This Slime is Poisonous Chapter 252: Another hater

“Mayor Selem, please wait a moment, we need to discuss…” Ni Daye saw that the chairman’s spirit was hit by tons again, so he immediately pulled him away to prevent the situation from changing again.

“You can do whatever you want…” Archie didn’t have time to care about these **** negotiating trivial matters, and began to analyze the connotation.

‘Why did the Duke bring the goods over? Why him? ’ This is what Archie didn’t understand at first. If he is already developing Heilong Island, the Duke still owns a certain share as the investor. It is reasonable to send some materials to support the construction, but not now! Moreover, no one outside the Black Dragon Island knew about it, so how did the other party know about it?

‘So, this shipment is indeed for the Invading Legion? ’ Although the answer is a bit scary, it is the only reasonable explanation!

Thinking about it carefully, why did Zhulu Wulin and the others seem not at all surprised to see so many Naga and robots after arriving on the island? That must be the Duke has ordered the deliverer – the invasion legion! Why do you want to compete with Wulin and others for delivery? Because adventurers are hidden, they won’t attract the attention of other npcs!

Think about it carefully why the commander of Xin Paoer also looks normal to the arrival of the fleet? It means that he knows the ins and outs of it! It means that the intruder must have a close connection with the Duke!

‘It’s not right… By the way, these intruders don’t know the existence of Black Dragon Island. What about shipping supplies? This surface teleportation array can interfere with the operation of the surrounding space magic on a large scale, and it is completely impossible to teleport it over a long distance! ’

‘Did you send the message through other planes? ’ It’s unlikely! Where should other plane teleportation arrays be erected so as not to be discovered? In the same way, the existence of space interference is easily noticed by the super perverts of All Souls. Apart from this violent sea, Archie can’t think of a safer place.

‘Then the message can only be transmitted by manpower…’ But how can manpower transmit it? Do the naga use swimming? 2 days is not enough to swim ashore! Unless it is by ship, it will take nearly half a day to send the news, and then it will take at least half a day for the Duke to prepare the goods and transport ships, and then come back for half a day… so rush? Is it possible? Absolutely impossible! According to Mr. Kangben’s description, the invaders should confirm the existence and control of Black Dragon Island after the arrival of Xin Paoer! That happened after half a day of fighting between the Green Lake family and the machine clan! Time is too tight!

‘Unless there is some means of instant communication! ’

The train of thought is broken here… It can also be said to be clear!

Archie continued to think from another angle, if he was an intruder, what means of instant communication would he have, and what would be the process.

First of all, it can be confirmed that this means of communication is definitely not common, and it must be controlled by a very small number of high-level officials, even only the devil who initiated the invasion has it! Because if it is common, the news of the civil war between Naga and the machine race has already spread, so it is my turn to show off my acting skills here! So, the general process should be that after Xin Paoer confirmed that he controlled Black Dragon Island, he went back to the Second Emperor and informed the Supreme Leader, and then the Supreme Leader sent the news back to the Duke of Aisha through secret communication means, and then the Duke first The scheduled support materials have been shipped here!

‘Hey! Wait…it still doesn’t make sense…’ If there is such a means of communication, even if it is only owned by the supreme leader, communication between the two planes can be established at any time, then why does Xin Paoer go back and forth between the two worlds to report again and again ? Wouldn’t it be enough to send a message directly to Xin Paoer? Why bother! Could it be that the plane teleportation array can also interfere? Or… these communication locations… are fixed?

Archie’s inspiration is pouring out!

‘It must be fixed! ’ This is a cross-plane magic sound transmission, how can it be so casual! Think about Eva, the founder of the All Souls Society, Aisha’s top powerhouse, who has already ascended to the second world, and can only leave a big table that is not even a clone at the All Souls Society headquarters as a savior Mentor! If you can communicate at any time, why keep a clone? Even if the strength of the intruder leader is stronger, he should follow certain rules of the game step by step, not too much higher, so there must be an instant messaging facility somewhere! And it is a large fixed facility! For example… somewhere in the duchy? Even in the Duke’s mansion?

‘No! ’ Such a large-scale facility, how dare you set it up on your own territory, if the animals of the All Souls Society see it, who can guarantee that they will not recognize it? It must be in another remote place, where the transmission is convenient, and it can be guaranteed not to be discovered by the masters of the All Souls Society!

It is convenient to transmit the news, it can be anywhere, relying on the Duke’s financial resources, it is not a problem to build a permanent transmission array in any mountain depression! But make sure you don’t get discovered… Archie can only think of one place – the copy! Low level copy!

Just like I was sent out to investigate the six major dungeons this time, the different space of low-level dungeons will always be a blind spot for super experts! It cannot be entered, cannot be destroyed, and it is dangerous to send weak men to enter, and there is no strength to find out some hidden affairs!

“Huh—” Archie let out a long breath, “No wonder the ‘Light and Dark Church’ always feels so abrupt…”

Indeed, the game has progressed to the present, and the copy below level 20 is a light and dark church, don’t you think it’s strange? And it only exists in the Western Continent, wouldn’t that be unfair to the players of the Stormwind Empire! Connotation, greatly drop the connotation!

Thinking of this, Aqiru instantly opened up the second channel of the whole governor, and many pictures rushed out.

The wonderful combination of priests, paladins and skeletons in the Church of Light and Darkness and the church of Holy Light and the Duke who defected to the enemy…

The final boss, the Frost Witch, is surrounded by magic circles and the round conference table of the All Souls Society…

Eva reminds the people who assassinate Eredar for Wei Wei and the identity of Duke Qi Wei’s uncle…

After the Black Dragon War, the Duke arranged his son Defan Ender to Slime Town, but he has been missing all year round…

All in all, the bottom of the light and dark church is probably the communication point! His son is the messenger! The duke has turned back! As for why they are against humanity, who knows!

“Damn! Do you want to be so bloody?”

In fact, Archie has always been on guard against being cheated by the seemingly loyal duke. Unexpectedly, his ambition is beyond his Ah, he is going to cheat the whole world!

“It’s so exciting! Has the whole world turned upside down? Then put a p!” Archie couldn’t help but complain.

“Mayor, what are you talking about?” Kang Ben stepped forward and interrupted Archie, “Those adventurers seem to have discussed it and are waiting for you.”

“Well… this is the past…”

Alright, first think about how to pass this level! Absolutely don’t let Zhulu Wulin and his gang bring back the news of my brother’s stay on the island! But what can I do! The feet grow under the crotch of the victim, so I don’t care! Wait and see what happens, and see what the other party has to say!

“Are you done with the discussion?” Archie asked coolly, pretending to be calm.


‘Zhilu Wulin, Ni Daye, &&&, ***,………, request to become a citizen of Slime Town. ’

Archie: “…”

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