This Slime is Poisonous Chapter 116: Black Dragon Wholesale

The mud dragon is still bloody, and Archie made trouble again and again, and the black dragon was furious—come on, I will not give up until I kill this slime today! So he called Archie and dived into the sea…

I have to say that the black dragon’s response is very correct. This move can not only avoid the shooting of the dragon gun, but also buy time for the recovery of vitality! After all, there are no vacuum cleaners around now, only Archie is left to compete with the black dragon for resources, and the “black prison recovery” has started to take effect again.

But the black dragon ignored one of the most terrible things… Archie’s multi-million shields! The dragon’s teeth are sharp, but it will not take a short time to gnaw through this layer of tortoise shell! So Archie, like an old bone that is difficult to chew, got stuck in a wonderful position – between his teeth…

“Thanks to the game, I actually experienced the feeling of being eaten…” Being crushed by teeth, chewed, and licked by tongue, anyway, it feels…it’s amazing!

But now that the stamina of the mana shield has dropped rapidly after being squeezed and deformed, it’s not the time to relax! Archie took out 13 Gatling cannons and aimed them at the black dragon’s throat! What do you mean you won’t die if you don’t work, what do you mean by blasting at close range, and what do you mean by a head harvesting machine!

“Go to hell! The second-hand dragon!” Archie laughed wildly with full firepower! Just now I was struggling with how to embezzle the loot, but now it’s all over, no one can control the bottom of the sea!

All kinds of 3000+ huge shooting damage burst out, and one round of shooting took away 40,000+ blood volume of the black dragon! Otherwise, the healing amount of 30,000+ per second has lasted for several seconds after the black prison recovery took effect, and this wave can be taken away directly! After all, Archie’s shooting could not reach an arrow per second, and the black dragon’s blood volume returned more and more!

“Stupid slime! Dare to confront the black dragon clan, your dying screams will resound through the sky! And your clansmen will enjoy the same treatment and become my rations! Just struggle, just attack, Enjoy the last moment of your life!” Black Dragon mocked and threatened, relying on his recovery power greater than output.

Chale, this dragon can talk? Also ask brother to attack? Satisfy you! Originally, I wanted to experience the thrill of shooting again… After all, it is hard to find such a cooperative target.

Gently, a frost rocket spewed out, without charging power, without purposely aiming, and then gently hit the throat…

‘Your Frostfire Spitfire Arrow hit the vitals, causing 72782 damage (36000 overdose). ’

Then there is DEBUFF damage… No, there is no more… The black dragon is already lying dead…

‘You successfully killed the black dragon Shakkara, gained 520,000 experience, and won the title—Dragon Slayer. ’

‘Dragon Slayer: A special title for warriors who successfully slay leader-level dragons in the field, passively increasing the reputation of all dragons’ hostile camps by one level. Physical attack +100, increased magic attack +100, maximum health +1000, maximum mana +500, all attributes +50.’

‘You have been promoted to level 21. ’


Surprises always come so suddenly, and I didn’t see any special rewards when I killed Dragon Mother, so why this time? Is it because of relying on the body to fight? Or was it because he left Novice Village?

Don’t worry about it, you can’t take back what you say, that’s what Ge Xiaona is. Then it took a lot of effort to open the gap between the teeth and climb out of the dragon’s mouth, and performed the much-anticipated part of touching the corpse… Wait, the teasing black dragon seems to have a last word to explain!

“The Black Dragon Clan will rise again…no one can stop it…and you…will bear my father’s wrath…”

‘You are cursed, the black dragon Jess, the father of the black dragon Shakkara, will continue to hunt and kill you for a week. ’


Does it make sense? When is the time for retribution, everyone sit down and chat, drink tea, by the way, you die, I live, isn’t it good! What’s more…you don’t even know where your father is! Continue to touch…

‘Wow! ’ The sound of a giant falling into the water.

There are always troublemakers who disturb Ge Yaxing, who?

The visibility in the sea was not ideal, and Archie couldn’t see clearly for a while, only a vague outline – another black dragon!

“Ca Le! Funny Bilong, does your father belong to Cao Cao? Just talk about it!”

On the other side, the black dragon adjusted his posture and opened his eyes, looking at this side with the emotionless eyes unique to cold-blooded animals.

‘You have joined the battle of the black dragon Horn. ’

Finished! use up! use up! It was dragged into the battle just because of one more glance in the sea. Sure enough, dragons can’t be deduced with common sense. kindness? Wait a minute… Hown? Isn’t his dad’s name Jess? and also! Why is the name of this black dragon green? teammate?

Before he had time to think about it, this Horn black dragon dog rushed out of the sea after kicking a few times, and the corpses around him began to be dragged up by the iron chain!

“The Duke is reeling in the line? It’s fishing… No! Brother’s spoils!” Archie rushed to collect the corpse.

‘You picked up Dragon Crystal Darkness (purple). ’

‘You picked up the skill book: Hell Recovery. ’

‘You have picked up the night shadow cloak (purple): strength +30, agility +100, endurance +50, additional skills – gliding, the night shadow cloak can be temporarily transformed into dragon wings, and glides on the wind. Added an additional effect – accompanied by shadows, the harder it is to detect as the visibility decreases. ’

‘…’ There are also a bunch of miscellaneous blue and green clothes, dragon teeth and dragon scales and other local specialties, which are not worth mentioning.

But the first three items are enough! The sky-defying cloak has exaggerated attributes, but unfortunately the black dragon is level 30, and the equipment also needs to be level 30, so it can only be used as a collectible for the time being. But there is no such restriction in the skill book, just learn it directly! Blood and blue double back! In the wonderful environment of Heilong Island, no one is afraid of chasing and killing anyone!

Just had time to learn the dragon corpse and Archie have been dragged out of the water.

“What’s the situation!” Who is brother? Where is brother? What do you need to do?

In just a few minutes underwater, the sky above has completely changed! Sleeping NPCs are lying everywhere on the beach, scorched ravines criss-cross, and huge fireballs fly in the sky chaotically, occasionally falling into the fleeing crowd and bringing another round of destruction!

“Village Chief Selem! Come down quickly, and be careful behind you!” Fortunately, Archie’s villagers have good IQs and retreated to the sea early. Even the instructor Wang, Eredar, and Charmander, who can’t swim, are also carried by the giant turtle lord , it was eredar who reminded Archie.

After regaining his senses, Archie turned around and looked… The original giant battleship was broken in the middle. Although the wooden structure made the sinking speed slow, it was always sinking, and the bow kept tilting. And in the air above the ship, there is a huge black dragon that is half the size of the dragon mother, and its front paws are hooked on the iron chain, looking at Archie in a daze…or the dragon corpse under Archie’s feet…

‘Black Dragon Jess locked on you. ’

There is no way to escape, and the “omniscient eye” clearly saw the heaven-defying attributes of this dragon father…it makes people desperate…

Black Dragon Jess

Level: 40.

Health value: 1.2 million. Mana: 20,000.

Attribute unknown.

Skills: Overlord of the Air, Man of Steel, Immortal Bloodline, Rapid Flight, Sixth Sense Tracking, Thermal Eye…

Unhealed serious injury: There is an unknown weak point in defense.

Well, the all-seeing eye sees that high-end products can’t play a big role. Once again, only passive skills are detected, and there are a few more hunting stunts than the black dragon Shakkara, which completely prevents Archie from escaping. .

“But… who said brother is going to run away?” Looking at his attributes, Archie was full of confidence.

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