This Slime is Poisonous Chapter 117: Dragon Dragon who crushed the audience

“Eredar, protect yourself! Instructor Wang, you evacuate!” Archie glanced at the broken bow and gave Instructor Wang a look, “I will create opportunities for you!” The completed Dragon Slayer Spear cannot be wasted.

After speaking, Archie desperately swam to the shore…why not flash? Keep the ability to hide! Over there, Papa Long’s Yintang turned black, and his chest cavity was bulging. It was obvious that he was going to turn into a spiel, so let’s spit it out first!

After a few swims, Papa Long really opened his giant mouth of the abyss, and the black flames were blazing and about to spew out! Archie squeezed and blinked, not daring to blink…

“Salem, the old cow will help you!”

There was a loud noise in the sky, and the old cow made his debut! Hearing the voice is black horn, but why come from the sky? Could it be that…

Sure enough! Just now, the black dragon that fell into the water quickly passed through the clouds vertically, and with a move of Tathagata’s magic claw, it slammed head-on on the dragon’s father’s Tianling cover, knocking one of them down, blasting the unstoppable dragon’s breath into the sea, and a large expanse of water evaporated. fog!

Let me tell you, why did a friendly dragon appear for no reason? It turned out that it was transformed by the black horn. I didn’t expect the waste druid to be so powerful after breaking through! Wait… Is Black Horn’s body a dragon or a bull? Black Dragon Horn… Horn…horn? horn? Does that mean that the black dragon is the main body? Chale, what a grass grip!

Archie, who guessed the truth, was ecstatic. With such a powerful helper, is it enough to have so much sauce?


Dragon father Jess is not a vegetarian. After receiving such a heavy blow to the head, he didn’t even have a slight concussion.

Both are giant dragons, but Father Dragon’s size is too big, and the strength of the dragon clan can actually be distinguished from its size, at least the bigger, the more powerful it is! Black Horn explained how terrifying Papa Long’s power really is. After being drawn away, he flew towards Archie at a high speed, overtook him and fell into the sea in an instant, but he didn’t sink into the bottom of the sea. Float! Finally successfully landed, a long ravine formed on the beach, struggled a few times and couldn’t get up again…

Old cow! What about Brother Assistant?

Without giving time to complain at all, Father Long came through the air with the blessing of “Shadow Sprint”, and the speed was not the same as that of Son Long. Archie felt the black shadow in the retina rapidly enlarge, and he couldn’t see his figure clearly at all, and the conditioned reflex flashed aside.

Dodged! But it didn’t work!

Father Dragon swung his tail again, turned sideways quickly, caught up with him in the blink of an eye, and then slapped Archie out of the water with his huge wings, threw him high, and then spun and rolled 360 degrees. Another wing drew Archie again…

Exactly the same, Archie also experienced the pleasure of a body floating in the water, the whole angle of view rolled into a washing machine, and the world was spinning… until he rolled around Black Horn before stopping…

‘You were hit hard by the black dragon Jess, with 0 damage (128200 absorbed). ’

‘You enter a coma for 10 seconds. ’

Die, die! For 10 seconds at such a moment, you will definitely be caught and beaten! Sure enough, the damage followed after a second.

‘You were attacked by the black dragon Jess’ claws, and the damage was 0 (absorption 30000+). ’

‘You are… torn, damage 0 (absorb 40000+). ’

‘You are affected by…corrosion, with 0 damage per second (15,000 absorption) for 30 seconds. ’


Humph! Brother can bear it! ! ! Temporary… really can’t last long! One-tenth of the shield that had been saved for half a day was suddenly destroyed. Has the war started for more than 30 seconds? Sure enough, do you still need a dragon to single out a dragon?

Brother Niu! Can you still fight? Archie counts on the help of Black Horn next door.

Black Horn took a look, silently held his head and continued to pretend to be dead… More than enough energy, but not enough strength, the injury was too serious, and he was relying on the druid’s recovery ability to heal himself…

Archie’s “Omniscient Eye” also discovered this, the red blood line is really a bit difficult for others!

“I can only rely on myself!” As soon as he recovered from the coma, he endured the feeling of vomiting after rolling, and quickly flashed to the direction behind Papa Long, out of his melee range.

Archie was secretly delighted, seeing the blind spot of his eyes, it seemed that he hadn’t been noticed for a while! Evacuate at full speed!

‘You are affected by the shadow **** effect, and you will be frozen for 5 seconds. ’

Papa Long turned around jokingly and resentfully, looking at Archie unshakably.

“Betrayer, the contract is void! Watch carefully, I will slaughter all the inferior races you protect! Including you!!” This was said to Black Horn. It seems that the amount of information is a bit large… If you can survive Be sure to have a good drink and chat…

The question is, will it survive?

Archie, who couldn’t move, was baptized head-on by the dragon’s breath.

‘You are attacked by dragon’s breath (darkness), the damage is 0 (absorption 309999), the negative effect is triggered weak, the defense power is reduced by 20%, and the damage is reduced by 20%. ’

‘…, damage 0 (absorption 456666). ’

‘…, damage 0 (absorb 460000). ’

Being sprayed for 3 seconds, Archie feels like a century has passed! Immediately jump to the side after being able to move! 1.5 million, close to 1.5 million shields just gone? Wait until Father Dragon’s Shadow Binding cooldown is over and try again, brother, why don’t you kneel immediately!

Archie forced himself to calm down, the more this kind of moment, the less panic! Now that defense plus escape has become impossible, then attack! can win? Of course not, it’s just that dying like this will be more dignified…


“The village head of Salem! Here we come!” In the midst of despair, the black sage Cruz arrived, and it was the fusion version of the giant Cruze!

“Good time! Do it!” Archie said in surprise.

Father Long was also stunned, and then said: “So you slime is not dead yet? Unfortunately, you were not my opponent a hundred years ago, and even more so in a hundred years!” He took another breath of the dragon… saliva so much? Still can burst?

After all, the old opponent Cruz has been prepared for a long time, and he is so confident that he instantly adds several layers of defensive magic…but it seems…it’s useless…

The defensive magic is as thin as an A4 paper, and it will be broken with one poke! After the baptism of the dragon’s breath, the fusion slime has less than half blood left!

“How is it possible! Your injury has healed? No! It’s stronger than before…” Cruz was stunned.

“Hmph, ignorant low-level creatures, after a hundred years, they will still be as waste as before!”


Now Archie is confused… What did Cruz say before? Fighting against the black dragon for three days and three nights? What’s wrong with dying in three seconds now?

Seeing that Heixian seemed to have suffered a major psychological blow, Archie knew he had to come by himself.

“Cruze! Add me!”

‘Cruze invites you to perform slime fusion. ’


‘You have successfully connected to Cruze (Fusion Version). ’

‘Cruze handed over control to you. ’

‘Salem (fusion version) was successfully generated. ’

After being able to control his body, Archie quickly continued to flash, dodging the subsequent black magic attack, and then quickly checked his status.

Salem (fusion version) level 21.

The current number of fusion slimes is 3724

HP: 42/900,000, Mana: 29.8/300,000

Strength: 3000

Agility: 3000

Intelligence: 10000 (the terrible blessing of Cruz and Archie)

Spirit: 3500

Stamina: 5000


This attribute! What a grip! This attribute was half blood sprayed by the black dragon! What a hasty grip!

But a good horse depends on the rider, under brother’s control, there may not be no chance of winning!

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