This Slime is Poisonous Chapter 192: Epic mission with connotation

‘The Temple Cleaner Serou surrenders to you, with a loyalty of 40. ’

‘Please note that if the loyalty is lower than 50, there is a certain chance of defection. ’

Well, it really is a superficial surrender. Under the inhumane torture, anyone will have the idea of ​​surrender, but once life is guaranteed and the torture is over, maybe… This is the so-called non-self race. The heart must be different!

“Professor Yang, Eredar, do you have any other experiments as soon as possible, this is a rare opportunity~” Archie said with a blank expression.

“Okay, brother, wait a little longer~” Promised, Professor Yang took out a large blood-stained saw out of nowhere, gestured at the cleaner’s tail, and asked Eredar, ” Do you think Naga’s limbs will have such a high capacitance after leaving the body?”

“Probably not… I have studied quite a few creatures so far. Except for the black dragon Jess, who has super strong physical resistance and magic resistance after being separated from the body, other creatures do not have this characteristic… But This alien race does not belong to our world, maybe it will be different, try it!”

“I think so too!” The two research lunatics are practicalists, insisting on the principle of practicing the truth.

‘Cleaner loyalty +10.’

The BOSS looked at Archie and the others with even more terrified eyes, and shouted: “I surrender, I surrender… ahhh!”

“Wait!” shouted to stop Professor Yang who was about to saw.

“Mayor… No, no, master! Please forgive me…” The cleaners shouted for mercy as if grabbing the last straw, which seemed to be useful!

“Can you two take it step by step? Look at his blood volume, what should I do if I saw his tail and kill him? You don’t even know how to cherish the test product!” Archie taught.

“Well… Selem, you’re right, we didn’t think carefully…” Eredar took out a bone crushing hammer from nowhere after criticizing himself, “Then test it first Bone strength, let’s saw it again!”

Cleaner Boss: “…” There is nothing to love…

‘Loyalty +10.’

‘Loyalty +10.’

70? Almost reached the safe value, Archie stopped when he saw it, and stopped the two who were about to have another big fight.

‘You accepted the surrender of Serou the Cleaner, and Serou officially became a citizen of Slime Town. ’

The name that had turned yellow and neutral immediately became the green that symbolizes one’s own people.

It’s not over yet! Following Archie’s operation, system prompts popped up frequently!

‘You defeated your opponent in an unexpected way, and your experience increased by 210,000. ’

‘You successfully saved Della’s life from a desperate situation, and Della became a close friend with you, and your reputation in the Church of Life increased by 1500.’

‘Your reputation in the Life Church has been raised to—respect. ’

‘Professor Yang’s research has made a breakthrough, and his understanding of electrical properties has deepened. ’

‘What did the eredar realize. ’

The Church of Life in the Alliance of Exiles is equivalent to the Church of the Holy Light in the Empire of Stormwind. So I was very happy to get so much reputation by accident.

As for Professor Yang… as expected, all she needs to do is give her the test product a good time! On the contrary, Eredar is a windfall. Could it be possible to turn non-combatants into combatants? Worth looking forward to!

Continue to refresh the system.

Regional announcement: ‘A major change has occurred in the tide of Naga, and the content of the dungeon will be changed soon. ’



The same prompt three times in a row is exactly the same as the mechanical dungeon. Needless to say, there will be one less boss in the dungeon…

Looking at the howls and noises of the players on the public channel for a while, Archie turned his attention back to the dungeon. First of all, it’s time to save this new citizen with amazingly tenacious vitality.

“Della, can I trouble you to pull out the spear?” With such a mass and volume, Archie can’t do anything.

“Of course, Brother Selam doesn’t have to be so polite to me, just tell me!”

I have to say that the druid’s strength in the form of a giant bear is also at the abnormal level. He grabbed the spear with his front paws and pulled it out forcefully, along with a large mosaic of blood! The cleaner’s wound that was originally sealed by the weapon instantly gushed blood, soaring to a height of Misch!

‘Your people are in a dying state, please respond as soon as possible!’

“Della, add blood!”

“Don’t worry, I won’t die!”

This NPC has an astonishing amount of milk, and the bleeding stopped after a few life spells from such an injury! Then after a few minutes of follow-up treatment, the wound that was originally transparent from the north to the south also healed and scarred, and finally even the scales grew out, but the color was slightly darker!


“Thanks for the prize, the healing magic of our Church of Life is not the kind of **** from the Church of the Holy Light. As long as there is still a breath, let alone a hole, even if half of the body is missing, it can be transformed back!” Della looked smug, “Do you want to consider joining the religion?”

Damn it, it turned out to be the preaching of the magic stick! No appointment!

After tossing around for a long time, the troublesome things are finally settled, the progress of the dungeon can finally be on the right track, and only the final boss is left! Archie said that he is full of confidence, and directly added two super strong new forces, one of which is an internal response, and he can get through with ten or eight girls!

“Serou, tell me about your original boss.” Archie asked first.

“… very powerful, very scary…”

“… gone?”

“No more…”

“Professor Yang!” Archie shouted.

“Mayor, wait a minute, let me think about it… think about it…” Now when Serou hears these three words, her whole body That is the temple priest of my family, He is proficient in shooting, healing, and electric magic, and there are many male favorites…”

Wait? What the **** is a male pet? Although the Naga tribe is a matrilineal society, is it still a feudal matrilineal society?

“Go on!”

“It’s gone… It’s gone! Mayor, you have to believe me, that adult likes to play with male pets the most. Basically, few of them can last for more than three days. They are either dead or disabled. I usually hide Let’s go, I really don’t know anything else!” Serou was really afraid that Archie would say something about Professor Yang again…

Well, although there are not many gossips, there is enough inferred information.

First: It can milk, shoot and discharge, and it will suffer from long-range battles, so it can be used in close combat.

Second: There should be many mobs in the BOSS battle.

Third: I haven’t figured it out yet, and it needs to be verified.

Almost everything that should be understood, Archie greets everyone to set off, there are still a bunch of mobs on the road that need to be cleaned up!

“Mayor Selem, you are really amazing. Save Della and our epic task reminder has been completed 50% perfectly! Thank you!” After chatting with Brother Druid, Xiaozhu was very happy Come and thank you.

Chale, the epic mission can be completed with a small copy, so simple? I have to take a look…

“What about the other 50%, is it convenient to disclose?”

“Of course!”

‘You have accepted the epic mission “Quick Rescue”: The spy Della sent a distress signal, and the companion Gost lost contact during the investigation mission of the Naga Tide. Please go to assist within 24 hours and bring the two together Take it back safely. 50% complete now. ’

What the hell? Can epic missions be shared with others casually? Or is it because of his **** spirit that he frightened the master of the system?

However… this epic mission seems to have a lot of connotations…

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