This Slime is Poisonous Chapter 246: Done

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“Brothers, hold on! The president is acting according to the plan, and persistence is victory!” Although Ni Daye was also very confused, his reaction was still quick, and he immediately shouted to stabilize the morale of the army!

The front lines were in disarray for a while, but after another heavy casualty, they finally withstood it.

‘I hope the president can be more reliable this time…’ Thinking like this, he put his mind and body back into the battle again.

As for the former president, he finally got rid of the entanglement of the neurotic warrior.

“Okay, since you are so talented in the dance forest, I will keep my word! Let’s go!” Teammate No. 2 was still very moral, and really put down his weapon.

“Reliable!” After Zhulu Wulin praised with a smile on his face, he walked away. Before leaving, he said softly to the younger brother beside him, “When I leave, kill him! Take turns guarding the corpse!”

Damn it, who hasn’t lost his temper yet! Now I can’t wait to kill this **** a thousand times in person! Bear with it any longer, and come back after reporting to the official to have fun with your hands!

After chasing the deer and dancing in the forest, I rushed to Stormwind City smoothly, and I just arrived at the administrative center – the gate of Stormwind Fortress. At that time, the first village to be built was summoned here to accept the summons and rewards!

“Who is coming!” The gate guard stopped him.

“Please tell Her Majesty Stariki, the Adventurer’s Guild Solo Dancer Lin President please see me.” At that time, the reward included the right to meet in person. I thought it was useless before, but unexpectedly it came in handy!

“Take it! How dare you pretend to be someone else to approach the chief executive! Say, what’s the purpose?” the guard at the door mercilessly knocked Zhulu Wulin to the ground and asked with the tip of his knife against his neck.

“…” has the purpose of wool! Is it that difficult to apply for an official? “I would like to ask for a meeting! Master Stariki really gave us a chance to meet at the Solo Forest Guild!”

“You still dare to quibble! You are not a solo dancer!” The team leader next to him did not cut, and then directed the guards, “Drag aside and kill, be careful not to stain the ground!”


Just like that, Zhulu Wulin once again returned to the resurrection point of Wulin Village… Then he turned his head, and now he is not the president of the guild at all! Not even a member, so naturally he has no right to meet again up! Then go to the next first-class official? No way! Most of the prestige of the empire has been increased by being the village chief. Now that he has lost his post, he can’t even talk to the urban management of an ordinary vegetable market. How can he report to the official!

It’s a big game! ! ! I can only let Ni Daye take a trip! Hope it’s not too late.

“Daye, hurry up and go to Stormwind City to find Starliqi, she must be the president to meet!” Private message to the partner.

Daye felt that the president had suffered from schizophrenia! A few minutes ago, he only threw the chairman to himself, and now he said that he can only report to the official? If I knew this earlier, why bother? What’s more…

“President, can you stop playing? You have already reported to the government! The army has arrived!”

That’s right, behind the assassins, a large group of heavy cavalry with horses and guns appeared in sight, and several flags embroidered with the Stormwind Empire’s military emblem were waving in the wind!

Ni Daye no longer pays attention to the harassment of the president, and seizes the time to cheer up the members who have died n times:

“Brothers, the president’s plan has succeeded! Our reinforcements are here! Hold on, absolutely don’t let one go!” Clamping back and forth, perfect formation!

“Yes!!!” The heroes responded, the days of infinite death and resurrection are finally coming to an end!

Ni Daye, as a competent general in the Wulin competition, is also a good player in arranging troops! Thousands of players are constantly adjusting their positions under his command, balancing the pressure on the defense line, and the defense line that was already shattered has stabilized again! The assassins’ successive waves of attacks did not achieve any good results!

It works!

The only thing that people care about is… I don’t know when these assassins will put away the black robes that hide their identities, and reveal their identities openly…

Damn it! It really is the Church of Light! Most of them have the title of the Illuminati Church in their names, and a small number of them don’t have the private army of a certain family!

As the cavalrymen of the Storm Empire got closer, Ni Daye’s bad premonition became stronger…Why did he reveal his identity at this time? Why are they still attacking fiercely, but they don’t guard against the cavalry brigade behind them at all? Unreasonable! No, it’s reasonable! Unless… the cavalry was called by the other party!

Crap! In this way, did the chairman really not report to the police? Instead, the other party called for reinforcements?

The speed of the cavalry was very fast, and Ni Daye was already approaching the battlefield in his thoughts. The troops of the Church of the Holy Light were very well-trained to get out of the way in the middle of the battle line, so that the cavalry could accelerate their charge!

“Retreat! Everyone retreat! How many can escape, don’t resurrect the dead!”

No way to fight! I couldn’t beat it at first, it was just trading life for time, just delaying. Fortunately, there is another wave of even more powerful npcs, and they are still playing hair!

Everyone is not blind, just wait for Ni Daye’s words! Turn around and run!

Routed… How could the two-legged ones run faster than the four-legged ones? Even if everyone fled in tacit understanding, they couldn’t stand the difference in movement speed, and were caught and killed one by one…

Under the spirit gathering stone, thousands of souls gather together, which is very spectacular! They are all from the same guild, and they can look at each other even in the soul state, look left and chirp right, and there is no way for a while.

What tricks can there be! This group of cavalry simply didn’t give them a way to survive. After killing all the members of the Chasing the Deer Dance Forest, they didn’t leave! According to the density of the corpses on the ground, they allocated their positions and started guarding the corpses! Instead, the gang of assassins simply tidied up and started to retreat.

After Ni Daye waited for more than ten minutes, he saw that the cavalry not only did not leave, but also started camping and lighting a fire to cook meals on the spot! Are you guys going to guard the corpse forever? Then play a p! No, I have to ask that scumbag president, what did he do to make the good situation look like this!

Zhulu Wulin didn’t know what he had done, anyway, after he died, he entered a long stage of running corpses… Today’s physical strength has been exhausted, and he can’t even use the method of dragging corpses back to the city.

Fortunately, Stormwind City is next to Lord Duke’s territory, and the Lone Dance Forest is within its range, so it takes a short time to run away the corpse, not too long, an hour is enough…

There is also good news! The neurotic soldier who caused everything is still in a state of illness, dead and alive, still being guarded by the brothers! The hatred in my heart eased a little!

The problem is the battle on the I haven’t heard any news for a long time, I don’t know what’s going on… Daye is also true, saying that the officers and soldiers have arrived… I didn’t make it clear, so it’s still unclear Not white…

‘Daye, how is the situation now? By the way, add me back to the guild! ’——Chasing the Deer Dance Forest couldn’t help being private.

‘You joined the lone dance forest, and you became the president of the lone dance forest. ’

‘President, you’ve finished playing with me! I don’t want to talk about it, let’s see for myself…’——Ni Daye couldn’t complain anymore.

‘The guild hall is under attack, please return to defense as soon as possible! ’

‘The conference hall has been breached and is about to be destroyed. ’

‘The spirit gathering stone is about to be destroyed. ’

‘Player? ? ? quit the guild. ’

‘Player *** quit the guild. ’


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