This Lord is Too Cruel: 226 Give her a reason to care (two more), the fastest update to the latest chapters!

Feng Aotian walked forward slowly, the officials on both sides bowed down.

Rituals and music began, and loud joy echoed in the towering palace. Feng Aotian looked straight ahead and waited to go outside the Jinluan Temple. He sat on the dragon chair lightly, raised his eyes, and looked at Ye Meixi’s dress The Jifu is exactly the same as him, except that his face is deliberately covered with golden steps, his hands are naturally hanging down, and under the eyes of Baiguan, he walks forward step by step, and those beautiful eyes move past the shaking steps. , Looking at Feng Aotian sitting on the dragon chair, at this moment, his heart is beating wildly. This is the scene he thinks about day and night, but when it is true, he feels unreal. .

Feng Aotian was sitting in danger, waiting for him to climb up the steps and approach her step by step, there was a gentle smile at the corner of her mouth. This soft light made him feel warmer than the sun The scorching sun is still warm.

When Feng Aotian waited for him to walk in front of him, she slowly got up, held his hand in the palm, and lowered her head, only to see that the dress embroidered on the dress turned out to be a phoenix. She lowered her eyes and looked at her own sleeve. The embroidered on is Panlong Yunhai, and a smile was raised at the corner of her mouth. Ye Meixi has changed a lot for the real wedding ceremony. Now, she does not need to go to the ancestral temple to worship the ancestors, let alone go to the heaven. However, the necessary pomp is still needed. After all, his status is now the regent of Wuyue Kingdom. To put it bluntly, he is still the king of a country. Although he has returned to Fengqi Kingdom, he will be taken back one day. The king of a country.

Feng Aotian took him by the hand, and the two were greeted into the Kunxi Hall, worshiping heaven and earth, performing the wedding ceremony, and then went to the Jinluan Hall again to receive greetings from the hundred officials.

Above the high eaves of a certain part of the palace, Xia Luoyan is also in a gorgeous dress, standing sadly, looking at Ye Meixi not far away, although she is wearing a golden step, the gentleness of her head is bowed, I don’t know She doesn’t understand how many people’s eyes are to be confused, why he would rather be dignified and surrender himself to a man instead of looking at the people next to him?

She clenched her fists into fists, and looked at the two of them and smiled at each other, as if in their eyes there was only one another, there was no one, she bit her lip tightly, wishing to go and tear that suit immediately She shattered, she shook her body, holding back the tears, and decisively left.

Of course Feng Aotian saw her, but today is the day when she and Ye Meixi are overjoyed. She doesn’t want to kill her, and Ye Meixi does the same.

The two raised their eyes and glanced at each other. It was already clear. Although the red tape was reduced by more than half, they were still busy all day. The night was late, and it was a good day. At this time, Ye Meixi and Feng Ao Tian Duo sat in Kunxi, and the two had taken off the Ji suit and replaced them with normal suits.

The dragon and phoenix candle is very bright, and the palace lantern on the side is full of joy, Ye Meixi raised her eyes and looked at Feng Aotian with a slight smile on her mouth.

Chu Xia and Xiang Han had quietly retreated with a group of court ladies. Only Feng Aotian and Ye Meixi were left in the hall.

Ye Meixi raised his hand, lifted the flask, poured a glass of wine, and handed it to Feng Aotian, Feng Aotian raised his hand, took a sip, and then handed it to Ye Meixi, who took the glass with both hands. Drink it all.

Immediately, Feng Aotian raised his hand, picked up the flask, filled the wine, and handed it to Ye Meixi, who also took a sip, and then handed it back to her. Feng Aotian took the wine glass. He raised his head and drank it, this is the Heyu in the palace.

Feng Aotian slowly got up, walked in front of him, and shook the golden step away, facing his beautiful eyes, that charming face, always smiling, delicate lips slightly raised, and head up , Watching her.

Feng Aotian looked at him carefully, curled his lips and smiled evilly, “Really a stunning beauty.”

Ye Meixi said in a low voice, “Compared to my lord, Meixi is not worth mentioning.”

Feng Aotian raised his eyebrows, wondering if he knew his true identity when he finally rounded up the room, would he look forward to it like this.

She raised her hand and held his hand. He slowly got up, as she walked to the dragon and phoenix couch, she turned around and looked at him, “Serve the Lord and undress.”

“Okay.” Ye Meixi raised her hand, drew her fingertips across her waist, untied the strap, and slowly fell off. When he saw the tied corset in front of him, his eyebrows were still With tens of thousands of amorous feelings, he untied his belt calmly.

Feng Aotian was startled at his reaction like this, and then asked, “Did you know this early?”

“Yeah.” Ye Meixi nodded, then untied the strap, raised her eyes, and met her with a smile, “In the future, you can be looser, you don’t have to always tie it.”

Feng Aotian raised his hand, thinking that she was always paying attention, when did he find out?

Ye Meixi stepped forward, took such unobstructed her into her arms, and gently hugged her, “As early as when the master’s body changed, Meixi knew about it. Don’t forget, Mei Xi has been learning fascination since he was a child. How can he be unfamiliar with Meixi, and how can he not know the mystery of this?”

Feng Aotian looked at him, afraid that in this world, he is the only one who can have this transparent mind, “Then since you know the identity of the master, are you willing to do so?”

Ye Meixi’s wide sleeves wrapped her exquisite body in his arms, and absorbed the fragrance of her hair. At this moment, he felt that he truly owned her.

He whispered, “No matter what the master looks like, in Meixi’s heart, you are always in love. For the sake of the Lord, Meixi is willing to do anything, even if he is always pressed by the master.”

Feng Aotian clicked the corner of his mouth, raised his hands, and put his arms around his waist, “Really good.”

Ye Meixi pressed her cheek to her neck and said softly, “Do you like it?”

“Like.” Feng Aotian nodded. What he gave himself was respect, even if he broke the idea of ​​male superiority and inferiority, as long as he could be by her side, even if he succumbed to her, he would be fine.

Ye Meixi moved her hands to her waist, “What are you waiting for?”

Feng Aotian slid over his waist, untied the thin belt around his waist, and followed his waist to spread out, exposing his charming skin. He bowed his head and intertwined with her lips and teeth. At this moment, he To give her all of her own is just to make her look back and smile.

Feng Aotian wandered his tender back with both hands, and the two fell on the couch, leaning against the phoenix, and there was endless tenderness and sweetness in the red tent…

How many fresh breeze is, this night, I don’t know how many people cannot sleep peacefully.

Feng Ao genius woke up faintly after drying three poles the next day, and saw Ye Meixi playing with her blue silk, her eyes were like silk, her smile was so enchanting and charming.

Feng Aotian lowered her head and looked at the red marks on her body that were bitten by her, as well as the imprint left by her emotions. She lowered her head and looked at herself as well. One can imagine how much last night was. Of…

Feng Aotian slowly got up, and felt sore all over her body. Maybe she would reach the extreme when she reached the depths of love. She raised her eyes and looked at Ye Meixi, “Master is hungry.”

Ye Meixi lay on her weakly and bonelessly, “It seems that Meixi didn’t work hard enough to feed her.”

Feng Aotian’s mouth twitched, and he said solemnly, “Master is hungry alone.”

“That…” Ye Meixi’s beautiful eyes flowed, and then lay down, “Master, please eat.”

Feng Aotian raised his foot and wanted to kick him. In a flash, facing Ye Meixi’s misty eyes, he whispered, “I’m willing?”

“I’m willing.” Feng Aotian raised his hand, knocked on his forehead, and then got up.

Ye Meixi also put it away as soon as he saw it, got up quickly, put on her regular clothes, picked her up from the couch, walked slowly to the screen, where the fragrant soup was already prepared, and he gently put her down In the bath tub, she picked up water, and the drops of water glided across her round shoulders, dripping onto the petals in the bath, rendering blooming charming flowers.

Ye Meixi smiled at the corner of her mouth, pinching her shoulders, Feng Aotian closed her eyes slightly, and her face was full of smiles.

After bathing, Ye Meixi took Feng Aotian out of the bath, and then put on her regular clothes, personally waited for her to wash and change clothes, raised her eyes, and watched her ruddy complexion, passing between her eyebrows. With a hint of charming, his heart throbbed when thinking of last night.

Feng Aotian raised his eyes to look at Ye Meixi, and said with a small smile, “I’m not going to change clothes yet.”

Ye Meixi turned around and put on it. Now he is expensive as the regent. He still wears the dark red brocade robe. Although it is a dragon robe, it is still different from the real dragon robe.

Feng Aotian took his hand and walked forward, looking sideways, looking at the bite marks on his neck, but he didn’t have a slight blockage, and sat at the table with her without anyone else.

He served the soup himself and handed it to her, “Master, drink more, this is a great soup.”

Feng Aotian lowered her head and looked at the soup in the bowl, Chinese wolfberry and red dates, which is obviously a soup for nourishing qi and blood. She raised her eyes and looked at him, “Don’t think you are so careful and don’t know what you are.”

Ye Meixi’s eyes were shining brightly, and she looked at her shyly, and then quickly picked up the dishes and put them in her bowl, “Master, eat more.”

Feng Aotian smiled and put the vegetables in his bowl, “You also eat more.”

Ye Meixi nodded in response, and the two smiled at each other, like a newlywed, very warm and harmonious.

Meteor slipped in, regardless of Ye Meixi’s objection, sitting carelessly beside Feng Aotian, looking up at the meal in front of him, and muttered, “The Holy Lord is now completely destroying the meteor. Forgot.”

Feng Aotian looked at him sideways, “Bring a pair of dishes.”

“Yes.” Early Summer replied, and then took a pair of bowls and chopsticks and placed them in front of the meteor.

Meteor raised his eyes, looked at Ye Meixi with a smile, then lowered his head and started eating breakfast.

Ye Meixi didn’t care. Now, there was no one in his eyes except Feng Aotian.

In the Feng Clan, Mu Hanjin was awake for a while last night. He raised his eyes, and when he saw the man in the snow-white brocade robe in front of him, he just asked slowly, “Are you without wind?”

Sitting in front of him without wind, looking at him, although he was extremely poisoned, he still relied on his perseverance to hold on to the present, it was not easy, even if his face was dark, he could not hide his elegant aura.

“Exactly.” Wufeng nodded and looked at him, “Today is her wedding day.”

“Yeah.” Mu Hanjin nodded, then slowly closed her eyes.

Wufeng smiled indifferently, got up, left the medicine room, raised his eyes, looked at Yuelang Xingshu, a cold wind blew by, he felt very cold.

Xing Wuyun looked at Wei Zimo, thinking that now she and Ye Meixi must be Qin Se He Ming, but he can only wait here silly, and can’t help feeling that he is really ridiculous.

Wei Zimo raised his eyes to see the sneer in his eyes, “She will come back after all.”

“The beauty is on the side, Ye Meixi is the happiest.” Xing Wuyun couldn’t help saying.

Since Wei Zimo walked out of the bead curtain, “Go back to the palace, a few drinks with you?”

“That’s what I meant.” Xing Wuyun smiled and nodded, then got up, Wei Zimo had already flew away, he curled his lips and left with him.

In the imperial palace, Lan Jing had just finished reviewing the memorandum. After leaving the emperor’s bedroom, he saw a bright red figure flashing past, and then saw Xing Wuyun’s figure, he couldn’t help being envious.

He remembered what Feng Aotian said, and remembered that tonight is Feng Aotian’s wedding day, so he turned around and walked from the Floating Dream Palace.

Xing Wuyun stepped forward and entered the palace, and saw that Wei Zimo had ordered people to prepare the food and drink, but he was a table for one person.

Xing Wuyun looked sideways and looked at him, “I think in this world, only Feng Aotian can eat and live with you.”

Wei Zimo nodded, “This is the only one.”

Xing Wuyun snorted coldly, took a dull sip of wine, raised his eyes, and looked at him, “She is married today, you and I should always say something.”

Wei Zimo raised his wine glass, “Why didn’t I see you when I was married?”

“Naturally.” Xing Wuyun looked at Wei Zimo and said with a smile, “The emperor’s marriage is only once in this life. The first time how many people envy it, but you have it.”

Wei Zimo sneered, “She is not married yet.”

“That’s different.” Xing Wuyun said quietly, “At least, it hasn’t been the first time for Wa.”

Wei Zimo looked at Xing Wuyun’s peachy eyes blurred, and seemed to have an unresolved melancholy. He whispered, “Since ancient times, passion has always been ruthlessly annoyed. If you look like this now, if she saw it, you would have a joke You.”

“What’s the joke?” Xing Wuyun raised his glass and took a sip, “Even if I die by the joke, I am still me.”

The sound of footsteps came from outside the hall, listening to the wind and listening to the rain hurriedly saluted, “Lady Lan Fuan.”

Lan Jingshu stood outside the hall, looked at the two in the hall, smiled and said, “When you see the light on Hou Ye, come and take a look.”

Wei Zimo raised his eyes and looked at Lan Jingshu, but said coldly, “Since it’s here, let’s drink a few glasses together.”

“Okay.” Lan Jingshu responded warmly, and immediately sat beside Xing Wuyun.

Xing Wuyun looked at Lan Jing’s book, curled his lips and smiled, “You came just right, today is the day of great rejoicing, so you should drink a few more glasses.”

Lan Jingshu raised the wine glass, looked at Wei Zimo, then looked at Xing Wuyun, raised his head and drank.

Wei Zimo still looks deserted, sitting alone arrogantly, lifting the hem of the veil, and drinking.

Leng Peihan and Fu Zhuo accompany Leng Qianye. Everyone knows that today is Feng Aotian and Ye Meixi’s day of rejoicing. She looked at Leng Qianye for a whole day. After saying a few words, she couldn’t help but feel a little worried.

Fu Zhuo shook her hand, shook her head, and motioned to her that she didn’t need to say more, and let him be quiet for a while.

Leng Peihan stopped saying anything, and left the camp with Fu Zhuo.

“I will send you home tomorrow.” Fu Zhuo said in a low voice while looking at Leng Peihan.

“Okay.” Leng Peihan nodded, “Although the aftermath is appropriate, but after all, I am worried, I still have to go and see.”

“Yeah.” Fu Zhuo nodded, “You and Li Yuan can’t get close to you as usual.”

Leng Peihan was startled and looked up at him, “How am I getting close to him?”

“Only smile at me.” Fu Zhuo said domineeringly.

Leng Peihan smiled heartily, then leaned in his arms, “I see.”

Fu Zhuoqian smiled and hugged her, and the two raised their eyes, looking at the moonlight, thinking about whether they could look at such a beautiful night together in the future.

Leng Qianye stood with his hand in his hand, standing at the camp, looking in the direction of Wu Yueguo.

Mu Hanyao just looked at the topographical map and walked out of the camp slowly. Tonight, the sky is excellent, and the sky is full of stars. It is indeed a good day.

Thinking that in a few days, she will come, and feel relieved.

Le Qiguo didn’t take any action regarding the battle between Nanhuiguo and Fengqiguo, and seemed to have given up Nanhuiguo.

Caiguo, Gu Yefeng lay down by the window, raised his eyes and looked at the distant sky, with a deep smile. He invited the wine to the moon and whispered in his heart, “The emperor, the minister congratulates you and Ye Meixi for a hundred years. Together.”

Xin’er stood on one side, looking at Gu Yefeng’s expression, thinking that it’s really time to change a person, how temperament Gu Yefeng was in the past, dare to speak up, never put anyone in his eyes. Today, he has become very careful, playing tricks, hiding his mind, and realizing that the environment brings up people. Today’s Gu Yefeng has faded away from the past simple and honest, a little more deep.

Xuan Moguo, Xuanyuan Yu was lying in the house where he used to live with Feng Aotian. He raised his eyes, the willow head on the moon, and his handsome face was plated with magnificent majesty, he played with the The branch, with a smile at the corner of her mouth, when you really put a person in your heart, no matter how you want to forget, and she is like the branch in your hand, already buried in your heart, rooting and sprouting, unable to eradicate , I can only watch her deeply pierced in my heart, every time I think of it, it hurts more and more afterwards.

Xuanyuan Yu didn’t know what was wrong with him, Ming didn’t know what to do, didn’t he say yes and let it go? They are destined not to be together, so why bother? But…

He clutched his heart, and in his mind she was accompanied by Chao Chao and Mu, but it was painful. It seemed that he was really devilish.

“His Royal Highness, the wind is strong at night, you should go back to the house and rest.” Uncle Fu said kindly.

“It’s okay.” Xuanyuan Yu just said lightly, then continued to stare at the starry sky in a daze.

Feng Aotian and Ye Meixi have been lingering for five days, and Ye Ye’s ears are rubbing against each other, and Ye Meixi has become more and more clingy.

Counting the days, today is the tenth day when Mu Hanjin took the poison. For nine days, he should have survived. Then, as long as the nine poisons are inhaled into the individual, he can escape Fifth death.

The figure of the soul fell, and Ye Meixi was snuggling in Feng Aotian’s arms, moving restlessly.

Feng Aotian raised his eyes and looked at the soul, “Can you survive it?”

“Back to the master, Concubine Mu has survived.” The soul replied from the side.

“Okay.” Feng Aotian nodded and replied, “Leng Peihan has returned to Yongcheng now?”

“Exactly, I went back as early as four days ago, and Fu Zhuo accompanied her to go with her, and then returned alone.” The soul immediately responded.

“Han Yao and Leng Qianye are hiding things from their masters, so naturally they don’t want them to worry, so let them handle everything.” Feng Aotian’s eyes sank, and then said.

“Yes.” The soul replied, and then stepped out.

Ye Meixi nestled in Feng Aotian’s arms, and said softly, “Master, are you leaving?”

Feng Aotian nodded and said, “Well, I am going to Yuluo Kingdom.”

“That Meixi will accompany him.” Ye Meixi raised her eyes and looked at her.

Feng Aotian smiled lightly, raised his chin, lowered his head and kissed his delicate lips, “You stay here, and Gong Yimin’s mind is unfathomable, but I don’t want you to follow. Lord is affected.”

“Will he be right?” Ye Meixi asked quickly.

Feng Aotian smiled lightly, “Master will have a way.”

“If this is the case, then Meixi is waiting for the Lord.” Ye Meixi’s eyes flashed with loss and sadness.

Feng Aotian hugged him and said softly, “Okay, wait for the Lord obediently.”

In the Feng Clan, Wu Feng Duan sat opposite Mu Hanjin. With a movement of his wrist, he pulled out the silver needle stuck to him, then put it on one side, raised his eyes, and looked at him, “This half a month is also At the most critical moment, if you can absorb these nine poisons in half a month, you will have survived.”

Mu Hanjin opened her eyes slightly, looked towards the wind, and said warmly, “Thank you.”

“I am only entrusted by others, so I don’t need to thank you.” Wufengjin stood up, and then left calmly.

Mu Hanjin looked at the figure who hadn’t left, with a small smile at the corner of his mouth. He slowly condensed his breath, then guarded his dantian and exercised on his own.

Leaving the medicine room slowly without wind, bowed his head and looked at the palm of his hand because he was healed Mu Hanjin’s injuries in the past few days, and he was also poisoned. Although he can force it out, he will definitely lose his internal strength. , Would definitely not be able to help Mu Hanjin, because Feng Aotian entrusted him, he didn’t want to disappoint her.

He clutched his chest, walked forward slowly, until he reached the house, he took the poison avoidance pill, and then he took another poison pill, and then he sat cross-legged on the bed for the next half month It depends on his own perseverance. He is afraid of powerlessness. He puts his hands on his knees and slowly closes his eyes, trying to force the toxins out of his body.

After an hour, he felt choked and spit out black blood, and he fainted weakly on the bed.

Meteor was sitting idly on the soft couch playing with tea cups, and suddenly felt that his breath was wrong. He closed his eyes quickly, folded his hands and put them on his chest, then raised his eyes and looked at Feng Aotian on the side, “Holy Lord, no wind is dangerous.”

“What happened?” Feng Aotian then sat up from the soft couch and looked at him.

Meteor then sat cross-legged and drew a white light on his chest. Then he saw the picture of Feng Clan, the windless being in luck, and then fainting.

Feng Aotian’s eyes sank, “Is he poisoned?”

“It should have been poisoned when Mu Hanjin was resisting the poisonous gas. However, I was worried that he was forced to poison and consumed internal strength, so it was delayed again and again. Now…” Meteor looked at the wind, Can not help but sigh.

Feng Aotian’s eyes sank and looked at the meteor, “How can you sense him?”

“Meteor detected the same breath as the Holy Lord from him.” Meteor said immediately.

Feng Aotian’s eyes sank, then he got up from the soft couch, “How long can he last?”

“He is proficient in medicine and should be able to find a way to detoxify.” Meteor continued.

Feng Aotian’s eyes sank, “What else can I find like this? Looking at him like this, he really thinks he is really invincible.”

Although it was an angry word, Ye Meixi could hear the distress. He looked at the man in the snow-white brocade robe lying on the bed in the white light. He looked very beautiful, but the indifferent breath around him was No one can compare.

He looked at Feng Aotian, “Master, is he yours?”

Feng Aotian looked at Ye Meixi, “No cloud junior, no wind.”

“It turned out to be him.” Ye Meixi said clearly, looking at Feng Aotian, “Do you want to return home first, or…”

Feng Aotian’s eyes dimmed, “Even if the Lord hurries back now, it will be tomorrow night. Can he survive?”

“The meteor let Xing Wuyun take a look?” Meteor asked tentatively.

“His body hasn’t fully recovered yet, and he must be using alcohol to dissipate his sorrows in the past few days. I am afraid that it will be a waste of help at that time.” Feng Aotian said irritably.

Meteor curled his mouth, “If you let the meteor keep, then it will be fine.”

Feng Aotian looked at him, “Master left immediately, and you and the dog rushed to Hanyao immediately.”

The dog nodded and replied, “Yes, the Holy Lord.”

He immediately put away the white light, then looked at the dog, “Let’s go, old man.”

The dog raised his head and glared at Meteor. Who is your old man?

Meteor didn’t care, and left with the dog.

“Are you deliberately worrying Wang Zun, so that you can watch the windless?” The dog looked at the meteor and said.

“That’s natural, people’s hands are short. Since I drank the wine he brewed, I naturally want to help.” Meteor laughed, and then it was convenient for the dog to rush back to the country.

The dog snorted coldly, “Cunning.”

“You think you don’t know my careful thoughts, but you are just giving yourself a reason to care about him.” Meteor also snorted with a cold snort, and said triumphantly.

Feng Aotian raised his eyes, looked at Ye Meixi, and saw an unpleasant color on his face, she shook his hand, “Jealous?”

“If you are jealous, I’m afraid you will be jealous.” Ye Meixi twisted her body and said in a low voice. At first, a cat father-in-law was enough to make him jealous. Later, one by one by her, everyone It is not to be underestimated, he is now a bit more relaxed, but looking at the windlessness, he feels that he is not a master who can easily balance his eyes, and the cunningness hidden between his brows is more powerful than him.

Feng Aotian took him into his arms and shook him gently, “It’s really getting better and better.”

Ye Meixi turned sideways and looked down at her, “How can Meixi like this kind of enemy.”

Feng Aotian chuckled as he listened to him. With him in the past few days, my mood has improved. Ye Meixi always has the ability to make her feel happy, she Raising his head, kissing his lips, gently sucking in, “Master likes your lovely appearance.”

Ye Meixi twisted her waist, rubbed her soft body, and whispered, “When will the Lord come again?”

Feng Aotian feels that Ye Meixi’s appearance is like a girl who was once a spring breeze with her, waiting for her benefactor’s next visit. When she thought about it, she felt amused even more. She pinched his stiff nose and smiled. Said, “Master will come often.”

Ye Meixi could hear the meaning of Feng Aotian’s words. He was not stupid, his beautiful eyes were flowing, then he took out the silk kerchief, wiped the smile between her eyebrows, and said softly, “Na Meixi waits for the Lord ..”

Feng Aotian laughed, and then changed into a silver-gray brocade robe, and left Wuyue Nation with Ye Meixi’s reluctance.

Ye Meixi watched her leaving, feeling more and more empty and lonely. He sighed faintly, like a woman in a boudoir, revealing infinite sadness.

Chu Xia Yu Xiang Han looked at such Ye Meixi, and couldn’t help shaking his head. Chu Xia stepped forward and said, “Actually, if the pavilion is in peace, you can still go there.”

Ye Mei Xi Shi just still has a charming and charming appearance. Now, she has changed into a listless, haggard appearance, lying weakly on the soft couch, feeling her residual breath, faintly. , “But, now I have to stay.”

Chu Xia and Xiang Han glanced at each other, both looked at each other and remained silent.

Ye Meixi rolled back and forth on the soft couch, staring dumbly at the top of the sky, without any thoughts, as if Feng Aotian had already taken his heart away by leaving.

Wake up quietly without the wind, and then I feel a little more relaxed in my chest, and then he sits cross-legged again, adjusting his breath by himself to force his poison.

The sky darkened the next day, Feng Aotian hurried back to the capital, and went to the Wind Clan. When he walked into the windless house, he saw that his complexion improved a lot, but the poison gas had not yet been forced out.

She stepped forward, standing in front of him, Wufeng seemed to feel something, she slowly retracted her internal strength, raised her eyes, and met Feng Aotian’s phoenix eyes.

“Why are you here?” Wufeng was obviously surprised.

Feng Aotian stepped forward and placed his hand in front of him, her palms were covered with two black mists, her eyes sank, and she said coldly, “You really want to die?”

Wu Feng wanted to close his palms, but was pinched tightly by Feng Aotian, but he didn’t feel pain, but felt warm.

He raised his eyes and looked at her, “It’s not in the way.”

“Huh?” Feng Aotian snorted coldly, and then sat beside him, lowered his head, put his palm in front of him, lowered his head, and sucked blood.

Wufeng looked at her and whispered, “The poison is too deep and it is useless to inhale it.”

“Then you still say it won’t get in the way?” Feng Aotian said coldly.

“Worrying you so much, what’s a bit of poison?” Wufeng smiled indifferently, and slowly put his hands away, took out Jinpa from his arms and wiped the blood on the corners of his mouth.

Feng Aotian took the Jinpa from his hand, wiped it by himself, and said coldly, “That can force the poison out?”

“Aren’t you in Wuyue Country?” Wufeng looked at her, “These few days are the days of strong affection, how can he be willing to let you back?”

Feng Aotian thought about this time, he was still thinking about this thing, she narrowed her phoenix eyes, and then lifted his hand again, her palms were on his palms, and when she used her inner strength, she saw the palms. There was white smoke everywhere, and he looked at her unsuccessfully, the warm sun overflowing.

Feng Aotian stared at him coldly, then clasped her palms, and saw that the blackness of her palm was much lighter, and she pressed his palm to his other palm again and repeated.

After a long time, Feng Aotian took his palms away, and then took his pulse condition to see that the pulse condition was stable, and he was relieved.

No wind looked at her, “This is still lying down for a rest.”

Feng Aotian looked at him ill-tempered, and then got up, “Lord, go see Han Jin.”

“I’ll accompany you.” Wufeng quickly got off the bed, but felt dizzy for a moment. When he tilted his body, he fell onto the bed.

Feng Aotian hurriedly helped him, “Lie down for the father, and the father will come over later.”

Lying quietly without wind, slowly closing his eyes, but the corners of his mouth couldn’t hide a smile.

Feng Aotian turned around and left the house, went to the medicine room, and when he walked in front of Mu Hanjin, he looked at him softly and said, “Now it is the fifth death. If you survive, the Lord will reward you. .”

Mu Hanjin naturally heard Feng Aotian’s words, but now he can’t do too much. He can only hold his breath and fuse these nine poisons.

Feng Aotian slowly got up, turned and left the medicine room, went back to the house where there was no wind, and supported him, “Go back to the palace.”

“Then he?” Wufeng opened his eyes, looked at Feng Aotian and asked.

“In the past few days, you have taken care of it, and you can make it through. You can only rely on him.” Feng Aotian said as he looked at the windlessness, and then lifted him from the bed. Lost another one.”

Wufeng was slightly startled, listening to her words, a glimmer of light flashed through his indifferent eyes, but he leaned in her arms calmly, letting her cling to herself, and flew away from the wind clan.

Xing Wuyun and Wei Zimo just returned to the palace when they saw a cold wind blowing. Even if they recognized who they were, they flew close to her. In a flash, the four of them fell into the courtyard.

Feng Aotian helped Wufeng into the house, helped him to lie on the bed, and turned around and saw Wei Zimo standing in the courtyard, and Xing Wuyun could not wait to rush in.

“What are you doing?” Xing Wuyun wanted to ask her why she came back suddenly. When he saw no wind, he knew it, and the corner of his mouth twitched and said coolly, “It turned out not to see me.”

Feng Aotian stepped forward, raising his hand and tapping on his forehead, “These days, you will let the Lord watch him well.”

“The emperor, the ministers can’t take care of them.” Xing Wuyun pouted and said dissatisfiedly.

Feng Aotian raised his foot and kicked him.

Xing Wuyun gave her a kick abruptly, and then said, “The emperor really has a new love and forgot his old love. The minister is really pitiful.”

Feng Aotian took his hand up, and then stepped out of the house, “Okay, I know you are just playing tricks.”

Xing Wuyun snorted coldly, naturally tacitly acquiescing, he looked at her, “The emperor will leave soon?”

“Take a rest for one night and leave tomorrow.” Feng Aotian looked at Xing Wuyun, winking.

Xing Wuyun sighed faintly, “The emperor is really relieved.”

Feng Aotian raised his hand and pinched **** his waist, “Go.”

Xing Wuyun hummed and leaned in her arms, unwilling to leave.

Feng Aotian raised his hand, pushed him into the house, walked forward to Wei Zimo, tilted his head to look at him, “Can you miss him these few days?”

Wei Zimo turned around and walked out, Feng Aotian leaned weakly in his arms, “My master rushed back after two days of running around, which really drained his internal strength. Now he has no strength at all. “

Wei Zimo let her stick to herself, suddenly turned around, hugged her horizontally, tapped her toes, and left the courtyard.

------Off topic------

Dear friends, I will offer it on the second shift, before twelve o’clock in the third shift, hehe…

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