This Slime is Poisonous Chapter 367: It’s not what it used to be


The long black brake marks stretched more than 10 meters from the sidewalk. The driver of the passenger car got out of the car sweating profusely to check it, and he couldn’t stop shivering!

Archie couldn’t stop shaking… one is scared, and the other is that his muscles seem to be a little… cramped and strained…

“This can be avoided!!!”

“God dodge!!”

“So handsome! So masculine!!!”

The passers-by who witnessed this scene all applauded and offered their blessings to the two who survived the catastrophe, although they didn’t understand how the two escaped!

Archie didn’t understand either, but he didn’t bother to think about it, so he circled around the elder sister to check in fear: “Sister, is there anything wrong? Did you hit something?”

“It’s okay, what about you? Let me see, let me see…”

The voices of both of them trembled, but after recovering, they only remembered to care about each other first. I have to say that family love is really a great thing!


Standing in the middle of the road is not a problem. The blocked car urged them, and the two quickly crossed the road without bothering the driver of the small truck, because the traffic police uncle was trotting over, and nothing happened anyway. , The verbal dispute is meaningless, and the traffic police will naturally educate him afterwards.

After being so frightened, how can I still be in the mood to eat? Naturally, the registration and review process will be resolved first. Seeing that the eldest sister was still restless, Archie insisted on sending her back to her hometown and then rushed back to her den… A day passed like this, it was already 9 o’clock in the evening, and I finally had time to analyze today’s events!

First of all, it was the arm injury, but it is gratifying to say that it is finally healed… At the same time, it is sad to say that the current level is the limit of recovery, and it is impossible to return to the previous peak hand, but it doesn’t matter, the holographic game will be In the future, besides affecting the hand… ahem… stop and stop…

Then there was that weird ‘car accident’, what happened to me… It didn’t refer to the process of avoiding, the process was nothing more than protecting the eldest sister and then moving a few steps sideways to avoid the impact, the problem was that short Time, why can escape!

‘Could it be that brother has awakened the ability? Or… Dad is The Flash? Archie laughed at himself in a mess. Looking back on the situation at that time, he felt very strange, as if the passage of time in the whole world had slowed down countless times, and he could feel the passage of every nanosecond. Within seconds, the direction of the air flow, the weight of the eldest sister in his arms, and even the tumbling of a speck of dust in the air can be clearly sensed!

This is the world of science, of course there are no supernatural powers or people, the only possibility if you think about it carefully is… thinking plus! There is no reasonable explanation other than that! I just experienced it once in the game not long ago, and the feeling is still vivid in my memory, how similar it is!

The only difference may be that people in reality are limited by their bodies after all. The acceleration of brain power does not mean that the body can also speed up, but that they can be more coordinated and use the body’s ability perfectly. For example, it takes 2 seconds to type a line of characters normally, but thinking plus can erase the wasted milliseconds between each key press, perfectly coordinate the contraction of each muscle, and shorten the time to less than 0.5 seconds! ! But if you tap a letter continuously, you can tap 6 times in 2 seconds, then maybe you can only reach 7 times with thinking plus, after all, the upper limit of the body is there! That’s why I feel sore all over my body after dodging, as if I ran 5000 meters! It’s nothing more than bursting out the maximum kinetic energy of the body in an instant, which consumes too much!

“Damn it…brother, this is a good…or is it dangerous?”

Who knows what conditions are needed for the activation of this ‘passive skill’, or is it a crisis moment, or a random time? It would be terrible if it was a random event!

At the same time, Archie has more guesses about the dragon group leaving such a back door in the helmet…

There is no sleepiness, Archie always feels that the time is not waiting for me. If the “conspiracy” behind it can’t be found out, something bad will probably happen. As a result, “Dragon World” will be shut down, and the holographic game will be condemned …

“No, absolutely not!” “Dragon World” can be said to be the haven of princes that Archie believes in, and there must be no surprises for him!

I haven’t been online for most of the day, the character has changed a lot, the level has dropped by 5 levels, and the equipment is full! Including miscellaneous items in the package.

At this time, Wang Bajian seems to have gone offline. He may have been online for longer than Archie. After all, he insisted on ‘killing’ Archie all day long!

“Hey, Brother Selem! You have a lot of good things, some of which are even rarer and more powerful than those in our country’s inventory!” Glaurier has been waiting by the side, seeing Archie resurrected and looking around To put it vividly, it is obvious that the Supreme Being is not manipulating it! Although the next second will kill death with full blood… “Wang Bajian handed over all your ‘relics’ to me, don’t worry, they are well kept. By the way, let me praise your little brother by the way, really This is a very upright person, look what this is?”

“Soul Hoe!” Archie exclaimed.

“That’s right, the adventurer Wang Bajian said not long ago that he was unable to protect the weapon in his hand, so he also handed it over to me for safekeeping!”

What else can I say? There is only emotion left in my heart! He said that he would not blame him if he lost it, but in order to be safe, he still held back the stock and protected Archie’s equipment with the safest strategy.

“But he has no weapons, so he borrowed a big blue sword from your inventory.”

“It doesn’t matter, why not send him?” The beauty of human nature should be rewarded as it should be!

“By the way, brother, how do you feel now?”

The longest time protection for resurrection is 2 minutes, so the loss until now is still within the acceptable range! Anyway, experience is just a cloud, skill points are the key, and skill points will not be lost if you lose the level!

“No big problem… It seems that the Supreme One has given up temporarily?” The color of the green dragon crystal has faded a It seems that there is finally no successor! Archie looked around again, it had completely changed! In order to facilitate communication with Archie, Grauley simply moved all his work to the Resurrection Hall! Including Eredar and Staliki are also here, because they are too focused on their work, they just noticed Archie’s return.

“It’s not about giving up, it’s about gathering magic power. When it meets the magic power requirements that can be directly killed in seconds, it will make a move immediately!” Graulie spread his hands

“Mayor! The herbal medicine you requested has been determined, and the first batch has arrived!” Stariki said seriously.

“Okay, let me try!”

“Thanks for taking care of me, 100 gold coins.”

“Huh? Still need to pay?”

“Of course, the rules set by the master of the system!” Staliki said as a matter of course.

Okay… It’s really impossible to get the system’s supplies for nothing without a valid reason… Forget it, anyway, I still have some gold coins or something, so I paid the money decisively and started eating herbs with the ‘swallow’ skill! ()

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