This Slime is Poisonous Chapter 294: Intimidation

Archie smiled at the foreign language curse with a strong mechanical accent, and accepted it calmly, ignoring Xin Paoer who continued to clamor, and had technical communication with Spark.

“How about it, can you see where his core is?” This is what Archie cares most about!

“It’s definitely not on the head anyway!”

Nonsense! If it was on the head, the head should be alive and the body could not move, but just now the head was hanging, and the headless corpse was running happily. It seems that Xin Paoer will not give in until he finds out the core.

“Should I dismantle the main torso too?” Spark suggested, and wrinkled his forehead to explain the difficulty, “But there is no guarantee that it can be put back together, his structure is quite complicated!”

“Then tear it down!”

Xin Paoer quit, the fight has reached this point, he has actually lost completely! But no matter what, he still saved his life. Selam didn’t kill him directly, which means that he is still useful, and the other party needs to torture information! Then in order to live a more nourishing life in the future, or to force the other party to ensure the safety of his own life, he must show no fear of power and look at death as home, so that the other party will be cautious and dare not mess around… But… don’t follow the routine at all what! Why aren’t you curious about what the invasion plan looks like? Especially for his own life, he obviously has a dispensable attitude!

But just now you scolded the street and scolded, so why don’t you immediately kneel down and lick it? wait! Maybe it’s your own?

“Commander, what else do you want to say? Come on, say something that everyone likes to hear! Or I can accept surrender.” Archie signaled Spark to do it. outer armor.

Just this one sentence made Xin Paoer even more sure that Selem was lying to him! Look, I still really want to collect information! But how can the information be said so casually? According to the tradition, the guy who reveals all his foundations at the beginning basically cannot survive the next episode, so he must be tough! You must not give in until the last moment, you have to squeeze toothpaste at the last moment, and reveal a little information, so that you can live a long time, live until the two parties get along and develop feelings, and then there is a possibility of avoiding death!

“Surrender? Surrender is impossible to surrender, it is impossible to surrender in this life!”

“So strong!” Archie praised, and ordered the two demolition workers, “Start dismantling from his buttocks, the core is likely to be there!”

Xin Paoer became nervous, hey, how about such a coincidence?

“Mayor, it’s not easy! His torso is designed as a whole, and I don’t even know how to dismantle it…” Spark blushed a little. In front of his apprentice, he couldn’t even dismantle things…

“It’s okay!” Archie said indifferently, “Professor Yang, you go!”

“Okay brother!”

‘Hey————’Professor Yang excitedly tapped the giant electric cutting machine twice, trying to see if it was working normally, and stepped forward to put the saw blade on Xin Paoer’s vital parts and gestured.

Sinpaul thinks it’s time to surrender!

‘Here————————’ He didn’t give a chance to speak at all, Professor Yang directly attacked, sparks flew all over the place!

“That’s right, that’s it, cut in half, if you still can’t find the core, cut in half again!” Archie commanded blindly from the side.

“Mayor… I think you’ll be shredded even if you find the core…” Spark complained.

“It’s okay, anyway, I just want to see what his core looks like.”

With a few words, the hard shell has been broken! Xin Paoer didn’t dare to hesitate any longer, and shouted loudly: “Surrender, this commander surrenders!”

Archie glanced at him, didn’t make a bird, and signaled Professor Yang to speed up the progress!

Xin Paoer has completely lost his tricks…the inside is really his core, just a little bit behind the shell, and in a few tens of seconds, he will really say goodbye to the world! Why not accept your surrender? Is it wrong to surrender? Lying down and surrendering is not sincere enough? The problem is that all the hands and feet have been removed, and I can’t do it if I want to change to a super sincere posture!

“Salem! This commander really surrendered, stop now, stop now!” Could it be that the life of the whole family, who wanted to save it at the expense of the whole family, was going to be ruined like this? Absolutely not! “Salem… No, no, my lord! Lord mayor! This commander… No, no, I sincerely surrender! If there is any deception, I will explode on the spot! Yes, let Lord Spark install a remote-controlled bomb for me, I want to install it You can pretend as much as you want, and what you want to know, you know the little things, you know everything, you can talk endlessly!!!!”

“Stop!” Archie is finally satisfied…nothing, it’s just a reminder from the system…Damn it, is Xin Paoer stupid? Wouldn’t it be clear right away?

‘You successfully surrendered the invader’s third largest army commander—Xin Paoer, and gained experience rewards of 2.8 million and a world reputation of 500. You are currently a minor celebrity. ’

‘Sin Paol has become your prisoner and will completely obey your command. The current loyalty is 49. Note that if the loyalty is lower than 50, in the unattended state, you may escape or mutiny. The lower the value, the greater the possibility. ’

‘You have completely wiped out the third army of invaders, gained experience rewards of 10 million, and gained world reputation of 2,500, which is currently known far and wide. ’

‘Your level has been raised to 34. ’



Aw~~~~ Hoho, the rewards are unexpectedly generous! Especially the reputation system… Ever since I became the village chief, the slime’s racial reputation has been closed… Nonsense, as a leader is to open up the racial reputation for other players! However, the world prestige system still exists, but every time it needs to do something that affects the entire world structure, it will improve! It seems that this time the matter is big enough, and there are so many rewards! Although I don’t know what the world reputation is for…

As for levels? Talking is better than nothing… The higher the level of the station, the more you find that relying on personal ability to fight and kill is really low-level…

The only thing that’s a little troublesome is the problem of Xin Paoer’s loyalty…stuck on a very delicate number! Does that mean it is still on the sidelines? If the battle situation on the Supreme One’s side goes well, Ya will definitely rebel every second! Okay, give her some eye drops, if it’s not enough, add more drugs!

“Spark, put Simpaol’s hands and feet back on, it’s awkward to lie down and chat like this.”

“The mechanized invisibility… we don’t study it anymore?” Spark was a little resentful.

“It’s fine to just ask him directly, but we still need to study?”

“Yes, yes, you know everything!” Xin Paoer immediately confirmed the ticket… People are swords and I are fish, be honest…

No, it’s much easier to be honest. Spark cooperated with the big head and the other two to install the limbs, and finally he can stand up again! Immediately nodded and bowed, stood next to Archie, as if he was at his command.

“What else to pretend?”

Xin Paoer was baffled by the thoughtless question… I…have been low enough, right? The waist is almost bent to the ground, isn’t it enough? To kneel? Well done… Anyway, life is the most important thing, just kneel…

“Aren’t you tired of standing on your head every day?”

Another nonsensical statement that even the onlookers could not understand.

But Xin Paoer almost jumped up in fright as if he had seen a ghost! How did Selam know her biggest secret! ! !

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