This Slime is Poisonous Chapter 107: First Arrive at Black Dragon Island

With the fall of the second shot, the long-range error of another pirate ship was devastated, and the fallen Archie also began to be besieged!

‘You are fatally slashed, damage 18 (absorption 10)’

‘You are attacked by whirlwind, damage 30 (absorb 10)’


A series of high damage rolls, Archie can only lean his back against the railing facing the sea, and bear it silently.

“3… 2… 1… Let’s go!” Flash cools down, change ship!

Then continue to dodge in the cabin, eat and drink to restore mana and blood, accumulate strength and hold back the big move, and after being cornered, he flashed out of the ship again!

The long-range troop on the third pirate ship was waiting in formation, charging up their bows, arrows and magic, just waiting for Archie to appear… However, until the chasing troop returned to the splint, there was no hideous slime!

Escaped? how is this possible! To deal with elite NPC troops, don’t expect the same move to be invincible all over the world, so this time Archie teleports into the sea!

“This angle should be fine…” The moment it surfaced, a fully charged frost rocket was shot directly above the third pirate ship! Huge frost rockets… no! It’s the Frost Cannon! I saw magic drawing a perfect arc and falling into the long-range troops!

“The new effect is not bad!” That’s right, it is the ‘throwing’ of the level 7 Frostfire Arrow! While the range increased, Archie also developed a parabolic strike! As for how to calculate the parabola… 7 points are based on eyesight, 3 points are based on experience, and the remaining 90 points are based on luck…

The pirates who had been bloodbathed three times but kept being played around all the time were furious, and the rest of the firepower stepped onto the railing and shot into the sea one after another! But no longer dare to form a group, and can’t form a dense attack.

“Huh… showtime!…” Since it can’t be lost in seconds, Archie, who has a 9-second cooldown flash, super defensive power and shameless recovery ability, has become a perfect shit-stirring stick. The attack of a BOSS-level captain is enough.

“Here! On the watchtower! Attack! Attack!” Then all the guns and arrows blasted the watchtower into scum…

“There! On the watchtower over there!” Boomed into pieces…

“On stage!!!” Scum…


“Unexpectedly, the furious pirates cooperated so well…” Archie’s purpose is not to occupy favorable terrain at all! Instead, they use their strength to sabotage! The watchtower is gone, making it easier for large troops to encircle! And just now, I have vaguely seen fleets coming from all directions!

Very good! Come fast enough! Didn’t completely use brother’s troops as cannon fodder! That being the case, it’s time for the next step…

Withdrawing his main ship, Archie shouted in a low tone: “Trash! Please pay attention! You are surrounded, you are surrounded, put down your weapons and surrender quickly! Be honest and be lenient, resist …”

The reply to Archie was the thunderous shouts and overwhelming magic moves. The pirates twisted their faces and climbed the ropes and springboards to surround them, full of hatred~~

Continue to hide in the inner compartment, wait for 10 seconds, the flashing technique will be activated again, and it will appear directly in the pirate ship! The next step is naturally…to touch the corpse…

After killing so many elite monsters, there is no reason to leave the spoils alone! When the Duke’s fleet arrives, there will be no cannon fodder for Archie!

The next thing is very natural, the pirates desperately besieged and chased, and Archie moved coquettishly

Pick, pick, pick… After filling the whole package of blue and green clothes, the Duke, Frant and the others finally succeeded in encircling them, and ended up capturing the remaining pirates.


“Selem, I’m sorry…” Reginald Windsor looked ashamed when he found the only survivor, Selem.

“Stop talking… I need treatment…” Archie deliberately kept himself in a state of residual blood, hiding in a corner, “Your Excellency, there is no need to be sorry, there are no undead slimes in war… let alone my clansman Not all sacrificed, most were ordered to jump into the sea to escape, our slime family does not need to breathe, so it is not necessarily impossible to survive!”

“Hey, it’s so good…”


After a few words of comfort, the Duke went out to continue presiding over the overall situation. Count supplies, inspect hull damage, interrogate captives, study charts…

Half an hour later, all leaders were finally called for a meeting again.

“Everyone! The coordinates of the black dragon’s lair have been confirmed!” After speaking, he marked a corner of the map, right in the middle of the two continents, the Empire and the Exiles.

Frante nodded again and again: “It’s far away from the waterway, no wonder it hasn’t been discovered… What’s the situation on the island?”

“It’s very suitable for battleships!” The Duke said happily, “The island is crescent-shaped, with a natural inner harbor, enough for dozens of warships to form formations! And the black dragon’s lair is close to the inner harbor, within the range of bombardment!”

“Black dragon status?” Frante also became excited.

“The serious injury has not healed!”

“The position of the Queen?”

“Near the black dragon’s lair, it does not affect the battle! Battle?”


Then the two of you agreed on the details of the operation, and decided to make good use of the three pirate ships that had just been captured. Frante led the elite dark elves to disguise themselves as the original pirates and launch a surprise attack!

“Master! No!” Poor Lin Mengzhu, as a middleman between the two parties and a player, is naturally qualified to attend the meeting. She was keenly aware of the danger and stopped it.

“Adults discuss Children don’t interrupt!” Frante sternly reprimanded him like never before.

The hope of saving the queen is in sight, Frante doesn’t care whether he is sold as cannon fodder, and agrees wholeheartedly.

Hey, this is the so-called cold lips and teeth. Without the slime clan at the bottom, it is natural to need someone to step up, and Frante did indeed make the step up… Gone forever…

The situation on Heilong Island was completely beyond everyone’s expectations. The closer it was, the darker the sky became. In the end, the visibility dropped to 50 yards, and the surroundings were surrounded by turbid air that seemed to be fog but not fog. The huge fleet can only light torches and advance in a long snake formation to avoid hitting the rocks in large areas.

Fortunately, with the guidance of the captives, the unlucky event of hitting the rocks was finally avoided, and at the same time, I got a piece of bad news… Heilong Island has never experienced such weather, and it has always been sunny and sunny…

If something goes wrong, there must be a demon! The Duke made a decisive decision and sent Frante to lead a ship into the inner harbor to investigate… But after this investigation, no news came back, and it has been a full hour!

“Your Excellency! Please allow us to go and check! I’m afraid something has happened to the master!” Poor Lin Mengzhu and Baili broke the contract and pleaded anxiously.

“The relationship between you master and apprentice is really good, which is enviable… But the situation is unknown, we can’t sacrifice the battleship in vain, let’s wait…” The Duke shook his head and refused.

“Can you lend us an empty slime boat?”

After the battle to encircle and suppress pirates, two ships were used to hold prisoners, and one of them happened to be vacant. But isn’t this last one exactly my brother’s car?

“Yes! Selam, please take care of the next two adventurers!”

“No problem!”

Archie agreed with a smile on his face, MMP in his heart. Do you have the right to refuse? The great plan to reap the benefits of the fisherman fell through in an instant!

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