This Slime is Poisonous Chapter 261: Pre-war meeting

Xin Paoer took Archie to the long-lost conference hall for the final planning meeting before the war.

Heilong Island has been developed for so many days, and a large number of tall and huge buildings stand in it. No one thinks of rebuilding the useless conference hall, and it still maintains its original small size.

Pushing the door open, many familiar faces have been waiting for a long time, and many of our own people have also mixed in. In addition to Yasumoto, Spark and Rafflesson have finally become the leadership! In particular, Rafflesson, the strongest warrior of the Blue Sea Naga, has changed his appearance drastically now. His whole body is wrapped in mechanical armor, and a huge metal box is installed on his back. From the barrel exposed above it, it is known that there must be all It’s a killing weapon!

Of course, except for these few people, the rest of the TM are people from the machine family…

“Now I declare that the last leader meeting before the third jihadist front has begun!”

Damn it, an invasion is an invasion, it’s a jihad, and it’s a third front, who will show it to…

“Let’s talk about the strength of troops first. Now there are 120,000 troops available, including 90,000 Machina and 30,000 Naga.”

“Wow—” Following Xin Paoer’s words, everyone was amazed. Except for Archie, who is in charge of teleportation, the others only know that they have a large number of people, but they have no idea how many people are there.

“The temporary distribution is that 20,000 people are not staying behind, 30,000 are responsible for logistics and logistics line protection, and the other 70,000 are the main station troops. Just now, everyone seems to be very proud of our combat effectiveness…but what I want to explain is , the situation is very grim! After consideration, the Supreme has confirmed that it will mainly attack the Eastern Continent, and the Second Front Army will feint to attack the Western Continent to attract the attention of the Aisha powerhouses. Then our task is to create chaos in the Eastern Continent and serve the Supreme Being. Come and create the conditions!” Xin Paoer signaled Kang Ben to continue speaking.

The military power is all in the hands of Xin Paoer, but after all there are so many Naga troops, and the appearance should not be too ugly, so Yasumoto has been assigned an important but powerless position-the chief of intelligence!

“According to the information brought back by the adventurers, there are several places where the main troops of the Eastern Continental Empire are stationed: Stormwind City, the Duke’s Mansion, the Forest of Elf, and Ironforge. There are also a small amount of mobility problems in other secondary cities, but There is no threat to us, so there is no need to pay too much attention. The location where the Supreme One descends has been determined to be Stormwind City, so our primary purpose is to attract the power in the city away! Then restrain the troops of other tribes who come to rescue. Just like the Grand Commander As I said, the task is very difficult, the Lightstorm City has more than 150,000 troops, plus the surrounding troops, especially the Duke’s Mansion, there are a total of 300,000 troops… To be honest, if we are not careful, we will be surrounded and wiped out.” According to the strategy that Archie came up with, Yasumoto distributed tasks such as Zhulu Wulin to collect information, and the effect was very good. Of course, everything was carried out with Xin Paoer’s consent.

“Sh—” The group took another breath, hundreds of thousands of people seemed to be sending their troops to death for an empire!

“You don’t have to worry too much, combat effectiveness is not just based on the number of people!” Xin Paoer signaled Spal to speak.

“Naga’s mechanized transformation has been very successful. A total of 500 people have been transformed so far! After testing, the individual combat power far exceeds that of mechanical warriors of the same level! As long as the logistics and ammunition can be replenished in time, these 500 people alone will be enough. An army of ten thousand! Personally, I suggest using it alone, away from the large army, one can confuse the public, and the other can watch each other, greatly increasing the error tolerance rate of the battle.” Spark gave his opinion in his profession .

“Very good speech! This leader thinks so too! Now I would like to introduce to everyone, the captain of the Wrath of the Naga Squadron——Lefflersun! named.”

“Hi, leaders.” Lefflersun stood up, greeted him, and sat down again. He was not good at intrigue, and his acting skills were so-so.

“Finally, let me talk about the supply issue… It can be foreseen that this expedition will take a long time. It is not the combat power that determines success or failure, but the supply line in the rear! The good news is that our island is temporarily hidden, and the sea troops of the Storm Empire There are not many, it is difficult to find us, even if we are found, we are not the opponents of our Naga brothers! The only problem is whether the logistics materials are sufficient! Whether we can persist until we finish all the battles!” Pause for a moment, Xin Baoer He continued, “The answer is not enough, not enough at all! The ammunition and first aid supplies we have in stock are only enough for us to fight two high-intensity battles, and we have to fight hard at the beginning to draw out the Stormwind troops, so The problem is quite serious!”

“Huh—” everyone panted heavily.

Archie also looked worried on the surface, secretly happy in his heart, he really lacked ammunition! It’s a good reasoning. At the time of the civil war between the machine clan and the Green Lake Naga, the machine clan ran out of ammunition and had no replenishment, and I was in charge of the teleportation array for so many days, and I didn’t see much cargo delivered. One is that it is unrealistically inefficient to transport goods through the plane teleportation formation; the other is that it is difficult to store ammunition in the sea! Of course, the ammunition carried by the machine clan is not afraid of water, after all, it is wrapped in the airtight space of the body. The last thing is to produce locally! Ammunition is iron, metal mines can be seen everywhere in the volcanic geology here, and there is no shortage, but gunpowder is still not available! It can only be transported by land, but all the goods of Chasing the Deer Dance Forest come from Slime Town, and even Slime Town doesn’t have much gunpowder, so how can it be sent in large quantities? Even if there is, Archie will not agree.

“Fortunately, the Supreme One has also considered this issue, knowing that our ammunition will be very scarce, and has arranged another fleet to deliver a large amount of ammunition for us!” Xin Paoer said proudly, “Then this fleet will stay Come down and join the logistics team! In particular, this fleet is all high-speed ships, very flexible and easy to use!”

… Archie’s head got big in an instant! Damn, how many traitors are there among the natives of the two continents? Why does it feel like there is no good person! Another group of enemies came out casually? Could it be some high-ranking official again?

“Oh, by the way, Counselor Salem, you should inform the sentry water slimes that you don’t need to panic when you encounter pirates with red sails, just let them go. This will avoid further confusion.”

“Okay no problem!”

Damn it, it’s a pirate! Sure enough, they are all a group of guys who only care about their own interests, **** it… huh? Wait… isn’t it the bloodsail pirate that my brother subdued? It must be! The pirate leader has a clue in the hands of the traitor elder of the Life Church, so it is reasonable to be called to assist the invaders again!

Well, I can only say that Xin Paoer was unlucky. I thought I had dug enough holes, but the Supreme One added another one to him… It’s your own crime!

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