This Slime is Poisonous Chapter 371: Harvest 1 wave

The chat is over, Eva has been waiting by the side for a long time, it’s time to continue to the next session…

Turn in the mission! ! !

“Senior Selam, thank you for your contribution to Aisha!”

‘You have perfectly completed the epic mission “Six consecutive brushes”, you have gained 1.8 million experience rewards, and you have received an additional reward – Elite Vanguard (title): When in enemy territory, the damage is increased by 5%. ’

Recovered a wave of experience that was tossed away by the Supreme, and got a good title by the way! Titles are actually more valuable than skills and equipment. After all, the buff added by each title is quite practical and does not take up any resources!

“Thanks Eva!”

“Don’t worry! The contribution you made to defend Aisha this time is really indescribable! And beyond my expectation, you solved almost all the problems ahead of time! Although you didn’t accept the task, there are still rewards !”

‘You have perfectly completed the legendary mission “Guarding Aisha—Repelling the Intruders”, and you have gained 6 million experience rewards, and the reward – Guardian (Title): When in our territory, the combat power increases by 10%. ’

‘You get a skill evolution point. ’

‘You can choose one of Aisha’s collections as a reward. ’

Archie is happy but not surprised. After all, the credit is so great, and he will definitely be rewarded! The richness of the rewards is very touching. Titles and evolution points are things that can’t be met, especially evolution points, which are almost like bugs. The previous talent aura can turn decay into magic. It really makes people wonder how to evolve. Which skill is better! Don’t worry, think about it slowly in the future, choose the collection first!

As expected, the collection is still the same as the rest of the previous selection.

‘Unopened Collector’s Edition Skill Book (Epic): Randomly get an epic skill book. ’

‘Rail Transit Technology Upper (Epic): Nishigao’s mechanization technology, the first volume can lay tracks, and the lower side can manufacture magic trains. ’

Half of the book is useless, so Archie naturally chooses the skill book to continue accumulating strength for future battles!

“Brother Serem, please take it apart and have a look~~” A glittering and gorgeous book appeared in Archie’s hands. Things, the little female dragon of Holy Light really doesn’t have much resistance.

Let’s take it apart… Archie feels like he’s playing a scratch game… No one knows if he’ll win the jackpot…

‘You have obtained the slime family special skill book “Split” (purple). ’ Luckily, it’s a skill book that slimes can use! But…

“…” What the hell?

“Congratulations, good skills,” Eva congratulated, and explained the skills by the way, “Your current strength is not enough to show its power, keep going!”

Listen to this… It seems that this skill is a bit useless now? Learn it!

‘You have learned to split (level 1): The special skill of the slime clan, which can separate itself into several parts to fight. The number that can be split is determined by the skill level, and currently there are up to 2. The strength of the split slime is 80% of the main body. The effect lasts for 3 minutes and cools down for 1o minutes. ’

Great skill, it can be regarded as a high-level avatar skill, and it has a few more combat powers for no reason. Why would Eva say that she can’t use the strength of this skill?

“This skill requires you to learn to control your soul before you can exert your maximum combat power. Otherwise, the avatar will not even know the most basic combat, and will only act on instinct. As far as I know, the instinct of the slime clan… “

Eva didn’t continue talking because of face, but the little mother dragon just…

“Eat and drink? And… run away?”

…that sums it up very well…

Hey, it seems that this magical skill will be hidden for a while… Simply put, it only has hardware but no software, and what splits out is a mentally handicapped slime. The only function may be to confuse opponents with low IQs. ……kindness? Wait… Is it possible…

Archie tried to use splitting, the effect of the skill picture is really worthy of the purple skill, the elements in all directions in the void gather, and the stars drill into Archie’s body, and then the body continues to grow, and then begins to elongate, and then Split in the middle to form two slimes!

It looks like a complicated process, but it actually only took 2 seconds! Compared to its skill effect, the read bar is very short.

Trying skills is not to see the effect of the screen, but to confirm two things…

One is, will the dragon crystal of the Most High…will be separated, so that the curse of the dragon soul will never come back!

The answer is of course… no! ! ! That’s right… How can the big move released by others trying to abandon their bodies be cracked by a splitting skill…

The second is…whether the avatar can be controlled by the Supreme!

“Supreme One, can you try to control that body?”

“…” Dulong was silent for a while.

“Is it really not possible?” There was no response for a long time, and Archie felt that he was thinking too much.

“I can control…thank you…” Whether it is unintentional or intentional, or used, the Supreme wants to express his gratitude. Can’t touch, can’t decide where to go, can’t see the scenery you want to see according to your own wishes, because you can only passively accept what the host sees at the same time!

“You’re welcome…Brother has given you the opportunity to take revenge in person, behave well in the future, and take advantage of it!”

As long as it works! Magic skills can now play a role! In fact, it makes no sense. Since the body structure is exactly the same, to put it bluntly, there is a lack of soul to control it. If the supreme being can attach to the main body, he can naturally also attach to the clone!

“It’s still like this?” Eva looked at the two vivid slimes, and her iceberg face, which had not changed for thousands of years, showed a surprised expression.

“It can be like this!” Archie finally relaxed, and now the Supreme has no reason to trip himself up! “Don’t be surprised, come here, let’s issue the last task~~”

“Smart slime, I really can’t hide it from you!” Eva said with an exclamation mark above her head.

‘You have accepted the legendary mission “Guarding Aisha—The Black Hand Behind the Scenes”: root out the demon forces hidden in Aisha to complete 37%, and complete 80% to complete it. ’

Sure enough! Taking out three rewards from the first legendary mission for selection, Archie felt that it might be divided into three steps! As for the degree of completion, it is easy to understand. The power of the Duke’s side can be regarded as a hidden black hand, which has been solved in advance.

Having asked all the questions that should be asked, and taken all the benefits that should be taken, Archie said goodbye to Eva: “If there is any news from Juggernaut and Sword Demon, let them come to Stormwind City or Slime Town to find me!”

“Well, don’t worry. Have a good is still so straightforward, she disappeared after she finished speaking.

Daizling continued to serve as a means of transportation, and soon Stormwind City, which was still full of ruins, appeared. I saw that Stormwind City after the war was full of vitality again, and I saw people everywhere who were rebuilding in full swing, and the guards who didn’t need to be on duty also joined the labor team!

“Go to Stormwind Fortress!” After circling around, Archie told Daisling to land.

‘I hope that the second-hand king is ready…’


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