This Slime is Poisonous Chapter 308: Dragon Breath

“Run! Run! Run as far as you can!!!!” Before he could explain, Archie roared loudly.



The two brothers who are the most relaxed on the back of the poisonous dragon are puzzled. They are having fun chopping. They feel that the so-called supreme one is not difficult to deal with. Why run away?

“Let’s go! Don’t ask!!! Black Horn, Elder Ruibo, Monarch of the Snow Region! It’s delaying time, go!!!”

The several meat shield professions glanced at each other, nodded and let go at the same time, and retreated to the army. So far, Selem has never made a wrong command again, and he is so anxious, he must have discovered something terrible!

Without their meat shields, the Erhuo King and Instructor Wang had no choice but to run away no matter how reluctant they were.

“Lefflersun! Fire cover! Lava Monarch, forget about the poison circle, cover and retreat! The others retreat! Withdraw! Withdraw!”

Archie didn’t join the battle just now, and now he is running in the middle of the troops on both sides, commanding in both directions. Sure enough, the next moment, the supreme one also reacted, how could the main force who had finally attracted them leave safely, and immediately followed up to speed up to catch up, and the battle situation on the scene was instantly reversed.

Fortunately, the few players in the battle each had their own life-saving skills. The two giant dragons flew high, and the snowman was definitely fast enough. Glaurie and Instructor Wang cleverly climbed onto Elder Ruibo’s lap, and followed them into the air. Get stuck!

Seeing that he couldn’t attack, the Supreme One didn’t struggle, he sneered and took one last look, and continued to chase Xin Paoer… No! It’s running laps!

“Brother Selem, what happened?” The big guys were very fast, and they returned to the main force almost at the same time as Archie. Glaurie jumped out of the air early, and the demon wings spread and glide down , asked.

“Talking while walking! Lefflerson, close the team!” Archie turned over the map and looked at which direction is the fastest to leave the city. “The port, all go to the port!”

Just in time, the troops that fled ahead of time are also running towards the port!

Elder Ruibo flew at low altitude to see who fell behind and put it on his back, and looked back from time to time, thinking: “Senior Selem, that’s it?”

“Magic circle!” Archie said firmly.

“Impossible! The magic power of poisonous dragons is their essence and poisonous substances. After all, no poisonous dragon can cast spells!” Elder Ruibo said that it was impossible, and his subconscious mind had already approved Archie’s guess, not to mention the supreme power behind him. The perpetrators continued to run and release poison, and a circle cone made of poisonous fog centered on the ruins of the prison had appeared.

“Nothing is impossible! Hey – I should have discovered it earlier!” Archie sighed, “It was running just now, and its magic power was constantly decreasing, it was setting up a magic circle!”

“But… But even if the magic circle is arranged, the poisonous dragons can’t drive it! What’s the use?”

“Dragon Breath!”

“Dragon’s breath? What is the relationship between dragon’s breath and the magic circle? Moreover, dragon’s breath needs to consume mana, it is not as effective as spraying it directly… Could it be?!!!” Elder Ruibo thought of something .

“That’s right… It is said that a few of your giant dragons have mastered the combination of dragon breath and magic…”

“That’s called Dragon’s Breath…But everyone will give the unique skill a famous nickname…How do you know, Senator Selem?” It’s almost impossible for outsiders to know!

“Nothing… I just saw it…”

In Xinshou Village, the big move that Mother of Dragon used at the last moment – red lotus and dragon’s breath, those who have seen it once will not easily forget it! And Archie, who watched the whole process, is even more vivid! The huge magic circle under Mother of Dragon’s feet, as well as the super dragon’s breath falling from the sky, are like satellite cannons!

As for how to think that the Supreme will also use this trick, Elder Ruibo has repeatedly emphasized that poisonous dragons do not know magic…Magic power can only be used to maintain the domain to release poison and breathe dragon’s breath…Then the magic power is abnormal now Land reduction must be one of them. Combined with the magic circle that is very similar to Dragon Mother, it is natural to guess that it is going to be sprayed, and it is a super big move!

“Huh——” Elder Ruibo let out a long breath, his face relaxed, and his steps slowed down a lot, “Member Selam, you guessed wrong this time… Although you don’t know the magic circle yet What’s the use… The magic power lost by the poisonous dragon includes the engraved magic circle. Although they can manipulate the existing magic circle and control the gathering and scattering of the poisonous mist nearby, they cannot make the poisonous mist finely arrange into a magic circle! What’s more, it’s such a big magic circle! Look, isn’t the poisonous mist floating in places that the Supreme One can’t take care of?”

“En? Really!!” Having said that, Archie really found that this magic circle seems to be a big project that can never be completed… The place where the poisonous dragon just ran is much clearer, but it can’t be maintained for a while, making it The magic circle became curved, and some places even spread so fast that it was hard to see the faults with the naked eye!

Damn it, you can’t really guess wrong, right? No, no, no… So what is the Most High going to all the troubles to do? It can’t be… Acting forced everyone to retreat… Are you sick in your head?

“What’s more, there is another necessary condition for the dragon’s breath of life! The combination of dragon’s breath and magic power is a huge energy that our giant dragon’s body cannot bear. It will create a pure magic dragon head according to its own body structure.” Elder Ruibo nuzzled, “How can you call a poisonous dragon that can’t use magic to build a launch vehicle in the sky? Even if you can use poisonous mist to simulate a… without wings… Can’t fly up, right?”

Speaking of which… Archie is getting more and more It seems that when the mother of the dragon is using her big move, she first sprays the dragon’s breath into a flame dragon head in the sky, and then launches a second launch… Now The sky is empty, huh?

Where is the sky empty! Now the center point of the magic circle composed of poisonous mist is the prison, and the center point of the super-plane teleportation array was also the prison before. Don’t forget, the heavenly palace of the birdman is now just above the center point! And it has dropped a lot of heights without knowing it, and in the brilliance of the magic directly below, like a 3D printer, the original elements are gathered from top to bottom and combined together, a faucet is becoming more and more clear!

“How is it possible! No, I’m going to stop it!”

“Elder Ruibo, don’t make it impossible, let’s admit it to others! Don’t kill yourself, and we will figure out a way together later.” In the face of absolute strength, all of them are useless, but victory or defeat is a common matter in military affairs. The ship will naturally go straight when it reaches the bridge, and the green hills will be kept first. I am not afraid that there will be no firewood in the future. “You are fast, go and tell the troops outside the city to disperse and retreat! “

“Black Horn, Glorie, you guys go too, Stormwind City can only give up…”

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