This Slime is Poisonous Chapter 372: Lock

Inside Stormwind Keep.

“Brother Selem, how are you doing? Are you ready?” Glaurie was scratching his head at a pile of documents, and when he saw Archie enter the door, he immediately dropped his official duties and came to greet him.

“Well, it’s okay for now! How is it? Is it a big loss?”

“It’s okay, it’s mainly the loss of buildings, and the casualties are not large! Thanks to your reminder, we evacuated most of the civilians early! Thank you, brother!”

“Hey, don’t say too much, we don’t need to be so far away!” Archie stopped greeting, and asked, “How is the arrangement? It’s time to close the net. The situation may be worse than ours.” It’s even worse than imagined.”

“What happened?”

“I’m also waiting for news from the All Souls Society, anyway, let’s deal with the demons inside the empire first!”

“Well…let me tell you the details!”

After reading and signing the document in hand, Staliqi also came over: “Your Majesty Salam, everything has been arranged, and the combat troops you need have also been mobilized! But who is the big fish, we Still haven’t dug it out! The housekeeper of the Duke’s Mansion doesn’t know about it, and Defan Ende has been in a state of madness, so I can’t ask why.”

“It’s okay! This time I came here to confirm the big fish! I have some clues, you can help me analyze who is more suitable.”

The so-called clues are actually superficial, but no one has paid attention to them.

“First, this demon should have entered Aisha during the demon invasion that your father was doing. After all, the old duke was tempted to rebel before, so we can target people from that period!”

“Well, that makes sense…” Grauley nodded.

“Second, this person’s status is not low, and he can often communicate with various dignitaries! Otherwise, I can hardly imagine how he instigated the three generations of the Duke’s Mansion and the leader of the Church of the Holy Light! And the Ling Ling you have found now Always a villain!”

“Huh? It’s not because he has great strength and can control people’s hearts…” Stariki asked back.

“No! No matter how powerful you are, if you can control so many people’s hearts at the same time, I absolutely don’t believe it. Starliqi, you are also a soul mage yourself, so you should understand the difficulty. If you have this strength, what do you think? Can you and Glorie sit here comfortably? They have already been replaced! It means that your soul protection magic can resist the temptation of the other party, so the old king is not controlled, but the old duke is controlled!”


“So I think that this demon’s mental strength can only subtly influence other people’s thinking! It’s just that the clever means and the disguise of identity make it easy for others to get in the way!” Archie also gave an example, “For example, the lifespan of the bloodline of the Duke’s family, tempting them with the method of undead…”

“… Let me digest it… In this way, this person’s status is extremely high! And he can communicate closely with the Duke’s mansion! Ordinary nobles have no chance…”

“That’s right! And this person is extremely close to the people, and he has the opportunity to mingle with ordinary people all year round, so there are so many people infected with devil’s blood!”

“So…the ministers of the Ministry of Commerce have a high status, and they often need to go to the public to investigate the market situation?” Glaurie narrowed the scope.

Staliki shook her head: “The ministers of the older generation of the Ministry of Commerce have all passed away… The timing doesn’t match…”

“Little sister, you don’t understand this. Since a devil can disguise itself as one person, of course it can also disguise itself as another!” Glorie proudly said.

“But the devil wants to pretend to be a human, and the price is definitely not small. Without special circumstances, he will never take this risk!”

“You two, wait until I finish talking? I have a general goal, and I just want you two to accept it easily! By the way, help me verify it!” Archie asked without continuing to analyze, “The Stormwind Prison And the renovation of the sewer, who proposed it!”

“It’s me…” Stariki raised her hand, “I’ve already investigated it before…”

Huh? ! ! ! It’s not the same as I thought! !

“Is there anyone…”

“No one suggested it, but the national treasury was full in those few years, Stormwind City has been built for a long time, and the infrastructure is outdated, so it is natural to think of the problem of renovation…”

Damn it, I don’t believe there is no flaw!

“Did the captured construction team ask anything?”

“No, in fact, these assassins were temporarily recruited into the construction team. They are all the private armed forces of the leader. It is estimated that the decision was made recently to attack Stormwind City. The old construction workers have already retired, and they are still alive. However, the family background is clean, and they are living in their own retirement! And the blood has been tested, and there is no devil!”

Damn it, you’re so clever, you didn’t leave any tail behind?

“Who is the boss of the decoration team? You know that, right?”

“Ah…it’s the father…During the first demon invasion, towns and cities needed to be constructed, and fortifications needed to be built on the front line, and the number of engineers was not enough, so the first construction team was formed. From business to private, after many years of changing hands, the current controller is a little baron… who is also very innocent, and lives in Lordaeron all year round…”

It seems that Stariki has thought about this before, and has investigated everything that needs to be investigated! However, as insiders, they still have a blind spot!

“Back to the previous question.” Archie rolled his eyes a few times, and he regained his train of thought, “Starliqi, what was the reason for the overflow of the national treasury back then? Who is responsible for it?”

“The main reason is that the weather is good and there is no war, and the tax revenue of each city is good… Then the business is vigorously developed, and the tax revenue is further increased…” After a long time Starrich needs to think hard, “Oh, by the way, the auction house opened with the help of the old housekeeper is very good. It has contributed 20% of the national treasury’s profits for several years in a row!”

Come here! The old butler… If I remember correctly, he is the close subordinate of the old king mentioned by Eredar, whether he is on the expedition or at home, he will never leave him! It is said that after the death of the old king, he was unwilling to continue his political career and opened the ‘Zijinhua Auction House’ in the name of the royal family. The name seems to be… Mason Dunbar! (Chapter 143, Empire Line)

Speaking of Mason Dunbar, Starrich was full of admiration, and began to talk endlessly: “Uncle Dunbar is really a talent for governing the country, capable of writing and martial arts! He taught the martial arts of Glorie and Wang Lengzi, and I also learned the way of governing the country from him. Unfortunately, the death of my father was a big blow to him, and I have been refusing to go out of the mountain. I just guarded the auction house to live… live… day… Salem ? Don’t tell me…”

Seeing Archie’s serious eyes, Staliqi became more and more unable to speak, thinking of something.

“It’s probably true… If the construction team was also formed by him…”

“Impossible…it’s impossible!” Glorie didn’t believe it at all.

“Huh!” The Supreme One suddenly said, “There is nothing impossible in this world!”

It’s fast enough to learn and sell now…but you’re right!

If you want to continue the next action, you must first convince these two!

“I’ll ask two questions at the end, and you guys should think about it next time! Glorie, when they evacuated Stormwind City, was the Zijinhua caravan the last to evacuate?”

“Starliqi, is the Zijinhua Auction House accessible from the royal family to the common people? At the same time, Mason Dunbar’s status… is high enough?”

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