This Slime is Poisonous Chapter 273: Archie’s Queen’s Press Spokesperson

The secret conversation lasted for a full two hours. The two brothers and sisters discussed a lot of details and finally settled on a plan of action for the future.

“Sister, pay attention to safety! Even if the empire is destroyed, it’s okay, you must live!” Before leaving, Glaurie instructed.

“Don’t worry, Tonedou’s rebellion is probably also to get me. Before that, he will definitely protect me with all his might, no problem!” With all kinds of appearances, he motioned for Grauley to start moving.

Nodding, the second-hand king pressed the service bell, and the attendants waiting outside the meeting room pushed the door open and entered.

“Prepare your horses, except for the city wall guards, gather all the troops in the city and gather at the teleportation square!”

“Yes, Your Highness!”

Compared to the Alliance of Exiles, the players of the empire feel that the monster siege is not enough. The scene is spectacular and gorgeous, and the atmosphere of the war is also epic. Is it too short? Just one attack and it’s over? Just that weird? Has all the TMs been exposed? I don’t even have a few sips of soup!

In the middle of the night, everyone was a little tired. There was no fight and they were afraid of missing something offline, so they could only chat on the regional and world channels to relieve boredom.

“I’m so angry, the exiles are still fighting, why don’t we blame it?”

“The same person does not have the same fate… It is said that there is a super boss battle over there, with casualties on both sides… But it seems that the battle is too high-end, players can’t get close… I saw the corpse, 60 overlord level… Tsk tsk! “

“Talk about it, are the NPCs of our Stormwind Empire too powerful, or the siege monsters are too weak? Maybe it’s too fast…”

“There are all of them. You see, the birdmen over there are all over level 40 on average. Our machine clan here is so-so, 30. It’s not the same level at all! And the boss of the other party is not strong, only a level 40 leader , can’t keep up with other team leaders…”

“The leader? Why didn’t you see it!”

“Let’s go early, the group left behind withdrew before revealing themselves… That’s right, you can’t see clearly from too far away, brother is a hunter and has eagle eye skills! I just can’t figure it out, it seems that I saw a Sly Mu is next to the leader…”

“Slime? Clairvoyance upstairs, please don’t joke, it’s not funny at all…”

Don’t say it, I read it right! But it’s too far away, and the specific name is unclear, so everyone just took it as a joke. Of course, chatting is inseparable from sharing information. After all, the so-called monster siege may require some missions to be triggered. Although most of them are false information that Ziwu must have, there are still real people who enthusiastically shared the secrets they discovered. come out.

“There is a super handsome mechanical Naga in the swamp outside Nanhai Town, and he is releasing rare missions, everyone, hurry up!” – A kind person broke the news.

“Hey, here comes another unyielding liar! Let’s approach him quietly…very good, I’ll hold him down, let’s line up!”

“Fuck you! Because of you people, there will be fewer and fewer kind-hearted people! I have received the task, thank you for breaking the news!”

“Hey, there are other accomplices cheating together? A little conscious.”

“Silly X doesn’t explain! Thank you for your kindness, keep the formation downstairs.”

“Thank you so much!”


With the continuous appearance of thanks, the people who are still watching in the city are not calm, is it true? No, I have to go and see…

5 minutes later… all doubts disappeared! Players from Stormwind City have already arrived at the scene…but…we only had time to see the back of the NPC that was drifting away and diving into the bottom of the sea…

“God! It’s unreasonable! Why did you leave?!”

The mourners who did not catch up are everywhere…

“I see you guys are pitiful, let’s continue to give some hints… The king of the empire is in the middle of the teleportation square. Friends with higher reputations in the empire and slime town can try to see if they can pass through the guards on the periphery. There are also tasks~ if The prestige is very high, and you can try to enter the Stormwind Fortress, and the sister of the king also has a mission!” ——The good-hearted people continue to break the news!

“Kneel to the boss…”

“Boss, please accept my kneecap…”

“The boss has so much information and so much information, could it be that the legendary paparazzi little king, the little expert who broke the news – Your Excellency the Photographer?”

“Unexpectedly, the name of the gangster can be guessed… it is here!”

Since the photographer left Novice Village and spent some time in Slime Village, he has ushered in another peak in his life! At that time, Slime Village suddenly emerged, and the outside world was very curious about it. It was difficult for outsiders to intervene due to the fact that the players inside were all silent and making a fortune… But fortunately, there was a photographer, who carefully compiled an article introducing Slime The overview of Mu Village, what are its characteristics, where to enter, how to learn the slime language, establish communication with NPC, etc., have brought great convenience to newcomers! Then Slime Village became Slime Town, and many new services were added, such as temporary enchantment of weapons, reputation system, buying and selling of blue equipment, and NPCs with dungeons. The outside routines are clearly arranged, basically all the players who have been in Slime Town have read his posts, so don’t give him three points of face when they meet!

Of course, relying on the status of the cameraman in Slime Town, it is impossible to sort out all the secrets so clearly-except for taking pictures and peeping everywhere, he doesn’t care about fighting monsters and upgrading in the next instance. Level 20, he can be regarded as the worst among the first players who entered the slime village… However, he has literary talents, and there are noble people to help him!

This noble person is the famous artifact wholesaler! It’s actually Archie…

No way, the village was short of supplies back then, and it was completely clear, so I could only advertise myself to attract attention to earn travel expenses—err…transportation fees!

Advertising in my own name… I don’t know what to do! Fortunately, I know the existence of this guy named photographer I decided to hook up with the vest on the forum…Of course, in order not to be exposed, I still contacted him in the name of selling strategies…Every time there is a new trick in the town, I will Sell ​​the news to him at the first time, and then break the news to earn popularity and get a reward. Cooperating with him is called a tacit understanding!

However, Archie never expected that this unintentional act would create a popular breaking news expert! Now it’s very useful, and in the name of selling news, I told him the location of the mission agreed by the blue sea naga boy Rafflesson. The news that these two people will issue the mission has been sold…

“It’s easy to spread the news with a news releaser!” Archie kept drawing a temporary teleportation array and handed it over to other low-level space mages to manipulate, while paying attention to the chat on the world channel, and paying attention to the Naga sent back by the way, Look for Lefflerson.

Finally, when the 38th temporary teleportation formation was drawn, Rafflesson finally came back!

Archie hurried forward to stop him, and said loudly, “The Commander is waiting for you, follow me.”

Then asked in a low voice: “How is it? Is everything arranged?”

“Mayor, don’t worry, it’s all done!” Lefflerson said that it went very smoothly.

“What news did the murlocs bring back?” Archie naturally knew that Grauley and the others were fine, but just wanted to know if they had deceived the murloc scouts!

“It is said that the Royal Army of the Stormwind Empire suffered heavy casualties, and the king’s life or death is unknown!” Lefflersun was a little worried, “Mayor, do you need to tell Sim Paoer about this news? Or use another fake news?”

“It’s okay, just tell the truth!”

Are battles with asymmetric information fun?

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