This Slime is Poisonous Chapter 376: Stealing corpses

Without waiting for the outcome of the battle below, Archie rode Daiziling towards Stormwind City without looking back.

From the beginning to the end, Abaddon released two skills, which naturally reminded him of the Shadow of Samael. There were also a bunch of skills in the list, but only a few special releases were selected. Coupled with his own ‘split’, if it is not controlled by the Supreme, none of the skills of the avatar will be used!

It can be seen from here that the biggest feature of the avatar is castration in strength!

Abadon, who is about to die, still looks tepid, and it is probably just a clone at work! No, it is definitely a doppelganger! ! ! The background descriptions of all the bosses I have encountered are extremely accurate, and the characteristics of the skills are also set around the characteristics of the boss, and Abaddon is good at lying and deceiving, which has never been reflected… unless… Been fooling everyone! !

It’s not far from Stormwind City, and Dai Ziling flew back to the city with all her strength, but it seemed that she was still a step too late!

I saw that the carriages of other nobles had already entered the city, and they were blocked at the gate of the city. A large number of undead interspersed among the crowd, attacking at will, and the escorting guards and city defense troops were restrained and ran around. Active cleanup. However, without the help of priests and paladins, every time one is killed, there will be one more undead. It is impossible to get it done in a while!

“Brother Serem… shall we go down and help?” Daisling asked in circles.

“…No need!” Archie denied, “Let’s go to Stormwind Fortress!!”

It’s not that I think there will be danger there. Since this demon is so insignificant and careful, he will naturally not do such a desperate thing like a storm. ! So Ya back to Stormwind City must have other purposes.

“How did this big demon get out? I didn’t find out at all…” Dai Ziling took advantage of the gap between landing to solve.

“If I’m not wrong, I’ve already exchanged packages with the coachman! The encirclement was made in full view of us!!” One wrong move, one wrong move! The operation of changing the guards that he thought was exquisite, in the eyes of the big devil who can see through the soul, it is probably clear, it is a joke! “Wait for me at your door!”

Archie rushed into the meeting hall of Stormwind Keep in a hurry.

“Your Excellency Selem, why did undead appear in Stormwind City? Did the operation fail?” Stariki was listening to the report from the soldiers, and immediately stepped forward to ask.

“Failed! The enemy is too cunning! I’ll talk about it later, and I’ll ask, where are the bodies of the Holy Light Hierarch and the Duke stored?” Archie asked quickly.

“En? Why… Could it be!!!” Stariki exclaimed, “Because of their special identities and status, the crimes of the two have not been announced for the time being, and they will be placed in the Cathedral of Holy Light according to the highest standard for public mourning.” !”

“Okay! I’ll go there right away, you send someone to wait at the gate of the city, as soon as Glaurie comes back, they will be transferred to help!”

“I will arrange it immediately!”

From seeing the chaos in Stormwind City, Archie knew that the problem was serious, and it is very likely that the siege will turn into a gang fight! The characteristic of undead magic is that the stronger the strength of the dead, the stronger the summoned undead will be! If the summoner is strong enough, any bone dragon or zombie dragon can be summoned, as long as he is given a corpse.

Right now, there are exactly two corpses of strong men in Stormwind City! If the big devil succeeds, one boss will become three bosses!

Don’t think that the strength of the Duke and the leader is the same. Compared with the strongest of the empire like Glaurie, ordinary masters are no match for the two. If the big devil is more disgusting, the three of them Scattered and killed in Stormwind City, the newly spawned undead creatures are enough for everyone to have a headache!

This is also the frightening thing about practicing undead magic to a high level. As long as there are conditions, one person is a legion!

“Daiziling, tear down the roof of the church!!” They were all in the city, and they had already arrived at their destination in a few breaths. Collapsed and definitely in need of renovation.

“Okay!” The little female dragon’s hand-to-hand combat ability is weak, so it depends on who it is compared to. Things like demolishing a house are still easy to grasp. The tail is swept across like a meteor hammer, and a large piece can be knocked away in a few strokes. The towering roof was removed like building blocks.

The structure of the church is almost the same as in reality. It was built high just to show its majesty, and there is a hall inside, which is now completely exposed to the eyes!

The bodies of the Duke and the leader are still there! It is placed on the high platform in the front, surrounded by flowers.

The boss you’ve been looking for is here! ! Looking at the Holy Light Dragon in the air with a surprised expression, the spell-casting movement in his hand has not stopped!

“It’s better to come early than coincidentally! Dai Ziling, dragon’s breath!!”


This is the first time for Archie to watch the breath of the dragon up close, and he is still a little cute at this tense moment…does the voice be so cute? When blowing out the candles?

For the giant dragon, it is probably not much different from blowing out candles… The holy flame poured into the church from directly above and dyed the inside of the church golden! !

“Brother Selam, it’s probably useless. This demon’s avatar has no effect, the main body is just…” Dai Ziling said embarrassingly.

“It’s okay! The target is not him!” The dragon’s breath of the Holy Flame is healing for creatures, and damage for undead. For ordinary items, it is ordinary dragon’s breath! The undead corpses are also listed here, and Archie wants to cremate them directly so as not to be used!

However, it’s not that simple! !

‘The battle with Abaddon has begun, please proceed with caution. ’

‘Abadon used a mass bone shield. ’

The holy flame dissipated, and everything in the house was reduced to ashes, except for the two corpses and the big boss! ! The three oval ‘eggshells’ made of white bones are gradually shattering and dissipating, revealing the intact people inside!

The good news is that the opponent’s previous spellcasting was successfully interrupted, and the process of transforming into an undead was interrupted!

Bone Shield! This ability has not been found on the avatar before! Archie quickly used the all-seeing eye again!

Great Demon Abaddon…All attributes are hidden…

Damn it, nothing was detected! Archie didn’t think that Ya’s strength was so high that it surpassed all the bosses he had encountered before. It was probably just because he was good at deceiving and disguising, which was an ability to restrain the full-time eye.

You can only use the attributes of the previous avatar as a reference! !

…reference…a P! ! Ya is obviously a magic boss, and his melee combat ability is so awesome, it’s a bit hard to start with!

“Dai Ziling, you cover me!”

No way, you still have to go, if you can’t beat it, it’s okay to delay, as long as you persist until Glaurie arrives, everything is still hopeful.

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