This Slime is Poisonous Chapter 386: Entrance with funny ratio

Chapter 386 Entering the Arena (Page 1/1)

While the two were talking nonsense, the leader and the duke finally restored their HP to full. They didn’t dare to act rashly anymore, so they could only join up with the large army before making plans.

“You two… are you okay?” The blood volume has recovered, but the bodies of the two still seem to be severely injured! The Duke’s right chest collapsed, and the leader’s left hand was severely fractured…

“It’s okay!” X2.

Damn it, the body of the undead is capricious! It doesn’t matter at all to see the posture!

“It’s fine…” It’s not the time to ask questions, “Have you heard what you said just now? Let’s think of a way to deal with him, the Holy Light has no effect!”

“Treat me?” Before the two could reply, Abaddon interjected, “Selam, it’s really a pity. With your combat power, the probability of defeating me is… 0! Know why I gave Do you have time to fix it?”

Huh? correct! Why? The devil is the most ruthless, taking advantage of the victory to pursue, taking advantage of his illness to kill him is the most willing thing to do, there is no reason to find out with conscience! kindness? Wait… Thinking about it from another angle, it may take time, so it is also procrastinating! As for the delay… It seems that you haven’t moved your feet from the beginning to the end… Look at the throne again… The magic light has not stopped, and it directly poured into the teleportation hall below… Could it be?

“Not good! General attack, hurry up! Everyone’s maximum firepower attack!!!”

“Haha, sorry, I noticed it too late!”

Archie’s instant saliva arrow just flew out, and a dazzling light suddenly burst out in the teleportation hall! Then the entire hall exploded like a burst balloon, the stones scattered, and a giant bone dragon that seemed to be composed of gold-plated bones appeared in front of everyone! !

‘The fallen Holy Light Bone Dragon appears and will join the battle in 1 minute, please be careful. ’

I’m so fucked! Do you want to have such a good time? Judging by the posture, it is not easy to come, even the system prompts have appeared, the strength must have exploded, and judging by the name and appearance, it is another undead who can use both light and dark abilities at the same time! !

One minute to prepare…Let’s look at the attributes first!

Level 50 of the Corrupted Holy Light Bone Dragon (World Class)

Health: 4.2 million, mana: 7 million

The Holy Light Dragon, who is extremely hostile to the world, sold his soul to the demon Abaddon for revenge after his death. Now he has finally returned to the world, vowing to spread hatred and killing throughout Aisha.

Attribute: Unknown

Skill: Unknown

As expected of a world-class giant dragon, even undead have exaggerated blood volume and magic power! Dealing with two world-class players at the same time, the winning rate is 0!

“Salem, please allow my subordinates to play with you first, don’t worry, I won’t interfere! I wish you success!” Abaddon sat back on the throne with a teasing smile.

Well…it’s good news…I don’t know if the system arranged it like this, or the demon summoning this bone dragon consumes too much and needs to rest…Anyway, there is a glimmer of life! Especially the 1 minute of preparation, and the swaying appearance of the bone dragon, let Archie know that Ya may have just been successfully resurrected and is adapting to his body, so he immediately decided to launch a wave of blows while his foothold was not stable!

“Create a line of defense in close combat, maximum firepower in long-range, target leader, attack!” Archie ordered, anyway, no matter whether it is a living dragon or a dead dragon, it is right to start with the head!

The priest among the half-undead reacted the fastest, launching a chain of shadow **** and smiting two magic weapons. The reaction of the players was much slower, and there were not many mages and shooters… But what I didn’t expect was that the most powerful single output was caused by the players! It’s reasonable to say that with Archie’s god-given halo bonus, the attributes of several players’ mages have skyrocketed, and then the water and fire magic bone dragons have no resistance, and there is no scale damage reduction with super high magic resistance. Real damage! On the contrary, the powerful semi-deads are a bit out of their wits, no matter how powerful the blow is, most of them will be absorbed!

But no matter what, everyone’s damage is not enough, including Archie’s own saliva arrow, except for the burning and deceleration effects that have a little effect, the rest are completely resisted… There is no way, the light and dark opponents are also Yes, the corrosion has left the bones, and there is nothing to corrode… The space element is more brittle, and it is still in a state of interference and cannot be used!

“Salem, do you have a plan?” The leader realized that the personnel on the scene had no chance of winning, and the damage output alone was not enough!

“I don’t have a plan… Try to delay the time… maybe… there will be variables…” Delaying time is not something you can do if you want to. The soldiers also rejoined the siege, and the already stretched personnel needed to divide a part of the defensive rear to clean up the miscellaneous soldiers…

“But the mayor…Maybe the BOSS is also delaying time…” Teammate No. 1 couldn’t help reminding, “Look at the level of the BOSS…”

What’s so good about grades? Isn’t it just 51…?…?…Damn it! When did it become 52? ! ! !

“I just saw him flash a golden light, and it turned out to be 52!” Teammate No. 1 continued.

I’m going! This girl has not yet reached the strongest form, and there is still room for improvement. It is strange that she has to be willing to move, and before the people did not rush to the scene, they were unwilling to clean up the door first. After that, they still talk about it, all for themselves Buy time to upgrade!

However, what if you know? It is difficult to protect yourself, let alone interrupt you!

“It’s over, there is no chance of winning!” The Duke stood at the front of the team, “All of you retreat, let me see if I can hold them back!”

Emotional readiness to sacrifice oneself for the chance of survival for more people.

“Don’t give up, there is still a chance!!!” Archie shouted.

“Where is the chance?” The Duke didn’t believe it.

“…Although I’m very reluctant to accept their help, but… that even a pervert’s strength is very reliable…”

“Pervert? Who? Which two?”

“It’s not…”

‘pong! pong! ’

Archie hasn’t finished sand layer above his head seemed to be pierced instantly, and two large pits appeared, and the faint light from the outside shone into the inner cavity through the hole! Then, the two figures ‘shot in’ like cannonballs and hit the ground directly! The shock wave shook everyone floating in the air!

The smoke and dust from the impact hadn’t dissipated, and everyone couldn’t see who was coming. The system god’s reminder has already sounded!

‘Your allies Juggernaut Shapo and Sword Demon Punisher joined the battle. ’

“Here, they are…”

“All souls…” the leader said in surprise.

“That’s indeed…perverted…” The duke nodded in agreement… He was extremely talented, worked hard for most of his life, and even transformed into a half-dead soul to advance, which is still far from the realm of these two young men in their thirties. There is a big gap… what is it if it is not a pervert?

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