This Slime is Poisonous Chapter 223: Steal Energy

Speaking of which, compared with ordinary teleportation arrays, space energy is not of the same order of magnitude at all, so it will affect the operation of ordinary magic arrays… so much energy…

“Why don’t you **** it up?”

Since merging the two lines of light and dark dragon crystals, Archie has figured out that if the slime tribe wants to continue to evolve, there is only one way to go, which is to risk their lives to absorb excess energy! Note, it is evolution, not progress. order! Although Xiao Huang Huang has advanced, her combat power has not evolved in essence! The difficulty of evolution is much higher than that of advancement. First, there is a huge chance of failure to explode, which is a life gamble. Second, so much absorbable energy is really rare, and it must be energy that fits its own attributes! However, as a player, Archie is not afraid of anyone who comes with all kinds of energy, he only needs a little bit of energy in his body, and the space system happens to be in this list!

Although he is at the core of the enemy’s army, and has experienced multiple body explosion crises… But with such a big temptation in front of him, Archie couldn’t help but decided to take a gamble! After choosing an energy transmission channel and hiding yourself under the statue as much as possible, open the core, touch the plane transmission array a little bit, and wait for the next wave of transmission!

“Here we come!”

The planar crystal first emitted a dazzling silver light!

Then the magic radiance converged on several transmission lines, and the next moment, it flashed by in the blink of an eye, most of them were still supplemented into the transmission array along the lines, and a very small part blasted into Archie’s body.

‘You absorbed a lot of space elements. ’

“…” gone? Although I was afraid that my body would not be able to bear it, I only cautiously opened up a very small part of the inner core…but this is too weak, right? This is the energy that drives plane transmission!

Go on! Open the mouth a little bit wider…

‘You have absorbed a huge amount of space elements. ’

Scrape! It seems that there is an extra word? I still don’t feel anything! Open it up!

The transformed hand pressed down on the energy channel!

‘An extremely large amount of space elements has impacted your body, exceeding the tolerance limit by 30%, please be careful. ’

Oh oh oh~~~ That’s the smell, that’s the feeling! Cool!

However, the system reminds you to be careful. For the sake of safety, take it slowly and let the body digest and absorb it.

‘Elemental impact paralyzes your body for 5 seconds. ’

“…” Archie…

Looks like… the mouth is wide open? It lasts for 5 seconds… What a ghost for 5 seconds, the plane teleportation array will also be activated once every 5 seconds, won’t I be stunned infinitely until the energy overflows and explodes on the spot?

‘The impact of an extremely large amount of space elements… 80% beyond the limit. More than 1000% may implode, and more than 5000% will die directly, please be careful! “

Scrape! It means that the time left for brother is at most… calculate… 5000 divided by 50 times 5… 500 seconds? 8 minutes more!

…It turns out that Archie was thinking too much, how can there be such a good thing…

At this time, a group of four-armed Naga priests sat around the teleportation array in the room, densely packed in a circle, and there were roughly 200 of them. Under the command of a six-armed naga, this group of Green Lake Naga chanted mantras loudly and continuously gathered energy to the six-armed naga. Whenever the six-armed naga has accumulated enough energy, it will shoot upwards, fill it with plane crystals, and convert the plane crystals into plane energy that can be used by the teleportation array to start the teleportation!

The four-armed naga cooperated tacitly and gathered energy in batches in order to restore their magic power. A group of servants around them were constantly transporting and replenishing various magic springs.

And when the transfer of the army is completed, the two statisticians at the door will register the number of people arriving this time and the number of the troops for management.

Such repeated operations have been going on for a long time, and they are all in order, and everyone is doing their job perfectly.

Suddenly, the statistician at the door reported loudly.

“Patriarch, the last batch was 3 people less than scheduled.”

The six-armed Naga named Li Fei sitting in the middle nodded, and said majesticly: “Second group, transmit energy with your heart, and there will be mistakes in military law to serve you!”

“Yes—” a small group of four-armed naga quickly answered in unison.

Li Fei is just saying that, after all, she casts spells continuously for a very long time, even the powerful she can’t guarantee that she won’t make any mistakes, but you should always be rewarded and punished, and show off your official authority. It will make your subordinates respect you more.

But fortunately, if you persist for a long time, people from another plane will be responsible for maintaining the energy of the magic circle, and you can finally rest for a while.

“Patriarch, there are 3 people missing!”

“Three groups! Do you want to be punished for the second group? Listen up, if anyone makes a mistake again, don’t blame the patriarch for being ruthless!”

There are two deviations in a row, which is a bit unreasonable! Generally speaking, if the magic circle is full of energy, everyone in it can be teleported, unless some individuals are too powerful and need additional energy supply, but now they are all miscellaneous soldiers, and this situation will not happen, so we must Some people are lazy, the energy delivered is not enough, and the magic circle is not working 100%.

“Patriarch, 5 people are missing this time!”

“What!” Three times in a row, that must be abnormal! There is a large group of subordinates, all of them haggard, crumbling, obviously exhausted in energy and physical strength, and they may fall asleep at any time!

‘It seems that the limit is almost reached…’ Manpower cannot be violated, no matter how much this situation squeezes them, it will be useless.

“Listen up, now start merging 12 groups, 34 groups, and 56 groups.” The only way to ensure the energy supply of the teleportation array is to increase the number of input personnel… If you play extreme operations, you will only continue to make mistakes .


“The patriarch, the number is correct!”

After changing the strategy, five consecutive batches of personnel arrived neatly, and Patriarch Li Fei nodded in satisfaction.

“…the patriarch! But this batch is missing… 13 more?!!”

“What did you say???”

Archie’s life is hanging by a thread! The continuous impact caused continuous paralysis, and I finally couldn’t hold on to the posture of leaning forward and pressing the ground all the time, and fell to the street! Now, the whole face is attached to the energy channel!

‘The impact of massive space energy causes paralysis for 10 seconds and 200 damage. Your core is completely open. The current overload is 3200%, and the chance of body explosion is increased to 4% per second. ’

If you are lucky, you can hold on for a while, but if you are not lucky, you will explode in a second! It’s all about heartbeats… right?

Ah! I don’t want to play! It’s all playing to death, okay! Now even if the energy channel can be disconnected, it is dead. As long as the energy in the body is not exhausted, the 4% chance per second will continue, and sooner or later it will bong, okay?

“Trash! It’s all rubbish! Group 123, group 456, how will I hold my head up in front of the patriarch of the machine clan with your performance?” Li Fei was furious, and she would definitely be laughed at if she made mistakes again and again!

‘Super mass space energy impact, causing paralysis for 12 seconds, 500 damage. Overloaded by 4900%, the chance of body explosion increased to 7% per second. ’

It’s over! There is no help! I haven’t thought of how to release Even if I think about it, I can’t move, it’s useless! The next wave of shock is the time of death! This is self-exposure, but it will lose a lot of attributes! I hope the loss will not be too heavy…

5 seconds later.

Huh? Why is the teleportation array not flashing?

12 seconds later.

As soon as Archie recovered from his paralysis, he left the energy channel like a ghost.

“Brother is safe?” What happened? The magic circle is broken? No matter, let’s see how to solve the dark disease first!

‘Your body is unfortunately unable to withstand the overloaded energy and is about to explode, 10, 9, 8…’


..The new revision, the update is faster and more stable


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