame the opposition. Fear of death?”

“But I also died once! Although my strength hasn’t been damaged, I haven’t advanced like you!!” The Juggernaut scratched his head again, obviously wanting to know the reason, “Could it be? I didn’t die completely enough? Do I have to be dismembered like you, Ruibo?”

“Bitch! Try it before you talk! Come on, cut me!” The seriously injured sword demon understood clearly from the side, and said bluntly.

“Don’t!!” Archie quickly stopped, now that the Heroic Spirit Domain is over, there is no chance of resurrection after death! “There must be other reasons! I think about it…”

First of all, one thing can be confirmed, the Heroic Spirit Domain is worthy of being a domain, and there are really many hidden abnormal effects! For example, resurrection cannot lose experience, and these NPCs have no soul damage or reduced strength! This alone far exceeds other ordinary resurrection effects! Although what is known for the time being is only the “resurrection” of the leader’s creation of half-dead souls and Professor Yang’s unstable “heart pacing” I can’t see any clues from the perspective of resurrection, so let’s consider other aspects… Combat increased by 20%? It can be regarded as a BUFF. There are a lot of BUFFs that can increase combat power. It’s nothing special, it’s just adding more! Resurrection status is full? Full capacity will not allow the dragon to advance! Not right either! The resurrection was possessed by a heroic spirit, and the strength was strengthened? Tsk tsk…it’s possible!

Archie looked through his battle records, and he didn’t know what the possession was. It indicated that his strength had increased by 20%, and his agility had increased by 10%! Because there is no need to fight, I have not paid attention to it!

Could it be because Elder Ruibo possessed a particularly powerful guy, and then just surpassed the limit, and then advanced? Not right either! Isn’t this equivalent to adding more buffs to increase strength, there is no essential difference!

But, apart from this, there is no other effect…Huh? Wait…

Spirit possession?

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