This Slime is Poisonous Chapter 226: The beginning of the group fight

The plan couldn’t keep up with the changes, and there was another teleportation after 5 seconds. Archie couldn’t move.

‘You output a lot of space energy, which is 62% below the balance point. The trigger strengthens the weakness for 9 seconds, and there are 13 seconds left before the self-exposure. ’

Actually, for these two transmissions, the Nagas operate at a normal intensity. But Archie didn’t know that it was because of too much force that it caused this result!

God dies me too! The continuous **** really became more and more vain!

Archie’s danger at this moment is not low, and he must absorb a large amount of energy in the next wave of transmission. But according to the current frequency, the next wave of teleportation will still be in a weak state, that is to say, he will still vent! ! !

“Huh? Constipated again?” Archie didn’t know what to do, so he could only read the stopwatch and wait for the **** of death to come… As a result, the 9-second coma passed, and the teleportation array didn’t respond!

“It’s good to be constipated!” With a shout of joy, he rushed to the plane crystal again. Shi was still in the air, and the crystal seemed to be working like a pinch, and it turned on again!

There was no time to think about it, the whole pounce, just like the last time, caught up with the tail, the energy has entered the channel, sent to the teleportation array, just wait for the return flow! Then I still thought about it, and moved half of my butt… Even if I overcharged, it would still explode! Whether it can be just right balance depends on your luck!

“Come on!” Archie raised his hips and waited!

And then… good luck!

‘You have absorbed a huge amount of concentrated space energy, and the inner core has reached a perfect balance… Evolving and entering a weak state, please wait patiently for 30 minutes. ’

“Wow ha ha ha ha! My brother’s luck is really tm invincible!” But what happened in those 30 minutes? Is it because there is no expert to assist? Never mind! Just hide and wait…

The real situation is – woolen luck! Obviously, the patriarch of the six-armed Nagalifei downstairs has too much bad luck!

You said it was a good experiment, why play the critical point experiment? Why exactly twice?

Teleport yourself, why waste a few seconds chatting with the patriarch of the machine clan? Just leave and nothing will happen…

Hey, hey, why don’t you control the teleportation array for the last time, and just transferred the authority to the head of the machine clan, Almored…

Amoured is true, teleportation is teleportation, why should you show off your space system ability and spend a lot of energy carefully controlling the amount of energy input!

The result was good. The head of the Naga patriarch was in a different place, and the fragrance and jade were lost… On the contrary, Archie was mistaken for the energy deficiency point and helped him recharge to the perfect balance point…

The death of Patriarch Li Fei is the end of the matter…but what about the people of the two tribes in the downstairs hall? The atmosphere is embarrassing, okay?

“Calm down, everyone, listen to my explanation…” Almored made the last effort to ease the soaring emotions of everyone…

“The machine clan killed the patriarch!!!!” Looking at the **** fountain in the middle of the teleportation array, the statistician screamed!

“Revenge for the patriarch!!!”

“Kill all the machine clans, avenge the patriarch!!!”


Yes, there is a p to use! Mud in the crotch, tmd is shit!

Archie was lying under the gap of the statue, happily waiting for the reading of the evolution bar. After 1 minute passed, the front end of the evolution bar finally moved a little bit, indicating that it was still working hard…

“It’s too slow…” Although as the saying goes, slow work leads to meticulous work… But in the enemy’s line, there are Naga patrolling around from time to time, what should I do if I am discovered! Now it is in a weak state, all attributes have been greatly reduced, and even the movement speed has been reduced to a heinous level.

What are you afraid of? There was a commotion downstairs…

“No way, brother broke the teleportation array, did the other party notice it?” Such a violent pumping of energy, the idiot also knows that there is a problem, so do a routine inspection, this kind of hidden hiding place will definitely be dragged out Stabbed to death with a stick, right?

Archie is shivering on the roof, and Almorede’s metal head is also sweating…if he can still sweat…

The patriarch was killed in front of his face, no matter how unpopular he is usually, as a member of the same clan, he would go berserk for the glory of the race… What’s more, Li Fei, the patriarch, is strict and strict, and being a patriarch is quite qualified. Everyone still admires and loves him… That’s okay, let’s kill the murderer first!

It is inevitable that the group fight will start…but it is not the same difficulty as the four-armed Naga priests thought…

It is reasonable to say that the 50 space mages brought by the patriarch of the machine clan have only brains left, and they can be abused as much as they want… But the opponents are all from the space department, and the strength of the patriarch is originally It is extremely powerful, even if there is no body and magic is available, and everyone has deployed a space barrier, only defending but not attacking, and taking all the attacks of the hundreds of Naga on the scene!

It’s right to think about it. After all, these Nagas are exhausted from constantly operating the teleportation array, and they can only maintain such a fierce attack with anger in their hearts. After all, it is different from sending energy to the teleportation array. One is that it takes a lot of effort to control and compile the magic.

So the scene fell into a stalemate for a while… It’s not right, it should be the machine race that dominates!

The bosses inside are fighting, and the younger brothers outside the goalkeeper are naturally not to be outdone. Just now I said to cooperate with the partners on guard and patrol, and the next second they all picked up the guys and started fighting with bayonets. And the batches of machine clans sent over not long ago didn’t go far, and they didn’t reach the center of the movement. Don’t think about it, don’t help relatives, let’s do it first… So shouted and walked in The troops in front, join the battle group yourself first! The troops in front don’t know what’s going on. Anyway, the general meaning of the information is that the Nagas are making trouble and are abusing their brothers. Well, call the brothers in front and start rushing back… Wave after wave, Haw, chirp, chirp, Mulan… er… no, anyway, in the end, the news reached the brothers at the front…

“Eight swords! Do you still have medicine?” Teammate No. 2 rushed forward and pulled a 2160° whirlwind, and then was hit by various ‘stray bullets’, and had to retreat to recover.

“If I have medicine, I will sit here and wait for it to recover slowly?” Ba Jian said angrily, he was really speechless for this partner who came forward to die after recovering a little blood! Most of the potions of the three of them were consumed by him blindly! “xxx, how long can we last?”

“I don’t know, let’s see if these NPCs have any other moves! Otherwise, it will take less than 10 minutes.” Teammate No. 1 is also behind, holding the healing totem erected by Gust and slowly recovering blood, and there are a bunch of people around Tauren sailors and slimes with the same residual blood.

“It’s difficult!” Looking at the bloodlines and mana levels of the people in front of them gradually falling, Wang Bajian could only hope for a miracle… For example, the mayor of Salem suddenly came back to turn the tide?

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