This Slime is Poisonous Chapter 186: Bounce! Bounce!

Because a bunch of girls are extremely weak, Archie is both a father and a mother, and he can fight against monsters with one hand, and occasionally get beaten. Experiments such as electric shocks… the progress is terrible, and more than a dozen waves of mobs fought for an hour and a half…

“I’ve finally arrived at the leader, I’m so exhausted!” Eredar fanned the wind with his palm, wiping away the sweat that didn’t exist on his forehead… The person who is most qualified to shout tired here is how are you? Come on, what else have you done?

“Four hands? Sure enough, it is the same as what is written in the history books… a strange race!” Professor Yang’s research soul burned even more violently, “Mayor, catch alive! I want to see why Naga is more The more powerful hands you have!”

It’s hard to say, the 26th level lord level boss, usually it’s not bad if you can handle it smoothly, and you still want to catch it… Maybe I’m impatient…

Archie ignored Professor Yang’s unreasonable request and went straight to blame…

This boss has been cleared N times by the players, so the skills and action patterns have long been clearly understood. It is nothing more than more blood points, higher attack points, and the ability to shoot arrows and discharge at the same time. The arrows are charged, and the electricity is cheap. …

The only troublesome thing is lightning magic, which is basically group attack magic such as chain lightning and cross lightning, which has high damage and a high proportion of paralysis effect!

The drug-addicted Archie’s blood recovery is close to 200/s, and he ignores all damage with the shield on his head… Boss like this kind of stake are known as gatekeeper bosses. When the player’s strength reaches the level, he can naturally handle it easily.

Of course, just because Archie is relaxed does not mean that the girls are also relaxed… Ereda is a non-combatant and has always avoided the possibility of direct contact. Now she is hiding far away and has not entered the battle.

Professor Yang has also taken drugs, and the resistance of the electric system is sufficient, so it is safe to rub the big lightning ball around the periphery…

As for Xiaozhu Xiaobai… let’s not mention it when you start a fight… After all, magic is all group attack, and there is no healing in the team, so you will kneel after a few casual touches…

15 minutes of soft grinding and hard soaking…it’s done! It wasn’t the first kill, Archie, who didn’t expect much from the dropped items. Sure enough, a blue longbow with mediocre attributes was directly assigned to Xiaobai who came back from the corpse.

“Why do murlocs and Naga like to make holes?” According to the strategy, Archie continued to clear mobs without thinking. He observed the surrounding environment and said to himself… The tunnel after the No. 1 boss was dug out again… Could it be that the engineer was lazy and copied and pasted it?

“I’m also surprised!” Eredar heard Archie’s whisper, and answered, “It is said in classical that the Naga clan likes to build majestic palaces in the deep sea for living. Burrowers. And the murlocs do not have the habit of living in caves, but prefer a carefree wandering life.”

Huh? It’s strange to say that… Then why did the tunnel dig so long? As a fortification or to dig directly under the main city to fight tunnel warfare? It’s better to attack along the river, anyway, there is no good way to get them underwater.

The long tunnel after thinking about it was cleared again, and sure enough, the huge round boss room appeared exactly the same, and it appeared again. Archie calmed down and cheered up. This is not the No. 1 boss. !

Shrine Guardian Sheerti: Level 27 (Lord Level)

Health Points: 400,000, Magic Points: 100,000

The female guard of the temple who is proficient in defense, her shield skills can always make the intruders despair.

Attribute: Unknown

Skills: Shield Bash, Shield Counter, Anti-Magic Shield, Combined Shield, Absolute Defense, Electric Shield

Other unknown

This Naga is also a four-handed female, but unlike others, she has abandoned the bow and arrows that are more suitable for display, and instead has four fast diamond-shaped long shields!

According to some strategies, this boss has a very high defensive power, the shield can protect itself in 360 degrees, and has a probability of more than 30 to reflect any magic attack! Physical attacks are also difficult to exert their effects, and they will be cut on the shield almost every time, and a lot of damage will be absorbed by the block. The most perverted thing is that as a female Naga, she also has the talent of electricity. Although she can’t release long-range attack magic, she can permanently cover the surface of the shield with electric elements. Every time she hits her, it will reflect a certain amount of damage!

So basically all teams will fall into the embarrassing situation where they can’t fight or not fight when they encounter her. If you fight, the rebound damage slowly accumulates, and the healing mana is exhausted, OVER; if you don’t fight, the boss is not a fool who only knows defense, and the charged shield hits it, and the damage is also considerable.

“Hmph, you are unlucky to meet brother!”

For Archie, it seems to be very simple. After taking the drug, he regains 2% of his blood every second, and it won’t be enough for 2 hours… huh? No… How long has it been since you entered the dungeon? 10 minutes left for the medicine to work? OMG, so much time wasted on mobs! Open strange open strange!

According to the established policy, Archie replaced all of his purple equipment with melee weapons, and began to fight with the Guardian BOSS. Anyway, the damage of the BOSS is not high, relying on the rebound damage… But after exchanging a move, he immediately became honest. Hold a single gun and poke slowly…the rebound damage exceeds 30 per hit, and if you attack with nearly 10 weapons in one round, you will rebound 300+ damage, self-harm!

Xiaozhu and Xiaobai really wanted to show off, but they couldn’t stand the fact that even long-range attacks would reflect damage, so they could only watch the show with blood left. On the contrary, Professor Yang became the main force of the output. The lightning **** were fired one after another. Occasionally, the magic was bounced back, and he would rest for a while and wait for the blood volume to recover before continuing to attack.

Archie’s most trusted saliva arrow is still burning and corrosion effect is immediate, but the disgusting thing is the rebound, which has a 30% chance of reflecting magic. Archie basically spits out his face every three times… …Then zero and zero always lose 2000 blood volume, and they can only continue to attack after recuperating slowly…

In this way, in the timid and twisted battle, time flies by…

“Oh~ little boy, it won’t work so soon~” The Guardian Boss has inherited the fine tradition of all meat shields. Although verbal taunting is not a skill, it hits the vital point directly. The effect of the potion has passed and he hesitates whether to continue attacking. Archie couldn’t help stabbing N times… How can a man admit that he can’t do it!

‘Your stab was blocked, the damage was 42 (block 70), and you received 33 points of electric reflection damage. ’




Sure enough, it would be impossible without the health recovery bonus of the potion! Although he still has a recovery rate of 50 per second, which is barely enough to attack, but the boss is not a wooden man. The attack is nearly a hundred per attack, not many attacks, but it has exceeded Archie’s limit, and his blood volume has begun to decline slowly!

Can we just stop and rely on Professor Yang?

“Selam, it’s up to you, my sister has had enough~” Professor Yang’s potion has already expired, and he quickly runs to the girl who has already lost one of the three in the distance…

Yes, you have to do it yourself! Fortunately, if you don’t attack, the attack frequency of the boss can’t break through Archie’s recovery limit. You can return to the wave and fight the wave, but the efficiency is extremely slow…

“Why did you stop? Sheerti wants more~” The boss yelled again, and Archie would naturally not be fooled again. He was just testing his recovery limit just now.

“You don’t come, but Sheltie is coming!”

The boss is starting to fight back!

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