This Slime is Poisonous Chapter 304: Soul Cannon

Life is alive, and if things don’t go your way, there are ninety-nine out of ten. The supreme being is enjoying himself alone, and bad news comes… The power of the magic circle has stopped!

“What happened to Samuel?”

“Back to the Supreme One, the front line has not responded yet, but according to Twitter, humans have detected and destroyed the charging point!” The four-winged bird man knelt down on one knee and replied.

“Oh? How much is it charged now?”


“Start the preliminary plan…”


The so-called backup plan is nothing more than recharging on the side of the second generation. Of course, it does not rely on the magic power of a master. After all, the birds have tried their best to hold back the All Souls Society, and they dare not hold back, but… Massacre Sacrifice Formation!

A large number of green lake naga, murlocs, old and weak women and children of the mechanical clan were driven to the top of the mountain, and assembled outside the huge palace, densely packed, each of them was a little panicked, but they were still obedient and did not dare to make mistakes , completely unaware of his next sad fate!

“Supreme One, all are in place, I will retire… It is estimated that there will still be a gap, and you need to make up for it yourself.” After Samael finished speaking, he led the overseeing birds and flew out of the mountain.

“Garbage is still useful!” The Supreme One taunted, expanding the fog that had always existed around him, filling the palace within a few breaths!

The function of this mist is not to maintain a sense of mystery, Xin Paoer has experienced it before! The terrible corrosive power contained in it, even the steel body of the machine clan can’t last long, let alone the stone structure of the palace, most of it was eroded and collapsed in a short while! The mist that was originally contained but never dissipated suddenly found a vent and spread rapidly around!

The non-combatants of several clans outside the palace were completely enveloped without even having a chance to react!


In the mist, the screams resounded through the sky, and within half a minute, it turned into a hoarse cough, and then returned to silence!

The Supreme One didn’t care about the tragic situation around him, and focused on the situation of the super-plane teleportation array with all his heart!

‘Integrity 76.25%, charge 87%…88%…89%…90%. ’

Sure enough, as Samuel, the designer of the teleportation array, said, the number of blood sacrifices is still a little less. After the most resistant mechanical clans are dead, Kankan breaks through 90%!

‘91%, 92%… 93%. ’

It should be Samuel, who is on the periphery, also tried his best to add a wave, but it can only reach this step! Then it all depends on the Most High Himself!

‘94%, 95%… 98%…”

The progress is advancing again, but the magic power of the Supreme One is also being consumed in a large amount. In just a few percentage points, half of the magic power has evaporated! Equivalent to 10% of the mana can only replenish 1% of the progress!

‘99%, 100%. The Dimensional Cannon of Soul is activated. Drop point detection, stable. Launch target detection, within load. Fired in 3 seconds, 3! 2! 1! ’

The next moment, a silver beam of light thicker than the top of the mountain rose into the sky, pierced through the clouds, and shot into the sky.

The teleportation array is named cannon, which is actually very appropriate. Its operating method is theoretically a cannon! Unlike the Plane Teleportation Array, this is designed to cross the limitations of the plane. The plane teleportation array only uses magic power to open up the two planes and allow people to travel through them, but it will still be affected by the laws of the lower planes. No matter how strong a person is, they will not be suppressed to the allowable upper limit. But the soul cannon is different. According to Samael’s explanation, only the action can ignore several major planes, only the soul, but only the dead will have their souls out of their bodies… So I came up with the idea of ​​letting other souls wrap the teleporter, taking advantage of the plane The law has not yet reacted, so it shoots directly, this kind of weird and reasonable method!

The teleportation between the two planes will not be so fast, and the highest ones have time to worry about it… No matter how powerful they are, they are afraid of space accidents, not to mention the untested space equipment, a small mistake will be finished, but still Well, at least the most dangerous launch stage has passed, and the risk will be much smaller afterwards! No, it didn’t take long before the small dot at the exit on the other side of the passage magnified instantly in my eyes!

‘Aisha, All Souls, lowly trash! Get ready to enjoy the pain! ’

The killing intent, hatred, and possessiveness accumulated for countless years finally ushered in the release! With a flash of light, it has already appeared in the human city!

‘Sure enough, as Samuel said, the soul power replenishment point has been destroyed! Luckily, I spared a hand and stripped the soul of the human fool used for positioning. As expected, the lower creatures had no choice but to set up a small broken magic cover to deal with it… Hahaha, this kind of toy-like magic cover Can it be broken by stretching? Is it to make the deity laugh? ’ The Supreme One finally succeeded, and he was very excited. He wanted to show off his power and use his huge wings to smash the opponent’s carefully arranged defenses… But…

“Wow!!! Where are my wings!!!!!! Ahhhhhhhhhhhh!!!”

Nonsense, of course throw it in a different dimension! Who did it? Archie of course!

Two hours ago, in Stormwind City, at the entrance of the sewer.

All the bosses gathered around the opened sewer floor, seeing the faint light flashing under the floor, they knew they were looking for the right place!

“The group of guys who renovated the prison were also responsible for redesigning the small waterway in really is part of the magic circle…” Stariki blamed herself a little. These projects are all responsible In terms of internal affairs, she said that she signed the agreement, but she did not expect that it would bring so many problems.

“Don’t mind, without these branch lines, it’s hard to control the time!” Archie checked the status of the super teleportation array on the spot, and then said, “Your Majesty, do you mind renovating the entire Stormwind City? “

“Mind…” Glaulie felt that something bad was about to happen.

“I don’t mind!” Staliqi made the decision directly, “Your Excellency Selem is going to blow up the sewer, right? Let’s blow it up, it’s not a problem that the magic circle exists all the time, it’s more fun to just blow it up than to dig it slowly !”

Glaulie’s head is big, and it’s about to explode again! The bomb in the prison has only been planted not long ago, and a larger area is coming? This is not a single point, but the sewers that cover the entire Stormwind City! Blowing up the entire city will cause great damage!

“Brother, don’t worry about it. Whether we bomb it or not, Stormwind City will definitely be refurbished this time!” Staliqi pointed to the birdmen who were constantly being shot in the air and fell down, smashing all the bungalows to the ground. It was dilapidated, “Besides, there is a big guy coming in the future, maybe the whole city will have to give up…”


Although Archie has a plan, he has no idea: “Prepare for the worst… Anyway, don’t get entangled, we will see the outcome in a few hours.”

“Serem, you can arrange it.” Grauley accepted his fate…the national treasury will be short again!

“First, send someone to install remote-controlled bombs in all the sewers. Is there enough ammunition in stock?”


“Okay, second, let someone clean up this place,” Archie pointed to the filthy sewer entrance that has been neglected all year round. “We will work here in the future.”

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