This Slime is Poisonous Chapter 254: Dig deep

Fortunately, Xin Paoer gave him the position of full authority. Without this position, Archie would have no chance to steal from both ends.

Instructing everyone to hurry up and move the goods, Archie immediately rushed to the teleportation array… You must stop Xin Paoer before he returns to the island, otherwise the relationship between the superior and the subordinate will be seen by Zhulu Wulin and others. Then wear everything!

Entering the sea, traveling… After spending more than ten minutes, I finally returned to the long-lost teleportation hall. The guards arranged by Xin Paoer still followed closely. Of course, this is necessary. Archie acted in a full set, and they led him all the way. Otherwise, how could he explain that he knew where the plane teleportation array was?

After waiting for more than ten minutes bored, with a flash of light, Xin Paoer finally came back!

Well done! The acting and talk have been waiting for a long time!

“Huh? Why are you here, Vice President Selem?” Xin Paoer tensed up, then glanced at the conscientious guards, and was relieved again, “Has the matter of the goods been settled? “

“Of course, I still have some confidence in negotiating a deal!” Archie said proudly.

“How much did it cost?”

“It didn’t cost any money, and it was all given to us for free. For a big customer like us, how can we carry out follow-up business without expressing some sincerity? We have already eaten all of them as rebates…but…”

“Free? Rebate?” No matter how hard Xin Paoer thought, he never expected such a result! You know, even the goods transferred by the Supreme One paid a certain price! This time I spent so much time in II, it was also because of the few extra shipments, because II’s currency system is different from Aisha’s, and even the Supreme One can’t take out so many gold coins all at once, so I can only think of Barter! No, because the other party is an adventurer, I cobbled together a few low-level purple outfits and antique jewelry, bricks, etc. to use as waste, to see if I could swindle some goods… It turned out to be a waste of time! But it’s good to be wasted, so wouldn’t this batch of items be deducted without anyone knowing? “Tell me specifically! This commander is very curious.”

“It’s really nothing, just pretend that there are other better suppliers, and other suppliers have a good relationship with you. As for the price, it’s not a problem, and it’s not a problem if it’s twice as expensive! “Archie slowly shook out the preparatory rhetoric, “The other party’s business, as soon as he heard it, he understood that we are the big money owner, and there is profit in it! So obediently show your favor and deliver the goods, and we will accept it naturally. Yes! Of course, they are all accepted in your name, the Grand Commander!”

“Well done! I didn’t expect you to have such a high talent in business besides space magic in Selam! My machine clan is full of wooden fish heads, and the calculation data is not bad. Blind eye!” Xin Paoer has learned the tricks of being a leader… Praising, boasting, drawing big cakes, squeezing desperately! “Since you are so capable, you will be in charge of organizing the combat supplies that will be shipped in the future. You must ensure that the supply will not be cut off in a short time after the war begins! Don’t worry, be bold and work hard, and we will protect your prosperity and wealth in the future!”

“No problem! By the way, Commander, although the other party’s goods were robbed this time, the subsequent business must be traded according to the negotiated price.”


“I see that these 10 ships are far from enough for the construction of the island, so I asked them to continue to deliver the goods on my own initiative… because the negotiation went well, and I didn’t get the approval of the Grand Commander… Please punish!”

“Forget it for the first time… The next time is not an example!” Xin Paoer was actually happy, “Actually, you did a good job! The Supreme One just told me that there will be no material assistance in the future, and we need ourselves Find a way to solve it! Very good, very good! By the way, but we don’t have money to pay for the supplies later?”

“Don’t worry, it’s been negotiated, barter! Get some rare things that they don’t have!”

Xin Paoer is very fortunate that he didn’t kill this Selem, he is so talented, he thinks the same as the Supreme! In this way, all kinds of things ordered by the Supreme One can be perfectly solved, and if you perform well, it is no longer a dream to become the temporary commander-in-chief!

“Okay! I’ll leave it to you!” Seeing that Archie has nothing else to report, Xin Paoer began to order the task, “I have already reported your situation to the Supreme One, and after approval, you will be needed for the teleportation array in the future.” Maintenance and operation! I will dispatch 100 legal masters from our clan and Naga clan to cooperate with you, and we must bring other brothers to this world as soon as possible, we have already wasted too much time.”

“Got it!”

“Okay! This commander believes in you!” Nodding, Xin Paoer started to walk out, “I just discussed with the supreme one about how to develop the island, and I have some ideas, so I’ll go get busy first. You wait here After a while, the assisting personnel will send it over soon.”

Archie: “Okay…”

Damn it! go back now? Have the goods been moved? Has Chasing the Deer Dance Forest left? No, I have to wait a little longer!

“Wait a minute, Commander, I have one more thing to say!”

“Oh? Do you have any good ideas? Let’s hear them!” Simpaoer is very interested in Archie’s whimsical ideas now! Nonsense, just repeat it in front of the Supreme, and it becomes your own idea, earning a lot of impression points, there is no reason not to be interested!

“Dare to ask the commander-in-chief, how does the island plan to develop in the future? Is there any specific policy? If you need to keep it secret, forget it.”

“There is nothing to keep secret. It is nothing more than building a large-scale combat warehouse to store combat materials, especially metals and various accessories for our mechanical clan’s body, as well as ammunition. After all, the main force of the Green Lake Naga has suffered casualties. Many, the future battles in this area will mainly depend on our mechanical clan.” After hesitating for a while, Xin Paoer continued, “These are relatively simple, nothing more than a large number of warehouses and blacksmiths are needed, but the transportation behind is a problem! Our The goal is to cooperate with the actions of the front forces, carry out key damages in the rear, and contain the actions of the Resistance Army. Therefore, it is definitely necessary to transport a large amount of materials quickly. It is unrealistic to rely on manpower to go to the bottom of the sea, and a large number of ships are definitely needed. But the only thing that can be mobilized now is the island. Among the three seized, one of them is a warship… so we need to build corresponding ports and shipyards! That is a big guy, so our supplies are far from enough!”

Okay, it’s nothing more than guerrilla warfare that requires fast and secret supplies! I’ve watched so many Anti-Taiyang dramas, I’m familiar with it, so keep fooling around!

“It’s about the same as I thought. Strategically, the Supreme One and you must have made a clear plan, but isn’t the small battle a bit too vague? What about the intelligence on land? The real-time information that will be needed in future battles What about intelligence? After all, fighting behind enemy lines is all about intelligence! It’s too obvious to send our own people out!” Archie followed the other party’s intentions, “During the communication with this group of adventurers just now, I thought, why not How about making good use of them? For this group of greedy adventurers, they are willing to do anything as long as it is beneficial, and Aisha can move around at will in most places, and moves quickly, which can collect too much for us. information, and as adventurers, they cannot reveal our information without related tasks, so it is very safe to use!”

“Of course, this subordinate is just raising a small idea. The specifics need to be perfected by you, the commander. After all, it is beyond my ability…”

“Okay!” Xin Paoer applauded loudly, fascinated by the sound, “Very creative idea! This commander is going to discuss with the Supreme right now, and prepare to send it!”

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