This Slime is Poisonous Chapter 37: Inter-grinding

Archie feels a word right now, cool!

With the bombardment of giant ice saliva arrows, the 50-man guards were reduced rapidly, and there was no resistance left. Except for those who fled, there were only sporadic people who were not afraid of death to fight around the giant turtle lord.

The overall situation has been decided! Let’s make a quick decision and get ready to run into Novice Village!

Archie blasted out again, clearing the field for the Giant Turtle Lord.

“Ang~~” The Giant Turtle Lord yelled in pain, the same damage appeared above his head, and dozens of layers of DEBUFF frantically removed the blood in an instant, and the blood volume was about to bottom out in an instant.

Fuck me, he is obviously a domesticated younger brother, how could he still be hurt by the boss? Can online games accidentally injure friendly troops? It doesn’t make sense.

“Could it be that… this domestication technique is also a castrated version?”

Really, Professor Yang’s embarrassment was felt in his body. Okay, it has the characteristics of our slime family, and it’s embarrassing to recognize our ancestors without any flaws in our skills.

No time to think, the giant turtle lord over there is about to die!

“I’ll swipe…” Aqi threw 6 healing spells in a row, and finally saved the little brother back.

Huh~~ The cannon squad is not easy to be, and it has to be accurately positioned. However, mistakes were mistakes, and the result was acceptable, and he easily entered Novice Village.

The snowman prince followed behind and his eyelids twitched. This color Lime seems…a bit fierce!

As a player, it was the first time for Archie to enter Novice Village, and in this way, he couldn’t help but sigh.

“What about Wang Bajian? Why haven’t you come yet? Do you want me to raze the village and find Xiao Huang?”

Speaking of Cao Cao, when Cao Cao arrived, Wang Bajian rushed out from the alley.

“Lord Selam, Xiao Huang is being locked up in the village chief’s backyard! The defense over there is more heavily guarded, and we can’t rescue him, so you have to go there yourself!” Wang Bajian immediately led the way after speaking.

Is this little brother still very conscious? Archie is very satisfied if he can find a place, and he doesn’t ask for more.

The giant tortoise lord opened the way, followed Wang Bajian through the alley, demolished a few bungalows, and arrived at the village chief’s house. so close! ? Also, how far can it go! The village is only this big, and Teammate No. 2 had been waiting here, indicating that this was the place.

The village head is indeed the head of the village, and the houses are all upgraded! Two floors with a backyard. With his exaggerated height, Archie jumped over the wall at a glance, while Xiao Huang and a group of other creatures were locked in iron cages in the yard… and inside and outside the wall, there were NPCs of various professions standing! There are even several mage priests! And the village head has a big sword in armor, surrounded by people.

“Everyone, I never imagined that this place will be robbed before success, but this place must not be lost! Whether it is life or death, glory and wealth or ruin depends on this battle! Come on, show your skills!” yo , the village chief is still encouraging the army.

Huh, is it useful? Let’s see brother continue to crush with strength!

“Bastard! You resist me!” Archie pointed again, sending out an attack signal.

Before the giant tortoise lord could take a step, Wang Bajian took the lead in an instant ‘charge’ and stunned a guard with a shield with a ‘wow’. Before he could swing his sword, he was knocked down by a shield and returned to his hometown…

What is this for, making me laugh?


Wang Bajian was also very desperate. He followed the big boss of the monster and could only go all the way to the dark.

Mynah, Selem is obviously directing the big tortoise to fight, why are you claiming the title of ‘Big Eight’? Is Wang Ba returning to his throne? Has your smart plan been eaten by dogs?


Regardless of the teasing, the serious scene is still serious, the giant turtle lord used the old trick, stretched his neck and bit the frontal shield… was dodged! It’s okay, there is another move, and I speed up to the fence… I was blocked! A dozen or so stout guards fought hard, but the giant turtle lord couldn’t move forward! These urban management are not ordinary urban management!

Then tons of arrows and magic came out of the wall, causing the giant turtle lord to scream.

Archie, who just wanted to release a saliva cannon, can only be a full-time nurse now, watching the turtle’s health go up and down in horror.

“What to do, Xinshou Village really has masters! Why didn’t you come out just now? Otherwise, I wouldn’t be so careless! What should I do now!” .

‘Boom! ! ’ The snowman prince kicked most of the wall over with a powerful volley! By the way, he kicked a few shields blocking the way into the sky, but before they landed, thousands of damage numbers appeared, and they were all instantly killed.

“Look, brother wants to play Beng and finally made a move? Good brother!”

Of course not.

Because the snowman prince discovered that the missing novice of his family was also imprisoned here! The majestic overlord of the mountainous area covered with stones can’t beat Dragon Mother, after all, his skills are inferior to others, but mere ants and human beings dare to attack his clansmen, they are simply defiant!

But the leader BOSS is not invincible. The village chief took the lead in attacking, making full use of his small size to continuously dodge the snowman prince’s attack and attract attention. The skin of the prince’s feet can be seen. And the other melee fighters in the courtyard also joined the battle at the right time, and attacked the snowman prince without paying attention. The temporarily powerful snowman prince fell into a disadvantage inconceivably. Archie was really shocked why this small novice village hides so many human masters.

“What is invincible? What Xeon exists in Xinshou Village. If I hadn’t kidnapped the leader of the giant turtle and the snowman prince halfway, my brother would definitely be abused!” Archie’s swollen heart finally withdrew Respect for the strong Back in the body.

But respect is respect, killing is still going to kill, Da Huang is screaming and waiting for the reunion of father and daughter.

Archie has formally recognized his own position, no matter what output, no matter what kind of straightforward fighting, no matter what kind of riding and hacking, as long as he can pass this level, he can be a nanny with peace of mind.

The snowman prince was under fire from all the human masters, and his blood volume did not drop slowly. On the contrary, the situation of the giant tortoise lord began to stabilize. Archie took care of both ends, just enough to maintain his blood volume.

“Very good, like this, grinding can kill the opponent, prince, come on!” As for the giant tortoise lord, don’t expect much.

With the fighting, the battlefield has gradually moved out of the huge courtyard and returned to the main road of the village. The larger space is convenient for the prince to play, but it is also more conducive to the movement of humans. The harassment tactics led by the village chief are really annoying. The furious snowman prince wanted to use the most brutal physical attack to vent his hatred, but he couldn’t hit these fleas, so he finally resorted to his magic weapon Dual skills.

There is no need for shield defense to deal with these human beings. I saw the prince’s hands shining brightly, and the snow sword and stone sword came out together, hanging upside down half a meter from the ground in the air. People were turned on their backs, and many unlucky people were beheaded and broken, causing heavy casualties. Then followed somersault and landed safely, shaking the crowd reeling. Good sword, good swing!

But that’s all. Most of the real masters jumped, squatted or lay down, and most of them escaped the attack, and the archers who output the main force had no effect. The most frustrating thing is that the priest also started to heal crazily, as long as he was not dead, he jumped up alive and continued to fight.

“Dizzy, I forgot that they also have treatment!” Grind? Who is torturing whom now…

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