This Slime is Poisonous Chapter 262: Screenshot

“Received! This subordinate will give orders immediately!” Archie couldn’t wait to go out and dig a hole. He dug a lot, and he always felt slightly addicted.

“No hurry!” Xin Paoer recruited and motioned to sit down, “You understand the current situation, and you are resourceful. None of you here, including this commander, are your opponents. Let’s see if there is anything else that needs to be added.”

What else can I add? Do you want to add more pits?

But to be honest, Archie really has a very important question to confirm!

“There is something I don’t understand, I hope the commander can clarify!”

“Just ask.”

“Since the plane teleportation array has been closed and the interference of space has disappeared, why not set up a permanent teleportation array with the mainland, so that we don’t need to disperse our combat power to protect the rear, and the efficiency of logistics will also be greatly improved. The improvement.” In fact, Archie had some guesses in his mind, but he didn’t dare to confirm 100%.

“Good question!” Xin Paoer looked around at his subordinates with an indisputable expression on his face, “Look at you, after so many days of meetings, why not have some ideas when you just arrived in Selam! You know right away, how can this commander let you lead troops to fight with confidence all the time?”

Taking the opportunity to finish the lesson, he continued to say to Archie: “Actually, the reason is very simple. During the arrival of the Supreme One, the plane teleportation array on the mainland will be activated, and the interference will affect the entire Stormwind Empire! So there is no need to waste manpower The financial resources are used to arrange a temporary dispatching teleportation array.”

“I see…there is still one thing I can’t figure out, so why don’t you take advantage of the war and find a suitable place to hoard supplies on the mainland? I think it should be easy to do it through a temporary teleportation array People don’t know it! At that time, transportation will be convenient, and even after a detailed study of the battle route, there is no need to transport troops at all. The army can follow the route formed by the supply point and retreat while fighting…”

“…Good idea…continue!” Xin Paoer thought about it for a while, and felt that it was very feasible.

“Of course not all supplies are transported to land. After all, no one can guarantee that they can go according to the plan during the battle. Therefore, the pirate troops that arrive later can be used as mobile troops, only as logistical supplies in case of accidents! Come on, the error tolerance rate of the troops has increased again, and it is not easy to be cornered! Even if the worst happens, we can still fight a real guerrilla. After all, we have supply points everywhere, so we are not afraid of running out of ammunition and food! ” Archie finished in one breath.

‘Papa, papa…’ Without Xin Paoer taking the lead, everyone here couldn’t help but start applauding!

Archie nodded to thank everyone for their support, and continued to add: “The only obstacle to this plan is that time is too tight, where can we find so many space mages who know how to arrange temporary teleportation arrays to set up teleportation arrays… Our senior space mages seem Are all casualties exhausted?”

“Don’t worry about this! The allies spent decades collecting it. They originally planned to use it after closing the plane teleportation array after the war, but it’s the same now, so don’t waste it!” Xin Paoer smiled and threw a big sack to the On the conference table, a few pieces of… plane crystals rolled out of the loose pockets? ? ? ! !

“With these crystals, even ordinary space mages can easily set up and maintain the teleportation array! When the pirate ship arrives, immediately free up a ship and arrange personnel to go to the East Continent to arrange it first! God bless our army, II Without the production of such low-level crystals, if the allies hadn’t prepared extra, this good plan would have been impossible to implement! Also, the allies have done enough work for the early stage of the war, we have detailed maps of villages and towns… Selem, you Come here to help the commander refer to those places that are more suitable.” Xin Paoer took out another military map and spread it out, motioning to discuss one or two.

Archie was dazzled by a bag of teleportation crystals, and finally came back to his senses: “Oh… oh!”

Damn, don’t guess, the so-called ally must be the Duke! The only foreign supplies on this island are the first 10 ships of the Duke’s goods, which must have been sent over at that time! Archie wondered for a long time at first. The Duke spent a lot of time and risked exposure just to send 10 boats of trivial supplies.

There is no one else who can do this…

“The subordinates believe that this… this… and this is the only way to go. It can be arranged in large numbers in the nearby no-man’s land, and a few points along the coast can be added.” Archie didn’t have a single university Those who have graduated, how can they know the art of war? Look for a few places where there are no towns around…

“Well… this commander thinks that these places also need to set up supply points, what do you think?”

How else can I see… I don’t understand! “The commander is wise!”

Of course, taking screenshots is essential, MD, where are the number of troops clearly marked on it, and where to march from will not be How other troops will act, and the locations that need to be attacked are also drawn in detail ! Judging from the newness and oldness, it was written by the Duke before sending it. Xin Paoer knew the situation on land clearly, and there was no need for any adventurers to spy on the information! Ya has been testing everyone, to see if there will be any tricks for you!

Fortunately, I held back in the early stage! Heh heh, let’s see how I play to death later!

The meeting is still going on, but it has entered the stage of platooning and dividing troops. It has nothing to do with Archie, so he left immediately and slipped out to make trouble!

Constantly making plans, Archie finally had room to act, without guards watching at any time, and successfully found the boss of the water slime in the bay – Swart.

“Mayor Salem, long time no see.” Swart greeted warmly. Since Black Dragon Island was occupied, the two have never met again.

“Long time no see! Let’s talk about the past later, there is an urgent task!” Archie didn’t talk nonsense, and went straight to the point, “The only way you have to go to enter the island is the outermost sea area that our slime monitors. “

Archie has seen the navigation chart that the Duke gave to Zhulu Wulin, and he knows that there is only one safe route to enter Black Dragon Island from the sea.

“What needs to be done?”

“There will be a group of pirate ships arriving soon, you stop them, ask the pirate leader Love Peter to explain your identity, report my name, and then find a map of the Western Continent from the supplies with him , Copy a copy to me. Be careful, everything must be done quietly!”

You can guess that the traitor from the Church of Life must also send a military map, and there should be detailed information on it!

“Okay, I’m going!”

There is nothing else to do now, so I can only wait quietly, waiting for all the arrangements to quietly brew and ferment…

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